So this show has absolutely no basis in history, right?
So this show has absolutely no basis in history, right?
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It is obviously based on historical events, places and figures, but the creators took huge liberties for the story.
Would you expect any better from the alien, ghost, and niggerHannibal channel?
It was a little promising when they were talking about doing Ragnar's story for the first couple seasons, letting him die in the snake pit and doing other stories in later seasons
Historical events are roughly correct, they just tinkered with the timeline to make it all happen within the characters lifetime.
What is turning me off are the setpieces and the clothing. British and Frankish warriors looking like late medieval knights, Ragnar wearing a leather jacket, Paris having a gothic cathedral, etc. If you want a more accurate depiction of life in the Dark Ages you're better off with The Last Kingdom even though it's far from being perfect.
Kek, you are a literal fucking moron.
Show me the source with indisputable 100% accuracy which records the life of Ragnar Lodbrok. You know, someone whose very existence is mythological at best.
Holy shit. Fuck off from this board you moron.
it's a fucking tv show
It's for entertainment, I don't expect a show about "mythical" characters to be historically accurate
I personally like the show..
Nah m8 watch 'the last kingdom', also history buffs narrated it so ofcourse it's terrible
>MUH Columbus boegyman
It goes farther from historical accuracy with each season (the French arc was particularly retarded), but then again since the very beginning we have Ragnar Loafbroke and Rollo depicted as fucking brothers, so you know....
>Historical events are roughly correct
Except they're not
Ragnar and Rollo werent brothers, Alfred the Great wasn't the result of a cucking by a monk and Count Odo wasn't a fat old man with BDSM fetish that got executed by Charles the Fat
Are you illiterate? That's what OP is confirming.
And it's a television show about a man who is half myth, obviously they're going to change some things around to make it exciting and make $$$.
>muh mystical blonde somalian pirates
>Björn reaches Spain
>"raids" town
>50% black people
>50% Pakis
Also fucking Floki going full on fangirl for the muslims in the mosque worshipping.
>So this show has absolutely no basis in history, right?
Ragnar probably never even existed, his "children" are probably complete randomers. It's inaccurate, but no more inaccurate than the original ragnar sagas. Well apart from the Timelines, they're pretty bad
>50% black people
>50% Pakis
It's not wrong for the blacks. Wasn't Spain under Muslim rule then.
yes because Muslim is an ethnicity
That's what triggered me the most.
Here we have the character who has been a fanatical followers of the old gods since the first season, who never exhibited any moral qualms over the murder of Christians and the desecration of churches, suddenly becoming a SJW and going on the path to converting to Islam, simply because producers were too scared to broadcast mass murder of Muslims and desecration of mosques, specially by white people.
HOLY shit how do people not get that it is akin' to "TROY" or the "King Arthur" in that it has psuedo real elements told through the lense of mythology.
Mythology itself is an excellent historical tool.
Vikings isnt a documentary, and never ever, even from the start, claimed to be. How does this come up time and time again?
It was mostly Arabs/Iberians then tho m8.
It doesn't have basis in anything, apart from game of thrones and the creators untalent and ignorance in everything.
It's the best show about Vikings that we've got.
but m-m-muh shieldmaidens
Correct, i gave up after the second series way too much "guurl power" for a show supposedly about vikings and from things i've seen posted on here it seems to have only got worse.
>women doing stuff reeeeeeeeeeee
>lagertha becomes a muffdiver
>trains mainly women
>le forced badass lok womon can alsohold shield kek
>le vikings were nice to ladies kek becone pagan
That is practically how it is coming off.
its sort of fantasy larping in not-middle ages, its a Veeky Forums show not a Veeky Forums show, even tho Veeky Forums hardly ever mentions it thinks its retarded
who are you even talking to saltman
It's retarded pandering. I seriously don't get why they ruin shows like this all the time, but I suspect it is because some slimy Edward Bernays character has told news companies that more women than men watch TV.
they seriously have dyke vikings training women warriors?
god damn that is horrible
>shieldmaiden squads
>horrible armor
>horrible timeline
>horrible historical figures
>gods walking on earth
yeah m8 top history
The way they're milking it this show will have 50 seasons and end with Hardrada
Obviously the only real source of Ragnar's life are the sagas which are semi historical at best.
The Great Heathen Army invaded England for a reason, though.
... You know moors/berbers aren't black right? They may be a bunch of goat-fuckers but they are North Africans with a decent culture (based before Islam). Blacks were only a thing with the Almhoades, than were a 12th-13th movement than used lots of conquered mauritanians/blacks as slaves. Before that the most common slaves in Iberia were Slavs/locals, and the locals were mainly iberians with an islamiced culture and a few berbers tribals.
The last kingdom called. A lot more based.
could you please name a source for Slav slaves in iberia tho?
It's weird how the show is actually capable of skillful storytelling and of showing a nuanced world, like how they did with the asian pothead qt, but they still do this black and white bullshit with gods and shieldmaidens. Rollo has so much potential as a character but they fucked him in the ass by making him Ragnarr's backstabbing brother
The warriors-slaves were called the mutes,because they didn't know a single word in romance or arab at first.
it's a /tv/ show for /tv/tards
cool i was only familiar with the janissary.
Well Iberian history isn't something very studied outside of Spain/Portugal, our ex-colonies or some nerds in other countries so it isn't surprising. I like that time period because it's the time th character of muh country was shaped the most, plus lot's of interesting shit happening.
really appreciate it. since muh ancestors were involved in almost every part of europe i guess i need to study everything.
It enjoy it for when it delivers, the hamfisted equality can suck my dick.
Atleast I can trust it for what it is, a shallow but entertaining show that kills some time every year.
I liked ubbe in that, but most of the acting is even worse.
>Edward Bernays
Quality reference.
Google this fuck now anons.
Lagertha is Hillary.
>dressed in blue,
>the stupid style her hair is as "new queen of Kattegat"
>Owl of Minerva / Bohemian grove reference.
She shows up and Literrally commits a crime to become "queen" of kattegat after the beloved King Ragnar (Bill) is dead.
The previous Queen (Aslaug) is a hardcore Right-wing hyper religious Semi-mystically powered seer'ess, The daughter of a Mythical Hero (Sigurd) and the Shield maiden (Brynhillde) who raised ultra right wing sons to preserve the Norse way and destroy the anglo saxons. Auslag is tall, slender and strong, rules with cunning and cruelty, and leads her people to the pinnacle of civilization.
Then Lagertha (jelous Ragnar, left her and chose Aslaug as his wife) storms in with a dike army of traitors and social vagabonds, murders her own former hometown people, to publically and disgracefully Shoot the previous queen with an arrow to the back as she walked away. And Lagertha is litterally praised for this, the story paints her as the "good guy" in the situation, and cheers the death of the "wicked witch (aslaug) who was a REAL woman of power.
I have never , in all my years of watching series, seen a show that was so painfully and needlessly absolutely shattered by leftist bullshit, virtually overnight.
>being so completely consumed by your ideological biases that you project them onto literally everything
I quite sincerely feel bad for you, homie.
jesus christ dude go to a therapist