Thinking about all the lost history because some asshole invaders decided to burn all the books/artifacts during a raid

>Thinking about all the lost history because some asshole invaders decided to burn all the books/artifacts during a raid

Other urls found in this thread:

>all the history lost to Chinese chimpouts from Confucius to Mao
>all the history lost because Injuns couldn't write and then had their culture suppressed/died en masse from disease

and, hopefully not the case

>all the history lost due to a massive data wipe because everything is digital now

>You will never read the Cypria
>You will never read the Aethiopis
>You will never read the Little Iliad
>You will never read the Ilupersis
>You will never read the Nostoi
>You will never read the Telegony

Be grateful the Iliad and the Odyssey still exist

People don't burn books flames do.

We already have a fuckton of history to study. If you spent your time studying it instead of making /r9k/-tier threads complaining about it you may actually end up contributing to this board.

I knew i could count on at least one of these posts in this thread.

wouldnt we have a fair idea about all the lost history considering the history we do know?
its like the missile that knows where it is cause it knows where it isnt

>We already have a fuckton of history to study.

Depending on the time you're studying, no we don't. What if you're interested in Antiquity? Many of the would be primary sources were lost.

Yes but there's enough there to form an entire bloody field (classical studies). Unless you know everything about the antiquities and refuse to learn about anything else, there is no reason for you to be shitposting on Veeky Forums instead of reading about the classical age

Didn't han solo shoot first?

I only know the important Star Wars lore.

Han was the only one to shoot, George.

I honestly wouldn't know, I've never paid good attention

This is a pretty naive view.

Just because it's studied intensely doesn't mean there's a lot of source material. The point is that a lot of classical studies comes down to "This is our one historian/chronicler writing in that period, then we've got a patchwork of archaeology shit that we're desperately trying to make a narrative out of."
Then the rest of the field is a hundred different 'experts' all giving you their opinion on that scant evidence and extrapolating.
A lot of what we "know" about antiquity is almost total supposition, a lot of other stuff is basically taking some historian at his word because he's the best we've got.

We're straying from my original point, which was: unless you know everything, whining about not being able to study something instead of studying something is incredibly retarded, and so is this thread by extension.

>unless you know everything, whining about not being able to study something instead of studying something is incredibly retarded,

The thread is pointless - that said, your point is also fucking dumb. The point is that a lot when it comes to areas with limited primary evidence is that most of what someone "knows" when they "know everything" about the topic is based on supposition because we lack any hard evidence.

It isn't a sentiment of "I wish I knew every fact on earth" it's a sentiment of "We'll never know what happened here because all our evidence was destroyed" which to many people is a far shittier feeling.

There is a fuckton about Germanic paganism I wish we knew more about.
So many unexplained figures in pre-Christian artifacts, gods and goddesses that we don't know much about other than their names and the regions we discovered them at, so so much.
I wish they wrote more down, they had their own alphabet ffs.

If we keep this thread going for about 25 years we'll be able to talk about this thread within this thread for a few hours...a grand example of shitpostception

>in 2029 we can talk about early Veeky Forums as history

Give /s4s/ a run for their money

>>/b/ meme thread
>What did he mean by this?

Hey man, you like Cleopatra? Want me to suck you off while you look at pictures of her?

See This

Nice dude

who cares

art and culture are useless
only the stronger weapons makes the superior nation

>ywn never know the complete set of Bronze age blade typology

The Mongols didn't finish the job in the Middle East.

Yeah but i bet they can take a screenshot of your post, print it, and shot it.