ITT: /lgbt/ People in History

I'll go first. The American musician Billy Tipton lived life as a man and was able to keep his biological gender a secret until death. Please keep the examples 25+ years old to keep this thread Veeky Forums.


OP here. I forgot to mention Billy had a wife who never caught on.
"Tipton kept the secret of his extrinsic sexual characteristics from Betty by inventing a story of having been in a serious car accident resulting in damaged genitals and broken ribs, and that it was necessary to bind the damaged chest to protect it. From then on, this was what he would tell the women in his life."
>being that gullible

It's pretty ironic that this guy was not only a Nazi, but so close with Hitler.

>tfw functioning genitals and can't get married

Only high-ranking NSDAP official on first name terms with Hitler.

I wonder if they ever bumfucked.

Hitler was too old for him.


"M-mein Fuhrer,"

Both look like women, even the right looks like a modern butch lesbian.

seems like made up bullshit propaganda for the tranny movement desu

I assure you it's true. Do some research before you shitpost.

At the time of my Birth, my Parents were on Ship-board in their Way from London to N. England. My Entrance into this troublesome World was attended with the Death of my Father, a Misfortune, which tho' I was not then capable of knowing, I shall never be able to forget; for as he, poor Man, stood upon the Deck rejoycing at my Birth, a merciless Wave entered the Ship, and in one Moment carry'd him beyond Reprieve. Thus was the first Day which I saw, the last that was seen by my Father; and thus was my disconsolate Mother at once made both a Parent and a Widow.

When we arrived at Boston (which was not long after) I was put to Nurse in a Country Place, at a small Distance from the Town, where I went to School, and past my Infancy and Childhood in Vanity and Idleness, until I was bound out Apprentice, that I might no longer be a Charge to my Indigent Mother, who was put to hard Shifts for a Living.

My Master was a Country Minister, a pious good-natur'd young Man, & a Batchelor: He labour'd with all his Might to instil vertuous and godly Principles into my tender Soul, well knowing that it was the most suitable Time to make deep and lasting Impressions on the Mind, while it was yet untainted with Vice, free and unbiass'd. He endeavour'd that I might be instructed in all that Knowledge and Learning which is necessary for our Sex, and deny'd me no Accomplishment that could possibly be attained in a Country Place; such as all Sorts of Needle-Work, Writing, Arithmetick, &c. and observing that I took a more than ordinary Delight in reading ingenious Books, he gave me the free Use of his Library, which tho' it was but small, yet it was well chose, to inform the Understanding rightly, and enable the Mind to frame great and noble Ideas.

Before I had liv'd quite two Years with this Reverend Gentleman, my indulgent Mother departed this Life, leaving me as it were by my self, having no Relation on Earth within my Knowledge.

I will not abuse your Patience with a tedious Recital of all the frivolous Accidents of my Life, that happened from this Time until I arrived to Years of Discretion, only inform you that I liv'd a chearful Country Life, spending my leisure Time either in some innocent Diversion with the neighbouring Females, or in some shady Retirement, with the best of Company, Books. Thus I past away the Time with a Mixture of Profit and Pleasure, having no Affliction but what was imaginary, and created in my own Fancy; as nothing is more common with us Women, than to be grieving for nothing, when we have nothing else to grieve for.[2]

t. Silence Dogood

guy literally wrote as a woman

Sure fooled everyone back then desu.

calm down friendo i didn't say it was made up I just said it SEEMED made up and is hardly believeable either way especially the marriage part

I'm calm. Sorry about misunderstanding. However, I'd prefer you contribute instead of telling us all your opinion.

Edward Lear, my favorite poet, was a faggot. He wrote extensively in his diary about his crush who he would go traveling with and would write poems for his children too.
A lot of his love poems are slightly bittersweet.

I don't understand - haven't a lot of men writing stories of characters of the opposite sex in gross details? Does this mean they're Transgendered too?

I heard about that. Do you think it was just for fun or an indication of something else?

There was Oscar Wilde (gay), Walt Whitman (gay), Lili Elbe (transgender), John Cage (bisexual or gay), Sappho (probably lesbian), Alexander the Great (bisexual), and Virginia Wolfe (bisexual) for starting.


You don't have to be a fucking tranny to have weird fantasies from time to time.

I guess he was just a free spirit and explored his feminine side through writing.

I myself am quite similar. I wonder i ben put stuff up his pooper too.

You mean her biological gender.


He probably did put stuff up his pooper. Benny was an eccentric man. God bless him.

>You don't have to be a fucking tranny to have weird fantasies from time to time.
I don't understand - it seems like his female prospective writing is pretty normal compared to other writers - how does this imply he has a curiosity or tendencies towards wanting to be the opposite sex?


>biological gender
U/Napoleon the great and u/Lenin pls leave

Ben wouldn't put stuff up his pooper.

That's what french mistresses are for.


I just did some reading on this guy and his wife denied his homosexuality even after his death.

Billy passed a lot better during old age.

>Sappho (probably lesbian)

Don't forget author and civil rights activist, James Baldwin. I never realized how gay he sounded until recently.

>Japanese man
>not gay


Still looks like a granny rather than grandpa

>have a literal walking talking god-given superweapon at disposal
>castrate and drive him into suicide because morals
Fucking Brits, if he was alive, they'd still be the leading super power of the West

>(((thinking))) is for Jews

Ataturk was likely to have been gay
>was only married to his wife for a few years
>never had any biological children
>to this day the letters between him and his wife are not allowed to be published
really makes you think

I mean of course she did, for multiple reasons. I don't know if he was gay or not, but Japanese society does not look kindly upon homosexuality, and especially the shame it would bring to the family. Also it was her husband, I wouldn't want to believe my husband was gay either and thinking about how I was being lied to for decades, emotionally/verbally.

>when your teacher keeps trying to bang you but all you wanna do is write poetry

He frequented gay bars and wrote a semi-autobiographical book about a gay Japanese man who tries to survive.

He's gay alright.

I'd love to see ancient lesbians go at it.

>"He started a number of open affairs with women, and with men. Male youth attracted him. He made advances to the wives and daughters of his supporters. Even important men sent their women-folk away from Angora out of his way."

He always gave me a bislut vibe, guess I was right.

This will get you imprisoned in Turkey.