What went wrong?
Not much. Besides Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan, the Midwest is a decent place to live.
Automation and farm subsidies
Shitty sports teams
are the houses really that cheap out there?
I've lived in NYC my whole life I'm thinking of buying a house out there outright I don't even care if I end up with a shit job out there as long I have a house free and clear.
Speaking as lifetime Ohio resident, basically this. That and jobs going overseas.
Compared to NYC, the cost of living as a whole is way fucking cheaper.
When did gov begin poisoning the Great Lakes?
Depends on the area.
I mean it's definitely less jewy than new york and you've got variance in the real estate prices.
I wanna be a jew though some i'm moving to New York when I can.
Super ideally, you can get a job at a place 40 minutes from a nice home since there's not nearly as much traffic unless you work 9-5, at which point you'd be forced to eat out every day to avoid rush hour.
I wouldn't fuckin know, I live in southern Ohio. I've never been to the Great Lakes
It'll be the only region with water in 25 years. The Mexican hordes will try to detach it from the rest of the US, just to survive the coming Ash Age.
Would you rather live in the worst neighborhood in Chicago or the nicest neighborhood in Caracas?
dunno where caracas is, but if you don't pretend to be poor all your shits gonna get stolen.
leafposter here
hey its OUR Great Lakes buddy
...and it might be our fault for dumping in them...
Ohio is not the mid-west.
t. Nebraskan
The answers chicago suburbs since you could at least crash with somebody and do factory work or something.
As a resident of Minnesota, I feel fine. The economy here is pretty good, even during the recession. The public schools and roads are also better than any of the other states highlighted on the map.
You have a 25% of being robbed/attacked on any given day in Englewood. Had Richard M. Daley not built the expressways to seal off the blacks from the rest of the city, the rest of the city would be third world today.
>inb4 it already is XDDDDD
Ohio is probably the most midwestern state alongside Michigan since it was a part of the original Northwestern territory to which the term "midwest" was first applied.
If I'm generous then the midwest ends with Iowa.
Do you live on the East Coast, by chance?
>Red Wings
No. The word midwest was always equal to the Great Lakes region, I have no idea why people also include those shitholes in the plains.
It is.
It's just that we have a lack of a better sounding term. The "midwest" is split into West North Central ( Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota), and East North Central ( Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin). It's interesting to talk to people from say Kansas and they will say that Ohio is nothing like them, and probably the other way around.
I've always wondered if culture actually exists in between states. I know californians are a lot more slutty than midwestern people but that's about it.
But user, everyone knows that USians have no culture.
Considering the Great Lakes region is largely east of the Mississippi River, wouldn't that make it the Mideast?
You're like the Polack who gets buthurt when people refer to Poland as part of Eastern Europe instead of Central Europe
They have culture, and they're more than just flyover states. However, they're still boring and the food generally sucks.
Ohio is way too diverse. Western Ohio is very much like Kansas, nothing but corn, cows and small communities. Southeast is Appalachian hicks, Cleveland is basically Detroit 2.0 and Cincinnati is pretty much Kentucky.
That''s where you're fuckin wrong, kiddo.
t. Ohioan
Importing niggers and all kinds of non-European to work in factories.
FTFY OP. Leave Minnesota and the patrician Dakotas out of your generalization.
t. very upper midwest
Too bad that there are too many fucking somalis. Minnesota are retarded.
Stupid race obsessed faggot, you never even see them. They just live in the poor parts of minneapolis and drive taxis. The whole rest of the state is your precious white. Fuck you, pussy
>all of Pennsylvania in the Rust Belt
If you're fine cutting out the UP, you should be fine cutting off part of Pennsylvania too, since I'm pretty sure that the eastern part isn't nearly as Rusty as the western
This, Minnesota is shit. The twin cities are nothing but Hmongs and niggers while the rest of the state is just dull and depressing.
t. wisconsin
I'm not in the midwest.
I grew up in Cleveland, OH, went to school in bumfuck Wisconsin and now I live in Minnesota. I love the cold as fuck winter and drinking beer and not having any Californians or New Yorkers around. Can confirm Midwest is Bestwest
That's where you're wrong. I live in a very nice suburb where somalis are being shipped in to live in apartments (the projects) next to walmart.
Also fuck you for being an elitist asshole. No one should have to deal with somalis, not even poor whites. They could have never come to America if it weren't for government programs and government paying for everything for them, including the plane ride over.
i'm from neither of these states and this still gave me a hearty kek
so shut the fuck up since you don't actually know anything
>very nice suburb
Good one. In Rochester, the malis all live in shitty apartments or project-tier housing, away from our "very nice suburbs"
I'm not even being elitist. You're just overreacting, like most people do on the internet. Jesus christ
No, he's right. The twin Cities is full of hmongs, indians,somalis, and just regular blacks.
where? fucking brooklyn park or north mnpls? No shit. I go to the cities all the time and I don't see nearly as many minorities as you people claim.
I was just at the mall of america a few days ago saw mostly white people. Hardly any somalis, hmong or anything, only a handful of twitter blacks.
They shouldn't even be in america. Not a single taxpayer dollar should be spent to support them. The u.s. government is funding the destruction of america. I don't live in rochester. It's a half hour to an hour drive to Minneapolis from where I live.
>the destruction of america.
fucking kek somalians cant even drive cars how are they gonna destroy america? pull up your pampers big boy
ok, i know you're memeing now. i'm done here
>us gov funding the destruction of america
oh my. have you ever talked to a somalian? I bet you live in st cloud
Columbus OH here, Somalis are literal cancer and the worst subhumans in America bar none. All of them are involved in either drugs or terrorism, we had one hacking a Christian restaurant owner with a machete and another trying to kill a bunch of OSU students before getting shot, both tied to ISIS. Not to mention most of them are unemployed and rarely even speak English and their average IQ is like 65 or some shit. They are a literal tumor in human form.
I'm from down between Dayton and Cincy. The only time I've ever gone to Columbus, a Somali-looking dude on a bike stopped near me when I was walking to a parking garage after dark, seemed to be asking in as subtle language as possible if I wanted to buy drugs, and left quickly when I said no.
I'm not memeing. I live in woodbury. They fly in Somalis and give them apartments bordering walmart. Then they give them as much as they can give them free.
You're an idiot. They will destroy America by merely existing in America. And because liberals will give them preference for everything and give them free stuff. Their birth rates guarantee that their children will be many, and their children will become terrorists.
no dude YOU'RE an idiot. there are, at MOST, 150,000 somalians in the entire country. that's half of one percent of the population. we arrest ten times that many people every year. we've exterminated whole races. just because you have to live around black people doesnt mean its the end of america you underage retard
Too many. It's not just somalis, it's hmongs, indians, hispanics, asians. Somalis are just the least amicable of that batch. You're an ads hole for wanting to allow any of them into america. You're an asshole for forcing posterity to have to compete with savages.
>forcing posterity to have to compete with savages.
do you mean "prosperity?" even if you did that sentence still doesn't make any sense.
No, I meant posterity. As in the dwindling amount of northern Europeans descendants in North america.
Sorry meant to say proportion. But in some states the overall amount is actually dwindling.
>northern Europeans
yeah all those damn slavs and italians coming over taking our jobs
Northern Italians are fine, don't care for sicilians
Most are northern european.
>don't care for sicilians
Wow cool, let's just create our whole immigration system based around your feelings then
why isn't Montana and Wyoming not considered part of the Midwest?
Can we please?
Go fuck yourself
t. ohioan
what do you have against lakes?
don't think I need to say it
Ohio is a rusty ugly place in the cities
outside of that it's simply flat farmland, not offensive, but boring
it's kind of America's poland
Ohioan, can partially confirm. The urban centers are, from the ones i'm familiar with, doing their best with what they have.
This is a perfectly acceptable state to live in. Not something I'd personally aspire to but it's hard to go wrong with it
The Northeast is definitely part of the Rust Belt, but I'd definitely chop away the Southeastern part of the state. He should include Western/Southern Tier New York too though since they're Rusty as fuck.
It's changing. Don't know how long it's been since you've been around but the cities are gradually improving and finding a new identity outside of the old industrial focus. I would say Cbus and Cincy are actually on the nicer side now.
Columbus was literally never a rust belt city.
Not as bad as Cleveland but it had its degrees of it. The abandoned factories downtown were either demolished or renovated for gentrification.
you're right, it was just shit to begin with
t. Cincinnati
sure a stump may have a green shoot
Yeah it's like two times richer than Cincinnati, ten times cleaner, with a good economy and much less blacks.
>inb4 b-but it's boring
Midwest is great suck my cock
Well it is. If I were a non-native and told I had to take a vacation to Ohio, my first pick would probably be the shore of Erie or something, up near Cedar Point. But my second would be Cincinnati
Cincinnati is alright. Over the Rhine is a good place to drink these days and not a complete shithole
You do not know what the Midwestern US is.
I don't care about vacationing, central Ohio has the best living standards and is the only part of the state that isn't ass tier.
Why do people keep trying to meme that we're not Midwest? You niggers probably look at the map and think "no way, ohio's too far east, it's called the midWEST"
That's what I thought too when I was like, eight years old.
>Win one world series and a hundred years of being shit is forgiven
It's more of a cultural thing. Culturally, we're very similar to Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Nebraska. Moreso than the East Coast. That's why we're classified in the same category.
The end of the steel industry in the big cities and the Great Migration from the South.
ohio is the now the mid west because it's what we of the east called the west back in the day
see detroit, chicago, every other city on this planet
>lighthouses & beaches
who /lakecounty/ masterrace here?
All you plebs will never understand the good life of living in idilic suburbs, 30 minutes from Amish, Cities, Farmlands, and lake
If midwest teams are shit then what is the rest of the country? Cali teams are literal garbage right now with the exception of the Warriors.
Who else /iowa/ here? I think I'll move out for a decade and then come back and start a business. Des Moines is great
Shut up nigger I live in rural Illinois and it's only boring here during Sunday afternoon's when everyone's resting and mowing their lawns
Where I live majority of the imported worker's are spics and eastern Europeans
Midwest bros are always welcome in Illinois just stay away from Chicago and the quad cities
Where is the best place to go in Illinois? I always assumed if I went there I would just go to a nice part of Chicago away from the nignogs but you seem to be constructing a different argument. Any other places with good jobs, specifically tech?
I also mean living there when I say "go there"
From personal experience it would be Galena, it's it's pretty small town but it has a large tourist industry since Chicago fags always go there in the summers unfortunately not a tech place but if you are looking for tech you could go to Chicago if you wanr to deal with nigga and liberals