The holocaust did not happen as it is currently portrayed.
The holocaust did not happen as it is currently portrayed
Cool story bro
>The Holodomor did not happen as it is currently portrayed.
Forgot my pic
>The HoloArmenhammer did not happen as it is currently portrayed.
>my pic
Thanks broseph.
>The HoloNanking did not happen as it is currently portrayed.
>The Holorwanda did not happen as it is currently portrayed.
>The Holoplaasmoorde did not happen as it is currently portrayed.
>The HoloKhwarezmid did not happen as it is currently portrayed.
>The HoloPontic did not happen as it is currently portrayed.
>The Holo1stAmericans did not happen as it is currently portrayed.
>The HoloCircassians did not happen as it is currently portrayed.
>The HoloAlexandertheGreat did not happen as it is currently portrayed.
Vapor as fuck.
LOL Glad someone else enjoys it. It's a damn fine song.
P-pls save my 'me irl' macro for all your various FUNposting needs.
Nice repetitious numerals.
Can do buckaroo! Checked and keked
No. There should be much more focus on Einsatzgruppen style execution shooting. I mean, you hear about it (Hell, Night, probably either 1st or 2nd in the most famous pop books about the holocaust, mentions it), but most of the focus is Auschwitz and only Auschwitz because the entire Holocaust was Auschwitz.
Which is stupid.
Hmmmm..... That does seem to be a matter of importance. I believe you have the proper documentation to back up your claims?
What? That there were mass Einsatzgruppen shootings?
Or that Night mentions such mass shootings?
pp10-11 of the PDF.
>Alright Jews are ruining our nation lets round them up and put them into camps so we can figure out what to do with them
>Now lets let the crazy political SS be in charge of them
>Also lets hire out bands of thugs from the slavic nations to take care of any Jewish problems in our conquered territories
>Wtf why are the SS and thugs murdering Jews
>Shit Hans this is getting out of control
>Oh shit we're losing the war now
>Oh shit we can't afford to feed our prisoners
>Oh shit typhus
>Shit Hans that's a lot of dead Jews
>That's also a lot of dead Russians
The only time you will see post-modernists claiming there is an objective truth is when discussing the history of the holocaust.
Why is this?? Hmm........
The camps were always lethal, even under the SA