What was he after? Whatever it was Romans didn't like it one bit. Was he trying to become king of Judea or something?
>inb4 he's the son of god blah blah blah
What was he after? Whatever it was Romans didn't like it one bit. Was he trying to become king of Judea or something?
>inb4 he's the son of god blah blah blah
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably a displacement of the Sadducees in Jerusalem, with a replacement of either his own group or at least a more Pharisee aligned one.
Given that the Sadducees were the collaborationist party of their day, you can see why the Romans would take a dim view to it.
He was "after" saving mankind
Considering Joseph was a literal cuck, I'd say saving his mother's reputation.
>"Nuh-uh, my momma was purest waifu! God did it! I'm no rape baby! Pls no bully!"
Religious reforms. He was the jews' Martin Luther.
Virginity plays a major role in religions throughout the world. Funny you ignore that as the fedora or (((chosen))) one you are.
Except Jesus took it to a ridiculous extreme. Just going from religions contemporary to his time, Zeus/Jupiter was a notorious poon-hound, Moses and the other Jews were born normally (no godsex or anything), Bhudda was a human prince that became "enlightened", etc. etc. Only Christians take the virginity of their founder's mother that seriously.
Don't forget that in the contemporary religious culture, among Jews anyway, the continued virginity of a married wife would be bizarre and borderline sinful. Husbands and wives are supposed to bang.
It was the Jewish high priest that ordered his inprisonment and he was the one to push his execution through Pilatus. It's most likely that Jesus' new wave religious views made him feel threatened, he thought that a larger conspiracy is going on.
Good thing the only people who practice that wretched religion known as the synagogue of Satan are Jews.
Exactly. Paul said the same thing in one of his letters (can't remember which). So why would a Jew of that time period not only have his apostles claim his mother was a virgin, but never marry himself, even though he apparently had women literally throwing themselves at his feet? It's almost like a harem anime. Except people actually believe it happened and stake their lives on it.
>I'm no rape baby!
Implying Mary didn't willingly cuck beta Joseph with an alpha Centurion from Rome.
She may have, but her son would never admit it. Not unless he wanted his mother to become target practice.
>It's most likely that Jesus' new wave religious views made him feel threatened, he thought that a larger conspiracy is going on.
Or that this is a Pharisee power grab against him by proxy; which admittedly is a larger conspiracy but not exactly a new wave one.
Essentially the Juden didn't want to have to bow to Christ power. Even the false Jews admit Jesus had incredible power (they call him a sorcerer, etc) but knew if He had his way the shekels would stop pouring in.
>It's almost like a harem anime. Except people actually believe it happened and stake their lives on it.
thanks for the solid giggle mate
tho you have a point there
The plot thickens
You kiss Jewish ass, and you make Jewish ass richer everyday. Every penny you own has been printed by jews, sold to the market by jews, and it'll return to the jews.
God, /pol/ was right all along.
Is there anything ever that can stop a juden from obtaining his god-given shekels?
The final judgment.
Jew detected
he was solely a religious reformer, he could have been a nationalist leader but refused
I'm p sure he tried to use the "son of god" scheme to unite judea and overthrow romans
And then after he was killed people started taking his stuff too seriously
>he could have been a nationalist leader but refused
I am pretty sure that somewhere in the Bible, Jesus literally say something like "Bring those who refuse to declare me as their king and slay them before me". Jesus definitely had a political agenda, and that's why the Roman governor himself took care of him. If he was just a religious fanatic Pilatus wouldn't waste his time on his case and would have dealt with more important shit.
>Pharisee aligned
Wasn't he against pharisees?
>I am pretty sure
Well, you sure are plain wrong
OP here. This is exactly what I always assumed, senpai. I just thought Veeky Forums fags would have much more to elaborate.
Plotting to overthrow the FUCKING ROMAN EMPIRE in ~20 A.D., was Jesus a retard or what?
Jesus (God) had one job, not to be a king then and there but after death, to die rise again then be the first human (new Adam) in heaven and also be king of heaven which will eventually be on earth.
When people asked him to help them, he would at times out of compassion though with some reluctance as he wasn't there to heal. In the times when he did heal people, he told them to tell no one because he knew they would try and make him king (because be has healing powers).
Romans didn't like the Jews getting angery and true he said he is a king greater than the emperor which Pontius couldn't really leave unpunished, Jews hated him more than Romans till Christians started annoying the Romans as well as Jews, later it's where Jews go killing Christians and romans flay or crucify disciples etc.
Jesus is the hermetic red king. You won't understand his motives if you take an exclusively materialistic approach.
Beautiful bait. Go post this as a separate thread here on Veeky Forums and Anons will go crazy.
The Godpels report he was against 'Pharisees'. However, the specific points of contention brought up, such as whether you can heal on the Sabbath, the function of the afterlife, or the role of the high priest, often have 'Pharisees' talking the Sadducee party line.
The book I mentioned upthread goes into it in much more detail, but it's very likely that the historic Jesus was against Sadducees, and the later written gospels changed that, either through ignorance of sectarian divides in Judea, or as an attempt to placate the Romans by portraying themselves as against the segment that was most anti-roman
Apologies for any typos, I'm posting from my phone atm.
They pulled it off for about five years not long after Jesus died
Not uncommon. See: Vercingetorix, Bar Khoba, Ariminus
He was a son of roman soldier according to some contemporary sources.
Alma - betulah
See the issue with your bullshit here?
What contemporary source, because there is no contemporary source that remarks on Jesus...