Why did they have to kill her, Veeky Forums?
Why did they have to kill her, Veeky Forums?
because muh oppression
because she was bourgeois scum.
Do you think she would have given half a fuck about your peasant ass if you were brutally bayoneted ? get over her.
She was royalty. By fucking definition she was not bourgeoise.
They all look so happy :(
you get the point mate. she was above the commonshit class
Yes, but aristocracy isn't a synonym for "rich people" like it is in America which is literally the most plebeian nation to ever emerge. Nobility is nobility regardless of wealth.
It unironically gives me boners to picture high class /silver spooners torn out of their perfect lives by commoners and meeting a gruesome end. What do yo think went through their minds as their situation gradually deteriorated from palace life to prison camp to execution?
any other examples of this in history that are well documented?
>Inspired by her religious upbringing, Olga took control of a portion of her sizable fortune when she was twenty and began to respond independently to requests for charity. One day when she was out for a drive she saw a young child using crutches. She asked about the child and learned that the youngster's parents were too poor to afford treatment. Olga set aside an allowance to cover the child's medical bills.
They might have had a disconnect from it that made them unaware but ignorance isn't the same as heartlessness and the princesses were certainly not heartless.
Ruining your country and pissing off your people isn't hard so why wouldn't they be happy?
I understand the Tsar, but why the rest of his family? Yes they'd be successors, but they were innocent.
>It unironically gives me boners to picture high class /silver spooners torn out of their perfect lives by commoners and meeting a gruesome end.
Do you happen to be a gentleman of Hebrew extraction?
What upsets me the most is how much the Tsar looks like his cousin George V
sure they weren't. the average person feels empathy and isn't sadistic.
What i am saying is that we don't give a shit about the thousands who died in the brutal winters and even more that died on the front line. but we care about her story simply because of her birth.
Islamic actually. have had this lust ever since reading about the Iranian revolution. How much better would it have been if the Shah and his children were brought to the scafold.
n-not trying to be edgy honestly
It's better than being a Shah dicklicker like the rest of the diaspora. Can't go one dinner without someone bringing up how kool the Shah was and how he dindu nuffin and was a good boi.
You have my hesitant approval, user.
Honestly I don't know much about the Shah so I can't comment on that.
>hangs around Iranian diaspora
Might as well hang around niggers if you ask me.
I imagine not hanging around my grandma wouldn't sit well with the rest of the family I'm not hanging around with--especially after the revelation that I'd "[prefer to] hang around niggers."
F-fuck you guys... I get what you mean though my family put on this video about how the Shah and Farah dindu nuffin but its like they never heard about the Savak
you seem to have encountered what most of us call LA Persiafags aka Koonferooshis . Do not approach them.
Do they claim it was an American conspiracy to install Khomeini too, whilst doing some serious mental gymnastics in denying the fact the Shah was a Western puppet who received direct aid from them during the Revolution?
Mine do.
Not him but I have. LA has to be the worst place on Earth when it comes to people who live there, literal human trash.
Ass-sellers? Is this a meme?
No, I'm an Iranian cunt in Dallas. I avoid the we wuz shahs types whenever possible
as long as you aren't pic related you are fine in my book baradar.
Its much worse here in Europe. A lot of diaspora I encounter are unironic supporters of MEK traitors(aka the gommunists that sided with saddam and shills for Israel/USA)
as in literal whores/ Jendes selling themselves out. it might be more of an Turkmen Irani thing though tb h
but i feel your pain. its 1000X worse in the UK because the shah fags think they are intellectuals
Not him but Most of my relatives are on the other end of the spectrum on the Khomeini did nothing wrong side. stilll have a better argument then monarchists IMO tho
>that died on the front line
Olga and Tatiana were nurses during World War I. Tatiana especially fell in love with one of the soldiers she was nursing and would spend long hours sitting with him. Olga greatly cared for the soldiers she helped but at the same time the stress and gore of it all led her to nervous breakdowns. And both, by all accounts, got along wonderfully with the other nurses who they never would've met otherwise making a point to remember their stories, families and whatnot.
If they were just some royals who got killed in a revolution I'd think it'd suck but whatever. But the girls seemed like genuinely kind, caring individuals whose biggest crimes were their birth and ignorance which in your commie eyes means they deserved everything they got. What should they have done, abandoned their family to live as paupers?
>actually believing tsarist damage control propaganda
they deserved their death for being part of an oppressive system. if she lived she might have been a threat to the budding communist regime.
Retard commies will always go MUH SUCCESSORS not realizing many other successors are still out there eligible for the throne. The murder was literally a chimpout because Czechoslovak Legions were about to liberate Ekaterinburg and commies panicked. They're just very stupid and bloodthirsty people.
barbarians always kill anyone that is a potential pretender to the throne that will challenge their power
Yeah, that's what separates the commies from civilized people. The English didn't kill Napoleon along with his entire family, they just exiled him, twice.