/His approved Presidents

/His approved Presidents

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Donald J. Trump


He sucked ass



sorry but
>Please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago.
can't be /ourguy/ due to off-topic

name a more badass president?

inb4 Teddy (his rep was based on nothing but memes)

Andrew Jackson is an even bigger memelord than TR.
At least Teddy had GOAT tastes in rifles.


coolidge was okay

personally i liked polk better


I like Ike

Name your 5 favorite Presidents

Mine (in no particular order): Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Coolidge, Reagan

Based Harry the Hiroshima Annihilator is the only correct answer.

Also ended segregation in the military and helped rebuild Europe and other boring stuff.

1. Abraham Lincoln (cliche I know, but he was a genuine great; sue me)
2. FDR (same)
3. Harry Truman (ridiculously underrated)
4. Theodore Roosevelt
5. Richard Nixon (don't let the memes fool you)

Eisenhower, Teddy, Nixon, Lincoln, and Big Dick Bill

>Richard Nixon (don't let the memes fool you)

He actually was a very adept politician and statesman, if it weren't for watergate he would be remembered as one of our better Presidents. His move with the Sino-Soviet split hasn't been bested since, no one has even come close


Theodore Roosevelt

He's a con artist and you're a retard.

>making America pay for le epic wall
yeah he's the greatest con-artist of our time

I don't fucking care if we pay for it, it's still a huge positive overall. We'll pay ourselves back with welfare dollars saved eventually. And with fewer democrat social spending votes.

It's looking more and more like a cyclone fence each day though



fucking kek. how naive are you? there's already a huge fence there and any additional construction will just become a money-churner for corrupt politicians and "construction" companies

??? Millions are crossing illegally, the fence is obviously shit. I'd be more in favor of shoot trespassers on sight legislation, but as long as feelfags have the vote a wall will do.

most illegals are here from visa overstay and not crossing the border

Appointing Volcker was by far his biggest mistake. He was ahead of his time on our addiction to fossil fuels, though.



40% of Illegals cross through the fence border, 40% is a lot of people to stop.

>millions are crossing illegally

That's plainly false. There are millions already in the country and that's from decades of immigration.

You're telling me 10-20% of the entire illegal immigrant population is coming here at a time? Bullshit.

Illegal immigrAtion is decreasing, except for one recent spike out of El Salvador due to an increase in drug violence. Most of them have been sent back because Obama declared that the problems weren't qualifying of refugee status.

There are thousands of illegal immigrants coming in, not millions. And the majority of them come legally on work visas and then never leave. If you seriously want to roadblock illegals, do a better job of keep track of visa workers.

A grand wall is nothing but a gigantic waste of money. Update a few places in the fence that we currently have, that's all we need.

And give a pathway to citizenship for those who already pay taxes or who wish to serve in the military.


Fillmore was literally the best President in American history. Prove me wrong faggots.

>Ended segregation int he military
Learn something new about him everyday.

Knew this would be in the first 10 before I oepned the thread.

Andrew Jackson
Teddy Roosevelt
George Washington
Harry Truman
Donald Trump


Some posts are just on the subject of the board they're being posted on, like what are some Veeky Forums approved presidents

>And the majority of them come legally on work visas and then never leave.


Also took a hard line against commies and saved South Korea, thus being the founding father of Kpop

holy shit he's literally a plumper, white haired alec baldwin

>literal socialist that extended the depression

As a non american I will make my list disregarding internal policy and only looking at their foreign relations.
2.Nixon (and Ford) but just because Henry Kissinger
4.George Bush Sr.
5.Wilson (good Idea, really bad attempt)

Wilson for examle is the most underrated one, the ideas of FDR on the post war international regime are based on a bettered version of Wilson's work.

Wilson campaigned specifically on the US staying out of Europe's war, then decides to enter the war when he's elected.

Veeky Forums approved presidents should be presidents who actually gave a fuck and weren't dumbfucks like 3 of our last 6



>creates isis
>plunges middle east into further chaos
>doubled federal debt
>currently having a hissy fit and threatening ww3 because muh legacy

>literally starts a war with the south over muh union

Also Bill Clinton set the ground work for the 2001-2007 housing bubble and subsequent recession in 2008, though Bush 2 is just as equally to blame for not recognizing it and stopping it sooner.

>creates ISIS

>plunges middle east into further chaos

>doubled federal debt

>Currently having a hissy fit
Are you implying leashing Israel, who have actually caused further chaos in the middle east, is a bad thing?

The smartest piece of policy to come out in quite some time.

Or retaliating against Russian cyber attacks?

He's been saying since day one that the US would be REIMBURSED

I know, but again, I specified I was only looking at their work in international relations.

no he hasnt you dumb bitch
he's changing his tone as usual so when he adds a trillion in worthless debt overnight, his braindead followers will actually believe it. all while mexico laughs their asses off and mexican gangs and cartels get more powerful and innovative

The US created Al-Queda during the cold war and then deposed Saddam Hussein, thus creating a power vacuum that was easy for the group that became ISIS out of Al-Queda to take over the region.

You don't count assassinating numerous Middle Eastern rulers as creating chaos, or what he's trying to do in Syria currently?


His stimulus and ramming down PPACA was not necessary.

There has been no evidence presented for the case that Russia interfered in any significant fashion with the US presidential election, just like the lead up to the 2002 invasion of Iraq. Even if it was Russia that obtained the DNC and Podesta data, that doesn't change the content of the emails.

I don't care about Israel.


>credible source

jesus christ, he literally made his """plans""" like a high schooler on powerpoint. absolutely zero sources for all the shit he claims happens and will work

i think ill trust the nobel leaureates over the cheetoh man

Obama didn't create ISIS, but he knew of their actions and potential havoc they could create. Yet he had an election to run (even though he had it in the bag) and kept them on the downlow for as long as possible.

His office helped propagate the "revolutions" through out northern Africa and into the ME. Most were successful, but I still don't think we should be interfering with any nation.

I do like how he doesn't treat Isreal like some godly ally. They contribute fuck all when it comes to global issues. If anything they add more fuel to the flames to promote their "we are always the victims!"

Every president is going to increase the debt because most Americans are too dumb to realize what's actually going on. So who ever tries to actually fix it will only look like an idiot who destroyed everything. Their "legacy" will be smeared forever.

Which had nothing to do with Obama which is why it's silly to say he created ISIS. ISIS was in the making long before Obama.

No, enforcing a peace agreement to pull civilians out of the crossfire isn't inspiring chaos in Syria. Syria has been hell for a while now, regardless of Obama's policy. He shouldn't have gotten involved with the rebels, but that was changed after Hillary left.

>there has been no evidence
Except literally every intelligence agency in the country saying we know with almost 100% certainty that Russia was behind it, the individuals who ordered it, private communication between Russian officials congratulating themselves for it, and the servers that were used. It's impact on the election is unknowable but we do know Russia was behind it.

It doesn't change the content of the email but the flip side of that is true as well. It doesn't matter who or what they hacked. The fact of the matter is a foreign country engaged in a cyber attack on the United States and retaliation is necessary.

Faggots this is becoming /pol/. Stay on topic or fuck off.

Honestly, IF the Russians did the hacking, we should be thanking them for exposing Hillary and the DNC

That sets a shit precedence. Having a rabid dog isn't okay because it's biting people you don't like. It's eventually going to bite you too.

The DNC's corruption being exposed is a good thing. Letting Russia get away with it without consequence is a terrible idea and is inviting more of the same in the future.

>people don't agree with me
>damn /pol/tards

>discussion of current politics
>not on the board for discussion of current politics

Are you actually retarded?

We don't even know if it was Russia though

My bet is Seth Rich

you can fuck off back to plebbit you untermench

Donald isn't history yet

Come back in 25 years

One and only m8.
See pic related.

>we don't even know if it was russia though

are you still in 2016? the cia and fbi have been in agreement saying russia did it and putin knew about it and made the calls

Nah clearly Trump knows better.

Incompetent protectionist con-artist who will blow up the US budget and who pandered to the scum of society and managed to get elected despite losing the popular vote thanks to some help from his master Putin.

Has the Republic ever been more cucked?

Oh yeah, all those IP address, right? The ones that connect to Tor and Yahoo? And don't forget the malware they've been using for a while, it's not as if half of Europe has it or as if they didn't accidentally leak the code.

I mean, it's unequivocally Russia amirite? The DNI NEVER makes mistakes or misrepresents information, so it's all fine I'm sure.

There is less than three hundred miles of fence. Trump and Ryan are looking into funding a double layer wall. Which may or may not be reimbursed by Mexico.

Gotta say, its quite funny to watch the transition from

>He's not going to build the wall!
>Y-y-yeah well, Mexico won't pay for it!

Fucking this. Once the hippies are gone, people will look back at Nixon and Kissinger the way we look at Bismarck

Not really, until recently Wilson was very highly regarded. Lately people have started to dislike him because

>He turned America into the world police (Isolationists)
>He started the federal reserve (gold bugs)
>He was absurdly racist, even by the standards of the time (BLM)

Van Buren

And I don't know maybe Eisenhower? But probably not. The modern presidential model makes good presidents basically impossible. If Trump does something with the Fed he has a shot at greatness too.

Jefferson and Reagan had good ideas but proved to be quite hypocritical when they achieved the office

He also hated the constitution and hated individual freedome. Instead he prefered Hegel-like worship of a powerful state. He was even called the only proto-fascist president. Basically a guy with a vision. His engineering after WWI proved to be very dangerous.

You mean Grizzly Steppe? The report with the disclaimer that refuses to verify that it's actually true?

Or the report from yesterday, where they list all the reasons Russia had a motivation to do it, but fail to provide any actual proof

Let's be clear, Russia probably was behind some of the leaks, though I believe Assange when he says some were insiders. But you'll need a damn sight more than "Well Putin dislikes Clinton" before I start to trust the CI fucking A.

Get the fuck out of here, he'll be in the top twenty, unless that legacy he keeps banging on about ends up shitty, then he's bottom quarter


Presidents should be ranked according to their achievements in peace, liberty and prosperity not meme badassery. Jackson is upper mid-tier.

Let's not forget that he embodied the absolute worst of Protestants in politics. He was convinced that everything he did was part of God's plan, and his opponents were tools if there devil

Teddy, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton,

Donald John "The Donald" #RealDonaldTrump Trump

>Built the Great Wall of America and made Mexico pay for it
>Got rid of all the illegal immigrants who rape and murder our women
>Ended #BlackLivesMatter
>Lowered crime rates
>Gave jobs to all Americans
>Defeated China in World War III
>Got rid of all the Muslims
>Made America become best friends with Russia
>Made anime real

Teddy Roosevelt
Thomas Jefferson
James Monroe
James K. Polk
Franklin Roosevelt

In no particular order

>fucking kek. how naive are you? there's already a huge fence there...

Hey guys! Don't replace the screen door on the submarine with a hatch, something is there already! Oh, there is water pouring in? At least not ALL of it is flooding our submarine.


>not even inaugurated yet

come the fuck on you stupid niggers

>when your entire 'shoot muh illegals' is based on feels just as much if not more

gets the most shit for no reason

Lincoln, FDR, TR, Washington, Jefferson
Doris Kearns Goodwin and David McCullough are two authors everyone here needs to read the works of.

he caused WW2

Acktually, net migration is negative.

Not for no reason. His interventionism was what made the Great Depression great. Coolidge said about him "That man has offered me unsolicited advice every day for six years, all of it bad." Later FDR contined his destructive reforms.

>This is the face of a man who basiclly saved the country if not the world possibly from nuclear holocaust
He had some of the best quotes too. Short simple and impactful.

How? He was the one who endangered everyone because of his lack of experience and constant blunders.

>Obama Creates ISIS
Thats False. It was a by-product from W. Bush's messy Iraq invasion which allowed groups such as ISIS to thrive and prosper in the chaos. Obama is responsible for pulling the troops out of Iraq which gave ISIS more breathing room to gain power at that time. BUT that was because Obama had no choice to withdraw because of W. Bush signing the "U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement"
The fault is on W. Bush.

In hindsight had Obama pushed harder to persuade to convince (and succeeded) to leave the troops in Iraq and gotten time to establish more stability with an occupying force, Isis might of been killed off sooner.

Hm reminds me of another president, rhymes with Karrak Soshama.

To our knowledge Obama doesn't sleep around. Especially not with foreign spies.