I lost 20k on Moon! We lost it all brb sodku
Thanks biz
what happened, back to 1sat?
Back to 3 so far
Join the HALLOween machine can't lose with that
why did you wait so long to sell?
Hold you dumb nigger
Moons going to 400, be patient nigger
sell orders worth 30 fucking bitcoins (a.k.a. whales) are putting it at 5 sat so I would doubt it but hey! Keep shilling on my friendo.
You HODL or you can work at walmart again
We beat 100 btc walls in two days did you not pay attention?
528 btc wall to 100, provided no one puts more walls.
Volume on bleu went up from about 100 btc to 170+ btc in about 10 hours, many walls can be eaten with that growth.
gonna be 80 sat in a week
if you sold then you just wasted your life
i'm hodling, because I have nothing to lose with this, it's just my hobby.
But you are a fucking shill.
buy in at 1 sell half at 2 limit sell half of the remainder at 5 hold hte rest
ride the wave senpaitachi
Actually I called Coinbase and they said it's gonna be at $1 in a week.
Why do you keep posting stupid ass threads with that op picture?
Hold for more then a couple hours retard, the general trend is upwards and the volume is still explosive. Give it a couple of days and you'll be rewarded handsomely
You can't just shit the bed if your investment dips slightly in value for a few minutes. You don't have what it takes