What was the golden age of Europe?
What was the golden age of Europe?
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19th century
people will say enlightenment, renaissance, Roman empire, and even retards will say crusades
but lets face it, Europe conquered the world in the 19th century, can't get higher than that.
Europe doesn't exist
Pax Britannica
Is that the pinnacle? Conquering?
It will start when we adopt Islam
1960s until the Euro Crisis.
Excluding the Eastern block, living standards got progressively better, people were proud to be European without starting petty shit, the Germans civilised themselves, end of colonialism but richer than ever and a flowering of culture, especially in film and music.
Age of discovery. A dick-measuring contest between two countries competing over who could find and colonize the most useless rocks in the sea lead to the discovery of continents, new resources, cultures and the creation of a trade network that went around the entire world.
Plus peace in europe itself, industrial revolution, rise of liberal movements and civilian rights, some of the most famous artistic, literary and scientific archievements happened, discovery of antibiotica and vast decline in mortality rate and so on.
Looks pretty great to me, tbqh
>peace in europe itself
Except for conflicts like the Napoleonic Wars, 1848, Wars of Italian Unification, Wars of German unification. Highest death counts in European history.
>industrial revolution
Just barely scrapes into the "pros".
>rise of liberal movements and civilian rights
Until Napoleon made himself Emperor. Until the British cracked down on working class dissent. Until 1848 and the growth of literally every nation in Europe's secret police. You were "freer" but there were more ways to be oppressed in 1899 then there were in 1800.
>some of the most famous artistic, literary and scientific achievements
Granted. Easily the best thing to ever come out of 19th century Europe. At the same time the machine gun, dynamite and extremist ideologies which went on to kill millions were also invented.
>discovery of antibiotics
In the last 25 years of the 19th century.
>vast decline in mortality rate
Rather hard statistic to substantiate. Sure the middle and upper classes enjoyed longer lives, but your average factory worker's had to deal with cramped living conditions that lent easily to epidemics like cholera, dangerous living conditions and both air and water pollution.
i'd say the few decades prior to ww1
For the Western part, from the end of WW2 until the arrival of muslims
Anything before the french revolution, heh.
>Until Napoleon made himself Emperor.
Actually, Napoleon's arrival marked the start of civil rights
Dude was much more liberal than the monarchs that opposed him
When you weigh the problems and suffering caused by the industrial revolution verses the benefits it brought to Europe in the 19th century.
Yes, the Napoleonic Code was in many ways vital to the creation of modern liberal democracy.
That doesn't change the fact that Napoleon making himself the Emperor was a massive step backwards in terms of European's civil rights.
Cringeworthy commie BS, fug off please
>stone age was best time
>no oppression of ze workerzzza
>all in solidarity
So internet and planes are bad because WW1/2 brought suffering???
Are you retarded?
Only true answer
>Napoleon making himself the Emperor was a massive step backwards in terms of European's civil rights.
Not at all
European civil rights werent even a thing yet before his conquests
Only France experienced some, and Napoleon didnt remove them after crowning himself emperor
The only thing that changed was the form of government (and no, France was not a democracy even before Napoleon's coup, it was an oligarchy by a few elites)
Do you take the effect that your actions might have on the generations that follow you into consideration whenever you wipe your ass or fill up your car?
>Building on Godechot’s conclusions of 1951 that the French Empire was “perhaps the precursor of the modern police states”,[1]
Michael Sibalis in his 2001 article “The Napoleonic Police State” takes out the ‘perhaps’ categorically making the First Empire a police state.
You're glossing over a lot of the less attractive sides of Napoleon's time in power. Just look at how the Germans began seeing themselves as "German" as a response to French occupation.
Germans have always loved tyranny
They hated the freedom Napoleon brought to them
2nd century
>2nd Century BC
Meh tier Imperialism.
>2nd Century AD
Not enough Flavians.
Very brief moment. But man, Europe was literally an entirely different universe than entire world. The heights it achieved were... no other civilization managed to do it.
Fuck the First World War.
top kek
This, I could not emphasize this anymore
Commie detected
11th/12th century
¨Europe¨ didnt exist until after Charlemagne christianized the continent, and even thats stretching it
Middle Ages. Europe peaked in authentically European Original art, culture and language.
Europe was defined as west of Anatolia by the ancient Greeks you pseud.
The only right answer. Unified Europe is a strong. Let's kill each other Europe is weak and pathetic.
the current EU might not be the best option, but if Europe wants to stay independent it needs to unify
Well played, ghost of Evola.
>political freedoms rivaled only be britain
>industrialization proceeding at a quick but not bewildering pace
>politicians and people agree that working together with respect for each other's cultures beats breaking up into a bunch of literal who nation states to be dominated by great power neighbours
>representative institutions guided by constitutional monarch who takes his job as ultimate servant of the people really seriously
>respect for tradition and the stability it provides tempered by pragmatic recognition of necessity for change
far from perfect, but civilization at its most civilized.
Who the fuck is going to conquer Europe if it's not going to unify?
>Europe conquered the world
>can't get higher than that
Nice play on words, but Rome conquered Europe. "Europe" never conquered anything, little countries constantly warring with each other did. These little countries had tons of foreign land in the New World. Conquering an acre of the Old World is worth more than a thousand acres in the New.
Was all of this mysteriously destroyed or would you like to post some examples?
China XDD
t. The Economist Readers
I'd say this too.
>the Germans civilised themselves
too soon to say, user, their savagery comes in waves.