How well would society actually work if we all spoke the same language, used the same currency and were the same race?
How well would society actually work if we all spoke the same language, used the same currency and were the same race?
>were the same race
I'd assume we might have a better understanding of one another.
How would the economy do?
Well, it'd obviously be better.
Nothing would really change.
How would if people weren'r lazy fucks, no states, no money and spoke their languages.
to correct myself
>the same race
We are all the human race user.
Absolutely nothing.
race =/= species dumdum
I've never been the type to pay attention to race.
kinda boring I guess
>In b4 liberal cuck she
search your feelings you know it to be true
maoist reform demonstrate the difficulties in keeping a language uniform across large numbers of people
if we DID have a world language, it would be clumsy for a lot of cultural reasons and would quickly diverge
same currency?
would be a total economic disaster
>everyone uses world dollar
>$1 bread in greece, $10 bread in germany
>ghana would have to use .005 dollar notes
>Germans can directly purchase greek bakeries
>suddenly bread $8 in germany, $6 in greece
>greeks cannot afford
>hoarding of hard currency would quickly become an issue
same race?
race is by degree, as are the problems stemming from it
if we all had the same colour skin, we would fight over eye colour etc
it would be great if we had the same culture though
Some of the petty and almost nonexistant shit you'll see folks fight over in Africa or most of Asia is a really easy way to show this. Shitty people will always find a way to make someone the "other" and demonize then. Before some triggered kikedrone /pol/ cuck cries, not all cases of diwcrimination are wrong.
Depends on the race.
>same currency?
>would be a total economic disaster
The problems you listed would just persist for an introductory interim period. Prices would adjust.
it's not an issue that would correct itself
firstly the prices would NOT ajust, that was my point
the greeks could never afford to buy their bread when the germans would pay more for it
if the profits of greek baking did not go to the greeks, the scarcity in the greek bread market would snowball with german companies overselling in germany where base prices were higher, and manufacturing scarcity in greece
nobody would invest in baking in greece, when those same dollars could be used to operate in germany
global currency would see a snowballing pile up of investment in one geographic area (or maybe even a sector of the world economy)
think "dubai real estate"
this is caused by the lack of barriers moving money
like chinese buy houses in australia, capital is sucked out of under-performing markets; and the investment of that inflow creates another cycle
then there is ecconomic policy
one world currency, but different economic theory?
I'm not an expert, but I hear broadly it's a huge issue especially in the areas of international lending
sounds like the Euro currency hasn't taught you anything m8
Depends on the language
Depends on the currency
Depends on the race
Ideally it would be English, Sterling and Anglo-Saxon
At worst it would be German, the Euro and Turkish.
>if the profits of greek baking did not go to the greeks, the scarcity in the greek bread market would snowball with german companies overselling in germany where base prices were higher, and manufacturing scarcity in greece
>nobody would invest in baking in greece, when those same dollars could be used to operate in germany
Then the bakers die out in Greece and other industries arise there with which they'll buy German bread while the Germans buy Greece goods that are more efficiently produced in Greece than in Germany, like olive oil.
It has just been 15 years and there was barely any financial coordination. Of course, with a world currency this problem is potentially even bigger, but depending on the coordination, it doesn't have to be.
it would be an even larger scale eurozone crisis, because instead of contries of aproximate wealth and fiscal strategy, the currency would extend to reckless, useless and impoverished regions
the bakers don't die out in greece, macro economics
the german company makes more money producing bread in greece because it's the same currency; yet greek wages are lower
also the share in the greek market allows them to flood the german market to out new competitors; or conversly to flood the greek market (which costs them very little) so that other companies would be reluctant to make bread in greece themselves
basically your internal economy is too venerable to the global market, and lending wouldn't work very well
greece could make money other ways, but this dynamic exists in almost all import/export markets
it would just end up with a few powerful manufacturing companies, and a slew of disposable territories exploited for raw materials and labor
We used to be like that, but then God got angry at us and made us separate
The problem is with culture not race
People would divide themselves according to changeable traits, which is just as easy if not easier.
I don't think that's how money works.
> same language
Internet would be conquered by chinks. ;_;
>Implying those slightly less white people who speak with an odd dialect are the same race as me or even human
So, one currency, one race, one language.
>Economy collapse do to one side of the world (X) as a massive flood crashing one (1) important market
>Place Y and Z and X all agree they should use different currencies so if one place crashes, the rest does not.
>Stop immigration to stop labor saturation and lowering wages
>Borders stop people from moving
>Different dialects arise, eventually turns into entirely different languages
>Evolution is still a factor so new subspecies arise from little population movement as a whole
Could this happen or am I just retarded?
I'm looking at you Italians
Well it would obviously be better, and extremely boring at the same time.
Also it's impossible.
But I think you imagine that if everybody is of the same race and nationality they won't fight and spit on each other, right ? That doesn't stop people. You cannot not divide people. People needs to be segregated. If it's not about religion, then it's about culture. If it's not about culture, it's about race, etc.
If you want to create a world like this, the transition would be impossible.
We would discriminate against each other based on height.
Like Switzerland or Japan.
It would probably be a marked improvement.
This. We will always find a way.
god I hate them
t. separatist fags
>world without money
depends on which race :^)
We would still fight eachother just the same.
As long as people identify themselves and others as members of groups that are connected by catagorical similarities and not as parts of a system that are connected by causal interactions in the environment they function in, collective identities will divide the population and positive feedback loops will then escalate that division into contempt, and ultimately into groups of males running around killing "other" groups of males.
It's part of our biology and will not go away unless our species moves past reductionism.