Mandatory Veeky Forums-approved drugs thread

Mandatory Veeky Forums-approved drugs thread.

What do you use to boost your focus and alertness, not only when trading memecoins but in all other kinds of business/productive activity?

I'm relying on just caffeine and snuff tobacco. Just got a prescription for piracetam again so might test it out.
Also used noopept and modafinil.

I make my own coffee and blend it with lionsmane and chaga when I grind it.

>inb4 modafinil

Unless you get it by Rx in the US, you're getting fake shit from India. I've tried both, and they are completely different.

That said, I prefer Ritalin, even over adderall.

Snus,cigs, coffee and weed (weed makes your hands stronger) and yhe ocassional huff on dustoff

Nicotine patch or gum are both better than any tobacco product, if you're after nootropic effects.

coke is the king of Veeky Forums drugs but since i'm a healthfaggot I just tried acid a couple of times and doubt I will ever take any drug again.

the shit from india works though

It has an effect, yes. I used it for a few years. But actual prescription stuff in the US is another level. The stuff from India is like "I feel it, do I guess it's making me smarter." The Rx stuff is "I have become god" level intelligence boost.

haha check out terrance mckenna here

that's cool, i don't even know how i would get it prescribed , docs are cucks that just want to peddle ritalin for kickbacks

I was just honest with my doc. I guess it depends on how cool your doc is.

what's the best place to buy modafinil online without doc rx?

Don't, it's almost all fake.

Vyvanse, noopept, alpha GPC, bacopa monierri.

Considering asking my doctor for Dexedrine instead of Vyvanse. Do they even make dexedrine anymore?

Any of you tried phenibut?

Out of curiosity: which brand is that?

I take 250mg phenibut faa every night. What do you wanna know.

I dont take stimulants but i have taken benzos while on "molly" and it destroyed 100 percent of the stimulation. So if your thinking of taking phenibut to take the edge off your stims i would keep the dose low. Like 250-500 mg.

Phenibut is top notch. Don't take too much though because then the effects are similar to alcohol/opiates. Also don't take it everyday (only twice a week max.) because you will build tolerance and the withdrawals are worse than heroin.

In the right dose is the bomb, especially mixed with caffeine.

My fav supplement right now is agmatine. Im currently tapering off of methadone and i truly feel like agmatine allows me to set and attain goals. I cycled off for a month and the blagh feelin from the methadone taper had me not feeling like meeting any of my set goals. Now back on agmatine 500 mg 2 times a day and meeting and exceeding my workout and guitar goals.

I'm just looking for something to help ease my mind and I've heard phenibut is a lot like a benzo but doesn't impair cognition as much.

It can absolutely ease the mind but it is no good to depend on a substance to put put your mind at ease. If i was you i would look into lowering your stim use. There are a few good substances put there to reduce amphetamine tolerance if tolerance is an issue for you. Seriously check out agmatine and memantine. I know there are studies showing memantine being effective at reducing amp tolerance and i think this holds true for agmatine. Now if this doesnt apply to you or it doeant solve ypur issue i think moderate phenibut use could help you. Just dont overdo it because there are some horror stories put there about phenibut abuse.

Never tried benzos myself, but got some phenibut recently. As I said, when taken properly, it does just what you want. If you take too much though, it will feel a lot like alcohol/opiates, give you brain fog and just making you want to sleep, so start off on a low dose! (~250/300mg)

Thanks Anons. I only deal with some moderate anxiety which has improved over time, but hasn't gone away completely. Sounds like phenibut could be phenomenal if used correctly. Is nootropicsdepot a good source for it?

My reason for suggesting to lower your tolerance to stims is because as you become tolerant to the positive effects of the drug that isnt always the case for negative side effects. So as you increase your dose to achieve the positive effects you are not gaining much benefits relative to the negative effects. Kind of like the law of diminishing returns. So once you look at the issue from this angle ita easy to see that you can solve two issues theough one approach, that is lowering your tolerance.

The only problem I have with stims is that Vyvanse honestly lasts too long for me but it's worked much better than Adderall. I'm thinking about switching to dexedrine which is supposed to be like instant release vyvanse.

Liftomde. Create an account to see phenibut it wont be visible until you create an account. Then make sure you order phenibut faa(free amino acid) your taste buds will thank me. Also get that tolerance in check, there is tons of good info out the juat search "reduce amphetamine tolerance".

>fake shit
Both of them contain modafinil though?

Bought mine from LiftMode. Should be the best available to my knowledge. And regarding anxiety, yup phenibut totally kills that. It's like indica weed + moderate drunkenness but with a clear mind. Also music sound 10x better, so if you need phenibut to kill anxiety and just chill, totally go for it

I have adhd and take vyvanse, helps me out with focusing. Never knew stuff like this existed and its made my life 10x better.

reddit /r/Nootropics/comments/30kuem/agmatine_retrospective/
Checkbthis link

Very relevant looks like it addressed his anxiety too.

Weed, LSD, and shrooms.

I'm not touching any other drugs besides these

Phenibut, Agmatine and memantine. I'm about to do some research on the latter two but thank you both for your input.

You got it user. Good luck.

No they dont

Molly, coke, and cialis...makes me actually able to get with girls.

LSD microdoses

ecstasy and sex don't go together as well as I would have thought. Sure it feels great, but mdma makes it impossible to get a boner unless I also pop a Levitra or something. And even then, it becomes nearly impossible to cum. I can go for an hour + without being close. It's annoying when you want to bust a nut but the nut just won't bust.

Ritalin and modafinil

Real modafinil or that fake Indian shit?

I buy mine from India because that's all I know. Where should i be buying?

PS- bought 50$ worth of modafinil about a month and a half ago. Paid with bitcoin.

Feels bad man...

It's real

300mg test e3.5d, 18mg nicotine and currently 80mg var ed


Where do you get it?

I've bought some indian shit and didnt notice much different when I took it, except I feel a little more awake and am not tired till way after midnight.

whats wrong with the shit from india? i got that...

L- Theanone + Coffee

shit gets you pumped and yet still chilled out
also cocaine or gtfo

I just asked for a prescription. And they are supposed to work that way, if you want to feel more alert and focused throughout the day, go with ritalin, concerta or adderall.

roid sources normally stock it

Ok what is the shit from India made out of then? If it's really over the counter mix then I'll buy in the US. If not then fuck off the India shit feels good

Microdose LSD

it's the same molecule, with the same effects, don't listen to these retards they know nothing about drugs

i prefer macro doses

take those crypto profits and go to a nice hotel in peru, get fuckin purest cocaine. Trade high af in your hotel room

i wan tto take a really cute user to do this with me

Oxycodone (subtle moodlift equals motivation)
Red wine

>8 results
>15 results
holy shit, i am home

I've read that liftmode's phenibut is inferior to nootropicsdepot's. Any truth to that? My first and only batch was from powdercity, now defunct.

stop being a placebo cuck- if you actually buy it from a decent place it's the exact fucking same as a prescription

"wahwah its from india so it must be shit"
"ohman made in the usa STRONK PILL YESSSS"

fuck off

look up armodafinil. There's almost modafinil which was used on pilots to help them stay alert on long flights. armodafinil is a more effective analog of modafinil.

armodafinil isn't an analogue, it's the enantiomer of modafinil, and the isomer primarily responsible for it's effects. people find armodafinil gives less side effects than normal modafinil

25mg thc oil capsule

laser beam

hey I may actually do this if I get some money from crypto. So far I've only done coke in Prague.
thads nod normal :DDDDDD t. dogdor

same source - india?

liftmode only has the phenibut HCL in capsules, is there a noticeable difference? I don't have a scale and wouldn't want to OD on it by accident.

This might knock a noobie on their ass.

pic related is the result of a phenibut, tranny cock, porn and DALE addiction.

Test out some smart drugs, all the Oxbridge faggots use them

I use noopept you can even buy it with btc
The effect is higher memory retention and caffience like performance without the negative effects of caffeine

green vein kratom
caffiene+l theanine
little aderall if I feel the need
GABA if I feel jittery, or more l theanine
valium or xanan to come down if needed
couple drinks in the evening
5 htp and more benzos if I feel axious in the morning, followed by more stims if those drug make me drowsy

Did somebody say Dalé?

motherfucker your ups and downs are as dramatic as buttcoins.

I can with molly+cialis+alcohol.

General Swedish Snus
t. American

Country where I live, we can get weed candy for like 4 cents; equivalent to a hefty joint and you have like an hour before it kicks in. So I can stay high pretty much 24?7 for less than a dollar a day. Pretty comfy shit desu

And what country is this?

Just bought Phenibut using litecoin.

>not taking 250 test 400 tren


where from

Liftmode. 25% with code Bitcoin

Noice thx mate

Intranasal insulin, N-acetyl Semax amidate, Orexin-A and good old dextroamphetamine are my go-to for winning at crypto.

You are not going to like it

>300 mg test

Dude fuck tren just take half a gram of test. Least amount of damage. Maybe throw on some sarms.
You guys are too obsessed with shit that isn't just straight test. Like fr fuck taking the pills, fuck tren, fuck t3.

I see you misc

Coors Light

A decent amount of the modafinil from india is legit... this dude doesnt know what he is talking about. You can even send that shit to get it tested. 99% of the time it will come back good if youre buying from a good dealer.

Yup, just be fucking careful.... Prescribed and took dexamphetamine once - caused heart damage and now I fear dying at least a couple of times a day. At least these crypto gains keep me happy..

that's not normal, you lost the genetic lottery.

Stay off that road user, its not worth it both economic and health-wise.

just stick to the basic stuff, coffee tea etc.

No, really, I want to know...