Back with this image again; why the fuck does no one ever talk about this?

Back with this image again; why the fuck does no one ever talk about this?

Does this mean that all those "small islands" on the coast were actually mountains you could approach as a stone age man and walk up but now they stick out of the water after sea levels rise?

Jesus fucking Christ, I am so #woke right now.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Does this mean that all those "small islands" on the coast were actually mountains you could approach as a stone age man and walk up but now they stick out of the water after sea levels rise?

( ( Mind Blown ) )

I want to live in doggerland

Note that the rising sea level was a global event. With simimal effects in areas like the Black Sea and the Middle East.
And the timing coinsides with the rise of agriculture and civilization. Hence all the flood stories.

It was covered with a thick ice sheet though, the sea level being so low because of the Ice Age.


It would have been like living in Greenland, but then the waters come un and everybody drowns

Literally hyperboreans.


Wikipedia says that the highest depth of North Sea is around 700m and the average depth is less than 100. So not mountains, more like hills.

But the ice was gone by 16000 BCE tho

There was no flood, the atheist said.

*a challenger appears*

Atheists don't deny floods. The deny all the bs mythology that surrounds them.

I hereby declare this image to be FAKE as the world did not exist 16,000 years ago.

Thank you

And the only thing coming close to water covered Earth would be snowball Earth period.

>the timing coinsides with the rise of agriculture and civilization. Hence all the flood stories.
You really think that the sea level rising over thousands of years would inspire disaster stories? They wouldn't even notice.

The land also rose.

The weight of those ice sheets depressed the earth's crust, in some places pushing entire continents down.

When the ice melted the land rose, sometimes out of the water, sometimes even well above the modern tideline.

The phenomenon of post-glacial rebound was more pronounced on the coast of North America.


God damn I like this. Why couldn't we have had a world like this?

The flood stories come from the area around the Mediterranean which actually did experience flooding when the Straits of Gibraltar crumbled and reflooded the sea basin.

Search file name for Japanese underwater archaeology

>The flood stories come from the area around the Mediterranean which actually did experience flooding when the Straits of Gibraltar crumbled and reflooded the sea basin.

lol no. That happened 5 million years ago.

>They wouldn't even notice.
There would have been very violent and catastrophic episodes.

The best notation for a secular board on a pagan web site.

In case this hurts your christ-(or-other)-butt, there is a designated cry board you can go to

>The best notation for a secular board on a pagan web site.
It's retarded since you still arbitrarily use the "birth" of Christ as the measurement, and changing the name only obfuscates that fact. If you want to be secular then use something else. Otherwise, keep your religious ressentiment to yourself.

By your logic you could use a scientific dating system combined with a pagan record.

>It was covered with a thick ice sheet though

Was it?

>It's retarded since you still arbitrarily use the "birth" of Christ as the measurement
Any and all measurement systems are ultimately arbitrary.

I used a very common and widely used notation. Some user (you?) had to point it out in typical Veeky Forums style. I responded and here we are.

No, BCE means "before christian era", it doesn't directly refer to jesus alleged birth.

>Before Christian Era

It means Before Common Era dipshit

Jesus was born 4 BCE tho

That's nowhere near Doggersbank

>North-western coast of France
>Nowhere near Doggersbank

>>>/your local Baptist church/

Have you looked at it? It's literally NOWHERE near it, and I'm not even that guy

It was necessary to sink Doggerland, because it had been overrun with failed proto-Finnic genetic experiments. It was necessary, but still sad. Imagine seeing the flood through the eyes of one of those mutants - not knowing why this terrible thing is happening, not even knowing why you were made. The Hyperwar was truly one of humanity's lowest points.

t. Doggerland autist

What was it like at the beginning of the neolithic (3700BC)?

Look at the fucking map in OP's pic.

Er Lannic is roughly where Teviec Island is noted on OP's map.

Now quit being a retard.

>Teviec Island
Bottom left of map

>Doggers Bank
Center of map

About 1000 miles apart

Now go stand in a corner and suck your thumb

How about you go suck a dick.

(You're right though)

This is amazing. Very tight. Also nice dubs.

Academics be like, "There was no civilization prior to ~10k bc. Because we came to that conclusion fifty years ago and don't want to admit we were wrong. No goyim, those aren't pyramids in bosnia, they're just coincidentally shaped hills. Don't excavate them. Go back to sleep. You white devils all came from africa, I tell you! muh motherland theory! europe was just hunter gatherer barbarians while the africans wuz kangz. you didn't know how to stack two stones together until the arabs taught you how."

Where will you be when the arrogant academic cabal sees the day of the rope and we wuz hyperboreans/atlanteans is vindicated as truth?

Also, columbus day needs to be abolished. as if burgerstanis aren't ignorant of history enough. Spread the truth of transatlantic iron age trade routes and the tobacco mummies!

A slow rise, no. Chunks of ice falling into the water and causing tsunami, rivers overflooding their banks, towns and settlements washed away, yes. Look at those shitty disaster movies about a modern sea level rise btfo'ing nyc.

You're a fucking autismal pedantic retard without a fucking point to make.

The point is that Er Lannic was made when the sea levels were lower.

Your point is that Er Lannic is not on the part of OP's map that says Dogger Bank.


Checking. But really why are they so reticent to admit these new archaeological findings and other instances of structures and civilizations more ancient than their current theories permit? They MUST revise their theory or get the fuck out of here. What a corrupt, self-serving system of leeches and parrots.

I wouldn't be so damn mad if they didn't actively try to paint this as "conspiracy theory" and ostracize the legitimately curious researchers who undertake the effort. We need to clean house of these wretches.

That's not even that old. The egyptian dynasties were already impossibly ancient by 3700 bc.

And the answer is a lot of bronze and basket weaving.

If you want an old civilization try circa 18,000 bc. There's evidence of structures that old, so clearly we were already civilized townbuilders by that point, which means we existed as nomadic hunters and then agrarians yet before that by a few thousand. My guess is we've had something resembling civilization since around 25000 bc, which is when the older and globally distributed pyramidal structure builders were spread across the world, including the new world, and were beginning development towards their unique civilizations. Previous to that would be when humans were mainly concentrated to one land from which they had developed out of apehood. Perhaps when the land was still joined or when ice isthmuses allowed them to branch out.

3800 bc is closer to modern times than it is to the begining of egyptian power. For scale.

>Not -4000 HE

>those "small islands" on the coast were actually mountains

that's a large rising plateau, with peaks in Scotland.

>weight of those ice sheets depressed the earth's crust

Doggerland was the first place the whiter skin people from Hyperborea, Agartha, whatever you want to call it (the continent that exists on the sea on the interior side of the earth) landed when they came through/around the Arctic hole/bend. The white skin is because the core of the Earth is nowhere near as intense as the Sun, and not made from the same substance.

They were an "advanced people", but compared to the stone age cultures existing after the collapse, that could mean anything. They spoke a language similar to Basque and settled throughout the continent prior to the Indo-European migration. This migration saw racial mingling and a collapse of the society. The last holdouts survived the collapse for a while on Dogger Bank before it too was swallowed by the sea. This was not an event that lasted for a thousand years, it was very short. Because of the collapse, those that lived inside caused a massive earthquake or something, sending much of their sea as a tsunami that broke through/under the ice caps and raised the sea level, causing the people still on Dogger Bank to be swallowed by the sea. This event is remembered as oral traditions passed down by stone age degenerated cultures, and formally remembered as Atlantis to this day.

How's that for mind blown?

>impossibly ancient

here you go buddy

was gonna show this to /pol/ first, but you've earned it.



Is there some world map around say 15,000 BC with Doggerland, Sundaland, and all the rest on it?

tell me honestly, did you just read this book?


If only that were true.
pic related is probably fake but it looks cool.


You just literally said stuff

>most of Europe landlocked except
>no Baltic sea
>more harsh continental climate in the center and west and less oceanic influence
>huge plains that allow invading armies to go almost anywhere

I imagine this would actually be shitty compared to modern European geography.


They did. Learn some geology

Do you know what they use to measure meters, kg, seconds or charge strength?

You're forgetting
>covered in a mile or more of solid ice

It's safe to say Doggerland was not conducive to habitation.

>it's another "why does nobody talk about this thing that people actually talk about quite often" thread