You're sitting in history class when you hear a raspy, lisp impeded voice say
'stalin was just as bad if not WORSE than hitler'
What do you do?
You're sitting in history class when you hear a raspy, lisp impeded voice say
'stalin was just as bad if not WORSE than hitler'
What do you do?
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Nothin,i agree,why say something?
I would say they were both evil, and there are a lot more in depth Napoleon books. Also War Thunder sucks dick and the Tiger Tank was one of the worse choices Germany made.
I tell him to get the fuck away from me holy shit have you heard of personal space.
Why do people dislike Napoleon the Great, jokes aside?
It's accurate and fun to read.
agree silently. I probably dislike them for other reasons, any intelligence they possess is overshadowed by their autism. WOOPS hes my random roommate and hes a slob go figure. Nice guy when you get to know him but HOLY SHIT is the tism strong.
Whoa, why bring Paradox into this? Something like Kancolle would be more accurate.
>It's accurate and fun to read.
It is, but it's an easy to read intro to Napoleon. There are many other books to advance onto
agree with him since he is objectively correct
Report him so he goes to Gulag like the filthy revisionist he is.
Agree with him.
You'll have a lot of people (just do some browsing around the paradox forums) who get REALLY into their roles. Usually, this is either Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union, depending on where they lean politically. Most modern wehraboos/tankies are born from paradox games.
Imperial Japan is another one I forgot of, the weebs fucking love them. It's a great combination of a cool ideology with little to no cultural background on why they were so shitty.
people who say shit like this are people in OP image though
Are you retarded? Reading that, I can tell you that you are socially awkward.
>mfw fellow leftists say this shit and alienate any potential liberals who might become radicalized by the superior ideology.
>Implying there is something wrong with killing millions of people for the good of the nation
Agree silently and not sound like an autistic opinionated faggot in front of everyone
>the good of the nation
Sounds spooky
Those cranial features are so descriptive, really makes you think.
No, but I've been dealing with a lot of shit from the situation. He's a nice guy and knowledgeable about history so sometimes having him as a roomie is great. He even got me a copy of HOI IV, no shit.
However, he's got a terrible reputation on campus and makes himself an easy person to dislike. My girlfriend and all of her roommates only shit talk him and use him as a nexus for their hatred and negative feelings because he doesn't handle women well, and I never hear the fucking end of it. He forgot to flush the toilet once and my girlfriend practically ran back to tell her apartment. Doesn't help that he ran an RPG set in Africa but replaced blacks with orcs and thought he was so fucking funny and clever while he told everyone. We go to one of the most lefty universities in the nation, it was almost school wide news.
I had an opportunity to switch but I would have had to go for an anarchist that people love who's kind of a smarmy scumbag.
He's OP's pic to the letter but more of a sovieboo. He has helped me gain more of an appreciation for the Ottomans.
>There are many other books to advance onto
Such as?
Beat him to a pulp for insisting there was anything bad about Hitler.
>My girlfriend and all of her roommates only shit talk him and use him as a nexus for their hatred and negative feelings because he doesn't handle women well
All women deserve to die.
>le supreme gentleman
But they certainly seem to be cruel and over concerned
He was.
Stalin and Hitler were about the same in terms of fucking shit up for everyone.
Le Supreme Gentleman was literally a sourgraping retard who hated men more than women, for the sole reason they were taking women away from him. Hence why most of his victims were indeed men.
He's a false prophet if anything, a cunt will have power over mankind as long as men keep competing for cunts.
>implying that's not true
Pretend like he didn't say anything and hope the professor does the same because I'm paying for the course and don't want to hear every autist's ill-informed opinion. Later I'd also type a passive-aggressive post about the archetypal faggot who interrupts class on an imageboard dedicated to anime & porn's history board.
this motherfucker looks oddly alluring
not even homo
I'd agree with him. But while we're on the topic, let's have a poll:
I wouldn't say anything in class unless I have something important and new to say
It's pointless to decide which one of the two were the worst, both are not to be praised. No point giving them a "bad guy ranking" and see which one is worse.
I'd agree with him however that the public school shows Hitler as the ultimate devil while Stalin is "a bad guy"
I cannot stand these "AKTSHUALLY..." types. Their knowledge is usually very shallow, based mainly off Paradox games (9 times out of 10, EU4) or YouTube videos like John Green or Extra Credit, and despite this they act like they're professors of history.
There's no need to interject with "ACTUALLY..." unless the teacher's mistake is significant to the topic being taught, most of the time these autists interject it's for trivial and irrelevant reasons.
> What do you do?
Whole heartly agree with such insightful point of view.
>There's no need to interject with "ACTUALLY..." unless the teacher's mistake is significant to the topic being taught, most of the time these autists interject it's for trivial and irrelevant reasons.
not to mention they do it all the fucking time and continually ruin the class just to stroke their own ego, as if anyone is thinking "wow, that guy is so smart!" and not "would this faggot shut the fuck up already?!" and also they are almost always wrong.
I had this actually guy in my speech class as well, and the guy was so retarded that the teacher made us read poems to get used to speaking in front of people, and he started answering rhetorical questions in the poem.
Soviets were objectively worse.
>Killed more people by far
>were communists
>subjected more people to decades of leftist authoritarian bullshit
>tried to push their commie shit across the world, resulting in more death and suffering by proxy
>they were fucking commies
>dragged the world into nuclear stand off and kept the entire world on the edge of nuclear anihilation for decades.
>Irreversibly ruined the economies of Eastern Europe.
>did I mention they were commies?
What more do I need to say really? It ought to be self-evident who was objectively worse.
>dragged the world into nuclear stand off and kept the entire world on the edge of nuclear anihilation for decades.
That was actually a good thing desu.
> ruined the economies of Eastern Europe
as if there was anything to ruin, lmao
You don't get it. Whiny tankies aside, moral standards are often ambiguous and subjective, so a statement like "X was worse than its peer Y" will inevitably result in semantics and people missing the central point of the discussion, the moral standards they are using to make the judgment.
Also it is obvious the motivation is they are a wehraboo.
Hitler I think was crazier than Stalin, arbitrarily killing people just for being Jews as opposed to killing people for political reasons. Also did he really kill more? Stalin did in 20 million tops while the war he started resulted saw 60 million go (~40 million excluding asia). Again, this boils down to moral standards and how directly responsible they have to be for killing someone.
>western education
>while the war he started resulted saw 60 million go (~40 million excluding asia)
I seriously doubt all of those were solely the fault of Hitler. Also, Stalin killed a shit ton of his own officers because he was paranoid about them betraying him, that's pretty crazy to me.
Also, do you think Hitler's killing of the Jews wasn't political? By creating an enemy the people will unite around your cause, he was doing that not only for personal gain but to gain support for his political career.
I'm not taking about semantics. I'm talking about the objective number of innocent people purposely murdered and the length and shittiness of the rule the Soviets had over Hitler. The soviets purposely butchered and starved far more of their own people than Hitler did. The Soviets also subjected people to decades of shit-tier lives due to their rule.
Stay upset, faggot, you know damn well everything I listed is factual.
>Being this tankie
well lets see
>killed around 100 people in his purge (knight of long knives)
>600,000-3Million people killed in his purge (The Great Purge)
point to Stalin for being more brutal with his political enemies
>killed 6 million jews in an industrialized genocide+5 Million others. Total of 11 Million
>killed 7 Million Ukrainians in a state enforced famine
point to Hitler for have a more brutal genocide
>invaded czechoslavakia, Poland, Lithuania, Italy, Russia, Denmark, and Norway
>invaded Poland with Hitler, Finland, and the baltic states
point to Hitler for being a bigger war monger
>invaded czechoslavakia after saying he wouldnt, invaded Poland after having a non aggression pact with them, same with Russia
>for the most part kept true to all his alliances
point to Hitler for being a bigger back stabber
>einsatzgrouppen death squads that killed ~1million jewish civilians, commando order, various massacres, Barbarossa decree, 3 million Russian POW died in camps, estimated 20 million soviet civilians killed,luftwaffe indiscriminately bombing cities( 25,000 dead in Poland, 400,000 dead in Britain during the blitz) siege of leningrad alone killes 1 million/
>NKVD death squads murder thousands of Poles, 380,000 German POW die highest estimates are 1 million, 22,000 German civilians dead in Battle of Berlin
point to Hitler for being a more bloodthirsty war lord
>Hitler perved out on his neice and was so obsessed over her it drove her to kill herself
>Stalin was such a cold harted bastard he let his son rot in a POW camp until he finally killed himself, and then Stalin threw his wife into prison
point to Stalin for being a bigger dick in his personal life
looks like the african-american version of Rami Malek
> length and shittiness of the rule
Hitler lost so he doesn't had opportunity to rule additional ~40 years to kill even more people...
>implying either of them were bad
Both were heroic spiritual aristocrats, only modern moralfag cucks would say otherwise
I'm basically the socially well adjusted version of this. I can't help it, ever since I was little I've sympathized more with the British in the Revolutionary War, Confederacy in the Civil War, and Germans in WW1/WW2. No idea why it's like this.
Really though a case can often be made
Well it makes sense to side with the Loyalists and British, but I don't get why you sympathize with the Confederates. Confederates were basically MUH STATES RIGHTS, MUH CONSITOOSHUN of the early patriots times 30.
>What do you do?
>say nothing and just smile
>go home
>post about it on Veeky Forums and hope that my comrades in arms agree with me so that we can talk shit about him for hating muh stalinist regime
>when I feel pumped from my Veeky Forums-circklejerk session I then hop on over to /pol/ to create a /leftypol/-thread and post cuckporn in it until l get banned and/or cum
>then get back to reading about Trotsky
I think I liked their underdog style, being so outmatched but winning the early part of the war on strategy and heart. I was heavily obsessed with the Civil War as an 8 year old, used to check out every book in the library. Stonewall Jackson was my hero.
The Union in contrast seemed boring and inept and dependent on sheer manpower and resource. McClellan was a cuck.
I agree completely. Once someone tells me they play video games I know everything else they say will be full of shit because they are manchildren.
>What do you do?
Post an infographic
How many world wars did the USSR start?
Soviets didn't kill nearly as many people as the Nazis.
Remember that Hitler is responsible for many, many more deaths than those 6 million Jews. About 26 million Soviet citizens were killed by the Germans or died in German custody. 6 million Poles, 1 million Yugoslavs, 800,000 Greeks, 600,000 Frenchmen, 450,000 Brits, 400,000 Americans, and 300,000 Czechoslovakians also died in the war.
So you acknowledge that if Hitler had been in power for decades longer, even more people would have been killed?
it's basically deciding between one group with an intense love of their own and an absolute hatred of others, and the other group with a love of everyone, but doesn't bat an eye when those people he loves die en masse because he's so overcome with his ideology everything is forgivable.
the first might be more malicious, but the second is plain scary.
>good intentions are worse than bad intentions
the one with good intentions is unstoppable, they are fully vindicated in their eyes and that means anything goes
That's only if the student is left leaning, and starter packs are only 4 images also warthujder is a good game
Agree and ask the ghost of gulags past to please go haunt someone else.
Loads of people think Paradox Interactive is an accurate representation of WWII especially.
Someone's buttblasted lel
Nazis were much more ideological than Stalin
He's obviously got brain problems, why the fuck are you being so hard on him? You even say he's a nice guy yet you shit talk him on here. Normies really are animals
Bullshit. Nazi were grounded in science and logic, while Joseph like every dirty commie was an naive idealistic wishful thinking person.
He really wasn't. Stalin's foreign policy was hardcore realpolitik, whereas Hitler though he could take all of Europe because muh supremacy
>Nazi were grounded in science and logic
>Claimed Germans invented civilization and everything that exists
>Called physics a Jewish fabrication
lel nice one
You've got no idea what you're talking about. Nazi Germany suppressed all contemporary theoretical physics for being "too Jewish".
>point to Stalin for being more brutal with his political enemies
Lol what? AFAIK, Stalin never did anything as needless and sadistically cruel as hitler, like Hang people with piano wire, and fucking film it.
>grounded in science and logic
>Think the universe was formed out of ice because someone with no astronomical training looked at the moon one night and thought it was obvious.
>All of modern physics is jew lies.
>Try to into science to prove their racial theories.
>Can't even come up with a coherent scientific model, never mind evidence of it.
>Decide 'fuck it' and throw out scientific basis of race.
The problem is that normiekin are firstly social animals. A basic interest in things like universality, principles, ethics, these are all systematic or spiritual / ideal. Most people have some local facility for these things, but it isn't like a property of mind for them. These things are peculiar and equivocal, while normies are concrete, practical, utilitarian. Peculiar types who enjoy symbolism and things in the abstract are usually autists or schizoid tier, tending more to think in terms of systems or essences. We have a culture that is radically non-essentialist, so that cruel spinelessness and arbitrariness is at least invisible to our sense of propriety, if not outright spawned from it
t. giggling at how ridiculous this post is
xD xD xD xD
tssk tssk
someone needs to calm down
verbally agree with him
Seeing Tankies and the Fash spergin out only makes my liberalism harder. I don't know why everyone acts like all liberals are undecided fertile ground for their proselytism. Some of us are dedicated to liberalism
t. herbivore
tssk tssk
someone needs a little nap, i think.
how are you this gay?
>Bullshit. Nazi were grounded in science and logic
t. Adolf "physics is jewish lies" hitler.
Not that Josef "dude, Lysenko, lmao" was any better.
Even more proof that liberalism was the superior ideology
Identify someone normal looking in the room. Sigh, and exchange annoyed glances with this person.
"but hitler is only considered bad because he lost"
why do normies think they belong here?
how are you this grumpy?
silly boy
>Nazi were grounded in science and logic
Kek I love this
The Nazis were the most anti-science European government in modern history. This isn't up for debate. Nazi bureaucrats rewrote physics, biology, anthropology, and history textbooks to suit their own ideology.
>tfw you were never schooled by the Nazi Hogwarts
Never minded these kinda guys in class could usually have an alright discussion, fuck hanging out with them though.
Well, at least Stalin spared the mathematicians.
might have dodged a bullet then :D~~
I was an international affairs major in college. Through a weird quirk in the system I was actually able to take a couple 4000 level courses before I took the 2000 level introductory courses. The next semester when I took them, it was literally hell on earth. There were so many young dickheads that thought they knew shit who would fuck class up every day. We had a couple of those people in the higher level courses too, but they would inevitably drop the classes after they realized how hard the classes were. Those 2000 levels weren't hard enough to weed out the retards.
>Black people are orcs
So an uncreative and prejudiced casual. I bet this shit fucker likes Elves too.
t. stalinboo