What are the strongest atheist critiques of the religious viewpoint?

What are the strongest atheist critiques of the religious viewpoint?

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no evidence for any god ever.

ergo no reason to believe.

This is the only argument you "need".

In fact you do not need a single argument since the burden of proof is on the side of religion.

Please, don't kid yourself. You don't want to believe in god, theists want to believe in god. That's what every philosophical motivation ultimately comes down to. There is no proof for anything. Your entire perspective on reality is an act of faith. Modernity's obsession with "evidence" amounts to little more than intellectual masturbation.

Pic related

For Abrahamism at least, historical evidence points to it evolving more organically rather than the narrative of a straight revelation from God it gives us.

The exaltation of a god associated with war and storms, having a henotheistic stage, recycling pagan myths, etc.

>Modernity's obsession with "evidence" amounts to little more than intellectual masturbation.

History shows constant ongoing evolution of religions into what they are (or are not) today. We see religions borrow shit from other religions, can generally tell when and why they did it, etc.

History makes human involvement and motivations in religious matters very difficult to question, and following any organized religion has all that associated baggage unless you want to bury your head in the sand (going off of that is exactly what you'd like to do, and this entire argument will be useless).

And of course there's always the question "why this god and not one of this other excellent selection all equally valid as far as proofs are concerned"? You just go with
A) What you're born into.
B) Whatever you feel like.
Neither are particularly valid reasons to hold irrational unproven beliefs.

The academic views on a religion are usually at odds with the traditional views.

>What are the strongest atheist critiques of the religious viewpoint?
it leads to shitty third world behaviour. I've nothing against religion per se, but it should be restricted to a very select few and should be regarded as a personal pursuit and not a law. Peasants and plebs should never be allowed within 1 mile of a religious text. Religion is possibly the worst foundation on which to base a society

The best religions are the esoteric or occultist ones where they don't teach you that shit unless you deserve it.

>What are the strongest atheist critiques of the religious viewpoint?

Well there are those which attack the legitimacy of the logic and reason they derive their belief from (the proofs of God ect). These often come down to issues of empiricism and the validity of the Aristotelian logic.

Some of the others which Ive found to be strong are the fact that despite being linked to the divine you tend to find a very artificial and human hand on the divine process and works.

This is especially profound when it comes to religions based on written down revelations and it gets worse the more you look into comparative religion and in sources not controlled by the group itself.

The greatest advantages faiths like Christianity have is they had the unique oppertunity of being able to control the narrative by being in an Empire where literacy was objectivly low and written material expensive and difficult to preserve.

Please try and understand a little bit more about what evidence is before you clown yourself like this on the web.

You are treating religion like some small choice someone makes in their life, similar to deciding what type of suit to wear or which bread to buy. Atheists constantly do this. It is clear that you look down on religious faith, but you don't do your argument any service by letting it cloud your judgement.

People don't "choose" to be Christian because they "feel like it" or were "born into it". They listen to Christian belief and it resonates with them. They hear the stories and become enthralled with the deep meaning each story holds which cannot be captured by abstract language of the modern era. You let the bland modern era blind you, and it is of no fault of your own. With all the science that describes the natural world and the technology that lets you do incredible things, you find that God is no longer important. You do not see anything in these stories. Instead you read them and give little thought to what is being said other than "LOL PEOPLE REALLY BELIEVE THIS CRAP". Some do take it literal, but that is no reason to discredit a document you have put zero effort into understanding.

What is rationality? Is it to do that which makes most sense? Rationality may help you in mathematics or in explaining the natural world. It will help you in concrete belief, but in the philosophical sense, it does nothing for you. To be absolutely rational, you must live a very sad and empty life. It is rational that the suffering in existence deems life a waste of time. It is rational to kill yourself and your family to spare them from life.
It is irrational to believe that suffering will lead to happiness, and yet it does. It is irrational to believe that there is a higher power you cannot explain through rational means whom you must be accountable to for your actions, yet this belief has held the world together.

As a scientist I am pretty sure I know what evidence is.

Stop making a fool out of yourself by going for ad hominem.

The fact that you can not prove that your god exist and his existence is based upon indoctrination and lies makes your comment even more absurd.

Why don't you just say " I want to believe I have no evidence for his existence I am weak I want to be immortal and I need a imaginary friend because reality is to cruel to accept and live it.

Thank you for demonstrating how dishonest and weak the religious mindset is.

Outside of obviously uneducated and literalist streams, religion is not a series of propositions meant to be "proven" or "refuted".

When the Egyptian worships the sun as Ra, he is not saying "Ra is the sun" but the "sun is Ra". In other words, the godform is not prior to the phenomenon but a symbolic elaboration of its character.

I don't see the work of man to be proof that there is no God, yet instead evidence of the nature of God.

Once again, they are looking at religion in a very scientific way. The Bible isn't a textbook. It isn't a manual either. It is a group of stories built on thousands of years of human development. It is a revelation of human understanding of the ontological, something that natural science cannot describe.

Man didn't make God. Man created an understanding of God and the unknown. This is an understand Man has struggled with since the dawn of time. Simply because it is mans job to understand all that God laid out before us doesn't mean God doesn't exist.

Secondly, using the history of Christianity isn't a way to disprove Christianity either. People will use any means of control possible.

>People don't "choose" to be Christian because they "feel like it" or were "born into it"

I can't believe that you actually wrote that.

Idoctrinating the weak(children) is a basis of every religion.

Brainwash them before they can think.

Your whole comment shows how biased and irrational a mind poisoned by religion really is.

It's like a fucking virus that forces you to ignore everything that contradicts your religion.

You are wasting your whole life following a fucking cult, you abandon sceptical thinking and making your own decisions (the thing that makes you human) just to maybe visit a imaginary 5 star hotel after you die.
That is literally insane.
Religion takes your money your mind and even your body (if you work for them) just by selling you a product you have never seen.

I can not believe people are dumb enough to fall for this scam.

Gods are personifications of immanent and transcendent realities that obviously exist.

It's pathetic you think Hindus haven't proven the existence of Shiva or Ganesh, which are just anthropomorphic representations of impersonal forces such as destruction and wisdom

You're joking, right?

It's fine when you say things like, " Brahmin is synonymous with the essence of being and form." One person can still say with accuracy that Brahmin has no evidence for it's existence. You can say this for Spinoza's god as well as there is no reason to anthropomorphize a concept. No, the problem is that many people believed that their gods were actual entities that possessed actual power, otherwise people wouldn't pray to them. Give me evidence why I should consider the lightning as synonymous with a god. It is essentially the same thing.

t. starbucks sipping new age liberal

I'm a religious atheist/naturalist
Any atheist arguing against religion and not God is a complete retard

It is not like I am trying to refute religion because religious people are immune to logic.

But if you believe in something as special as a god and you claim to have a book that is his word and the basis of your believe it should hold up to a check right?

But it doesn't that is my point.

Everything in it seems to be written by middle eastern guys with limited knowledge of science (the scientific knowledge back then).

So how can it be gods word?
Either god is a fucking retard like his followers or they were lying to make money and gain power.
Answer the question for yourself.

Btw I was a christian for half of my life just the answer for the guy that said "you don't eant to believe".

Only religious people can rely on such a weak argument, I can not even describe how pathetic and immature their mindset is.

Thank YOU for demonstrating your lack of understanding of the Christian faith. You chastise him for ad hom, while insulting him. This doesn't make you stronger and atheism isn't a quick path to "intelligence". It sounds to me you gained your knowledge of religion from atheists, which is intellectually defiant if you ask me.

Is it so hard to understand that the natural world cannot explain everything there is to existence? Christianity isn't about weakness and we don't believe in God because we need an imaginary friend, you ignorant oaf. My religion is about finding strength within yourself and resisting the evils of this world that surround us everyday. Reality is cruel and reality is cold and Christians accept this fact with open arms. You have clearly never read the Bible and if you did, you did so with contempt. Every single page of the Bible describes the suffering of man, the acceptance of his suffering, and him overcoming the pain of life and eventually finding salvation on Earth leading the way to salvation in an afterlife. What guidance does your empty belief offer? It has allowed hundreds of millions to die and in its place, reassured the populace that there is no morality, there is no higher understanding, there are no rules to a happy life, suffering isn't worth it, but at least we know that we're descended from monkeys!
>btw Science was kept alive by the Church and many great breakthroughs were by religious people

yeah obviously.....

>transcendent realities that obviously exist.


>It's pathetic you think Hindus haven't proven the existence of Shiva or Ganesh, which are just anthropomorphic representations of impersonal forces such as destruction and wisdom

then why not just call them destruction and wisdom? Why do we need fancy supernatural names?

This preachy bullshit is a better argument against religion than anything else in this thread.

I like christianity, m8, but you're a fucking faggot.

>Is it so hard to understand that the natural world cannot explain everything there is to existence?

That doesn't make your made up story true.

Btw I was a christian for over 20years so don't tell me I don't know what I am talking about.

I love the phrases you used to describe what (you think) christianity is/means.

Gonna save them for a pasta.
btw what about all the other religions they are wrong right?

Why exactly is your imaginary friend real and theirs is not?

They alsi have holy book made up stories and pseudo scientists just like christity so how did you decide they are wrong?

>then why not just call them destruction and wisdom?
That's what we used to do until the eternal Abrahamic decided that being sane was taghut shirk

Why, god has no power as he doesn't exist. I'm more worried about his followers.

>Every single page of the Bible describes the suffering of man, the acceptance of his suffering, and him overcoming the pain of life and eventually finding salvation on Earth leading the way to salvation in an afterlife. What guidance does your empty belief offer? It has allowed hundreds of millions to die and in its place, reassured the populace that there is no morality, there is no higher understanding, there are no rules to a happy life, suffering isn't worth it, but at least we know that we're descended from monkeys!

Holy fucking shit you really lost your mind.

I guess he was right when he said religion poisons everything.

You say there is no evidence. This is an unsupportable statement. You have no evidence, this is true. You don't know that other people don't. They might be keeping it themselves because they don't want arrogant people like you getting hold of it and shitting all over it. Have you ever thought about the true value of the proof to a believer? Would they seriously throw the truth to dogs like you? Don't think so mate. It would be worse than selling your mother's arse for crack money.

Thank you once again for your complete lack of argument. Why do I even formulate arguments for atheists? You sound like an angsty little teenager who spouts the same vitriol I spouted when I was your age.
I'll let you in on something. I was atheist my entire life. I wasn't skeptical to what I listened to in Church, I just didn't listen to it. Instead, I listened to people like you whose whole argument was predicated on calling Christians stupid and talking about how cool Atheism is. If you don't think atheists attempt to brainwash, you are absolutely delusional. Every Communist nation has attempted to brainwash its populace and used their lack of moral groundwork as an excuse to kill countless numbers of their OWN people.

Eventually I opened my mind to what was being said in the pulpit and written in holy scripture and actually gave thought to the meaning of stories that are very difficult to comprehend. There is a reason people spend their entire lives studying the Bible and discover something new and enlightening every day. I made my own decision you moron. My decision was that atheism is a bullshit joke that offers nothing to the human race other than a misguided sense of intellectual superiority.

I haven't seen God in the sense that he stood right before me, because God is more complex than any science book could ever come close to describing. And btw, putting a dollar in the collection plate every Sunday isn't theft your moron. Neither is volunteering in a soup kitchen or doing actual good work with the Church. Something you don't even need to be Christian to do. But you don't care about that do you, because you just told me the only reason you would do good is to get into an "imaginary 5 star hotel you've never seen".

I'm Christian but god do I hate threads like this. It just turns into a contest of who has the bigger dick most of the time. Can't we all just agree to disagree?

>You don't know that other people don't.
can't make this shit up

>Modernity's obsession with "evidence" amounts to little more than intellectual masturbation.

Every time I enter these threads, Christfag idiocy/mental gymnastics never cease to amaze me.

Kill urself.

>I'm Christian
We don't fucking care

>Can't we all just agree to disagree?

no, because that's retarded. The existence of the supernatural isn't some petty opinion issue, it's an argument on life and the universe

Ok more ad hominem and butthurt emotions.

Not a single good argument why you believe in christianity over allllll the other religions.

You are doing more work with your batshit crazy (and probably mentally ill) preaching than I could ever dream of.

Thank you for demonstrating what religion does to people.

>he fell for the "skepticism is just an edgy act of rebellion and what I know is more complex than what you can ever comprehend" meme

and I thought atheists were supposed to be the euphoric ones

>Eventually I opened my mind to what was being said in the pulpit and written in holy scripture and actually gave thought to the meaning of stories that are very difficult to comprehend.

Translation: I got brainwashed so long that the sceptical part of my mind died and now I believe everything I am told by an old pedophile reading a book that doesn't hold up to any logical and scientific test.

This board is garbage.

Because not everyone has the autism that requires that to be necessary

It wasn't too long ago. Seriously, i leave for a month and when I come back Veeky Forums became /christfag/

lol you think I'm agreeing with you

This board seems a lot less Christian than when it was opened

I think most of them got banned for being /pol/ tier.

not that guy but judging by that statement you just look super butthurt at the backlash religion has got

>made up story
>my own belief of what Christianity is
You understand that every Christian reads the Bible in a different way and gains understanding in a different way. It is why there are hundreds of denominations, each with their own customs and beliefs.
The stories are there to explain a concept. The people who wrote the Bible didn't have the abstract language we enjoy today, so they described abstractions through stories. The story of Adam and Eve can be interpreted in many different ways. Some say it is the story of how man gained his self-awareness. Other say it is the story that describes the original sin and the origin of human suffering. Suffering as in the things man must do in order to live, in order to find salvation.

Man, after eating the apple discovering himself to be naked and ultimately gaining his self awareness, was banished from Eden and forced to work the fields to gain food and protect Eve who must now suffer through childbirth.
>God and other religions
The concept of God is complex. He's God, of course he exists, but he exists on a reality that is higher than our own. Any learned Christian will tell you that.
>Are the religions true
Well which religion are you talking about? Every religion attempts to explain the concept of God and morality in the language of its people. Every religion has "truth" to it, but as a Christian I give preferential treatment to the teachings of Christ.

How have I lost my mind? Do you not make sacrifices in your own life? You go to school don't you? Perhaps you work? The sacrifices and sufferings may be small, but they are still evident. You sacrifice time and comfort and comfort and suffer through work to make money. You sacrifice money to keep a roof over your head. Not saying every sacrifice or suffering is equal to that of Christ. Suffering and the acceptance of such is a way to enlightenment and happiness. Even atheists can agree with that. Read the story of Jacob.

why are all atheists such fedora tippers

i haven't met a single self professed atheist who had a grasp of philosophy

lol if you think that guy's post constitutes anything like an actual, substantative backlash instead of just being a dogshit reddit burn

The Problem of Evil


>If God exists, then why don't I have a girlfriend? There is no God!

If atheists cant into philosophy why are 3/4 of philosophers atheists?


>he considers modern analytical "philosophy" and existential "philosophy" as anything other than an embarassement to the field

Yes I do make sacrifices I scrifice time at work BUT I get something out of it money.

You wast time money and the most important thing your free will and you get nothing.

Well you get something, mental slavery.

There is no hope to bring you back into a mindset of reason logic and secpticism.

I am really sorry for you.

You will probably be a slave until you die(just like everybody else no vip area for you).

>I don't see the work of man to be proof that there is no God, yet instead evidence of the nature of God.

It is when the work of men is held to be the divine work of God alone.

>Once again, they are looking at religion in a very scientific way. The Bible isn't a textbook. It isn't a manual either. It is a group of stories built on thousands of years of human development. It is a revelation of human understanding of the ontological, something that natural science cannot describe.

I was talking about religion in general not just Christianity

>Man didn't make God. Man created an understanding of God and the unknown.

There is a big difference between creating the idea of a God to understand the world around them and creating God.

>Secondly, using the history of Christianity isn't a way to disprove Christianity either.

In some ways it can for instance one uses history to refute the Book of Mormon. However the point of that section of the post was to explain the veil of time that gives the illusion of purity to older faiths and distorts the artifical nature of them.

Because the majority are autistic analytic philosophers who still think God is something you prove in a paper

Strongest would be an explanation of how religion works behind the smoke and mirrors of holy word, how God was invented, how concept of deity was evolved, what causes religious expierence, all the matural explanation of so called miracles, and so on. Religious metaphysics can't really be argued, as metaphysics is speculative, but you definitely can reduce revelation to human fabrication or the human speculation and without its special status any religion is just another philosophical system.

>why should I believe in God
>dude blind faith lmao xD

Btw if you give another answer, you don't understand the point of religion.

>You understand that every Christian reads the Bible in a different way

If you believe it is gods word there is only I honest way to read it word by word(playing devils advocate).

Who are you to paraphrase gods word?
Oh it is not gods word?
Then why believe a single word written in it?

Makes no fucking sense.

> The Problem of Evil
Pretty weak counter, because you can always say that God is actually morally neutral being.

So he just doesn't care. Remind me why people worship this literal motherfucker.

The christian faith unequivocally states that he is NOT morally neutral. Good is good., God is right. god is loving.

Actually black holes eventually evaporate due to Hawking™ radiation.

t. Stephen Hawking

True, but atheism shouldn't deny only Christianity. Does problem of evil exist, say, in Hinduism?

It's your choice. Worship God or burn in hell.

>but I get something out of it, money
I didn't say sacrifice gives you nothing. I said sacrifice gives you EVERYTHING. You sacrifice time for money, you sacrifice money for a home, you agreed with what I said as a reason to discredit me. You fucking moron.

>Mental slavery
Explain to me how wishing to follow by a code of morality that I believe is higher than man itself is slavery?

Logic and skepticism is what I have founded my whole belief structure on. Maybe I am a skeptic for what the atheists have said my entire life? They say morality is subjective and I found that to be illogical. I used to do whatever I pleased, I allowed myself to be overcome by bad emotions, ignorance, and bad choices that were based on my own baser instincts and I was afraid to sacrifice my comfort. If anything I was a slave to my own choices. I lied and made evil decisions and put myself in a place of suffering that was gaining nothing. I was committing an evil act upon myself.

Is skepticism only skepticism if it follows what YOU believe? This is a totalitarian mindset that places mankind and all of its flaws into a seat of power that declares anyone that does not believe as stupid and worthless. It is a scary hearkening to crimes of humanity committed in the 20th century.


Nice try, but you don't need a faith to be a priest.

How can you follow morality that is higher than man and so must be out of his reach?

Oh cute now you get angry don't you little bitch?

I get something for my sacrifice (money) you don't get anything.

Stop talking about skepticism like it is an ideology you clearly have no clue what you are talking about.

Enjoy the pile of shit you call faith, I am busy now and not going to waste more time.

I am really sad you couldn't even provide a tiny amount of evidence for your hallucination.

Going to buy a bible on my way to work and use it as toilet paper.
Your shitty arguments made me get that idea you should be proud of yourself.

nice trips Devil's advocate. I am not paraphrasing God's word, I am simply trying to make sense of it. Christians debate meaning among themselves. They also discuss the content of the Bible and how the Word resonates to them.

"Believe" is a loaded word. Do I believe that Adam and Eve literally at a physical apple and God physically walked around and Adam physically hid behind a physical bush? I believe the metaphor is describing a truth. As Christians it is our job to make sense of what the truth is. I believe I have a pretty good understanding of what the truth is. Previously I said it is the origin of man's self awareness, evident in when they realized that they were naked.

Another highly debated example is the curse of the Canaanites that shares many aspects to the story of Adam and Eve. Noah was naked and passed out drunk when his son Ham saw that he was naked, Noah cursed his son, Canaan, with slavery. This is a fucked up thing, but I believe the meaning to be similar to the suffering brought on by self-awareness and Noah's embarrassment at his son seeing him at his weakest.

Ham was a fag, and he should have been put to death.

> I believe the metaphor is describing a truth.
What metaphor doesn't? They all describing some truth, one way or another if you will to search for it matephorical meaning long enough.

You will only understand once you allow yourself to think. It is proof that you refuse to even grasp the concept sacrifice because you are so rooted in materialism. You should try practicing skepticism on yourself and doubting these notions that you have existence figured out. There is no greater sign of stupidity than that which you are showing yourself. I'll pray for you.

>I am not paraphrasing God's word, I am simply trying to make sense of it.

If it is gods word it would make sense, everything else than taking it literal is paraphrasing.

Either it is gods word and he is acutally insane to make stuff like that up.
Some morons wrote it to gain power and money.

Hey nice life you got there would be a shame if you got tortured for eternity right?
Np just do everything I say and you will have a supermega life after you die(the irony)
That is the defintion of mental slavery make up a threat make up a whole universe(environment) where people are afraid and give them a solution you control.

The mechanism is so obvious....

We had a theologyfag phase where everyone got sick of it. It's still a staple, but not as much.

Veeky Forums is still a young board, for all we know it comes in waves.

Speaking of coming in waves, when will voltaireposting make a proper comeback?

>the religious viewpoint

the normal, most common viewpoint.

throughout history, nearly the most completely ubiquitous and substantial viewpoint.

>You will only understand once you allow yourself to think.

>skeptic thinks he knows everything

lmao stop embarrassing yourself

Well clearly moral perfection is out of reach for man. Only Christ was perfect according to Christian doctrine. However, that doesn't mean man cannot act in moral good, else what is the point of not killing whomever you want?

Morality must be out of reach else man would be able to create his own morality, which would deem morality useless. Man is too flawed for that sort of privilege. It usually leads to bad shit.

Not true. Metaphors only represent what you want them to represent if they are well crafted. Feminist pieces are full of stupid metaphors are only represent their ideology. I believe that the thoughts and concepts the Bible puts forth through metaphors represent truth. This is why I am Christian.

He never said he knows everything.
Stop strawmanning, claiming to have absolute knowledge is a typical religious trait.

lmao stop talking you make your position look weaker with every fucking word.

I wonder if atheists have appreciations for things like music and poetry; their behavior makes it seem as though they wouldn't be able to grasp such things.

In our complex global world people are too caught up in their warrings against one another to deal with the 'dirty questions' they're faced within religion; it's easy to pass God off as 'illogical' and submit oneself to faith in something more stylish and modern.

Anyone who has a grasp on argumentation knows that the 5 tops "arguments" every 'atheist' (and this is a terrible name for a nonreligious movement, given the fact of atheistic religions) embraces and espouses ad nauseam have no significant effect on the religious or the religious understanding.

It's not like we can blame or try to convert the nonreligious; their views are a predictable part of all that came out of the enlightenment 'humanism' and an insignificant microendorsement of a broader, more menacing historical event.

> what is the point of not killing
Well, killing is pretty hard and not worth the effort and risks if you just hate the victim.

> Morality must be out of reach else man would be able to create his own morality.
Man would do this anyway. Because, why even bother to follow what can't be properly followed?

unfortunately for you, saying "i feel it" doesn't cut it. Dumbass.

>I wonder if atheists have appreciations for things like music and poetry; their behavior makes it seem as though they wouldn't be able to grasp such things.

Atheists love art love people love the universe love the here and now.

What did your middle eastern deathcult do to you that you can even think about a question as dumb as this?

Tell me where did he touch you?

>it would make sense
I guess you mean, you wish the Bible was written in modern language so you wouldn't have to think about it so hard.

1) the concepts in the Bible are incredibly complex and the actions that Biblical actors make have deep meaning. You refusing to think about the deep meaning and drawing YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS as to what is being said is a personal problem.
2) People in Biblical times did not have the words we have now. Their language was different and explained abstractions through parables. Just read Aesop's Fables for proof of this. Or is that all bullshit too because a tortoise would never race a hare?
>The insane would make this stuff up
The Bible was written by many different people. Some of the stories predate Abraham. It is the word of God because it describes the stories of God fearing people and the revelations gained from God in their journeys through life.
>Heaven and Hell
Hell is touched on very softly. The modern idea of Hell came from the Middle Ages, specifically formed out of the Divine Comedy.
Ancient Jews believed Heaven and Hell to be more Earthly. Others consider Heaven to be an actual place on Earth. I personally believe it to be a state of mind, though many believe it to be the afterlife. It doesn't really matter as good Christians live life to live not to die. Not all though, nuns can be rather scary about it.

Anyone can find themselves in mental slavery and anyone can break out. It is a choice of the individual and it has nothing to do what your beliefs are. What it is is being completely obsessed with worldly goods, vices, materialism to the point you become diminished. Atheists and Christians can experience this. Living for a higher power is not mental slavery. I have seen the most unhappiness in Atheists than I have ever seen in a Christian, yet it is the Atheist who is mentally free?

> Their behavior makes it seem as though they wouldn't be able to grasp such things.
Yeah! Such behavior like banning music... or the images... Wait. It was religious people who lack appreciation of real art and ends up baning such things. ISIS destroyed cultural heritage because religion says so. This is behaviour that points on fundamental lack of an aesthetic understanding.

Why are you on Veeky Forums? Fuck off churchboy

>the concepts in the Bible are incredibly complex and the actions that Biblical actors make have deep meaning.

No that is what you want them to be but in fact they are incredibly simple dull amd obvious.

I know you need this type of argument to make genocide rape and murder more acceptable by claiming it means something else.

Because we just don't get it right?

Abother example how dishonest you are.

Murder means murder not kissing the bible is written in a pretty simple amd straight forward fashion sorry no chance for you to make stuff up even if you try it again and again when you are confronted by the fact how immoral "gods word" is

> have no significant effect on the religious or the religious understanding
The effect is truly here, even if some people deep in denial about it existence.

Art and religion both revolve around a 'spiritual' (emotional) affect which for the latter seems never to reach the atheist mind, who uses "scientific" arguments against the fundamentally unscientific understandings of religion; the relation of which to science is shared by art. Also much of the greatest poetic and musical works were created by the profoundly religious, giving the two a historical connection.

Saying that the acts of ISIS are purely religious is a broad reductionism and fails to grasp the entirety of the 'ISIS Situation.'
Furthermore banning certain arts is not alien to those atheistic communist nations, who saw art as a purely political act; the banning of art is not specific to the religious.

k thanks for telling me I don't enjoy the music I enjoy right now.

Nobody could make up what a deeply infected mind like yours produces.
When did you say goodbye to reality?
Indoctrinated from your birth on I guess what a sad life.

>to those atheistic communist nations

ffs atheism is not an ideology it is a lack of believe it has no impact on politics it has no impact on anything.

That is why it is not good to follow sin and baser instincts. The world has a way of punishing people who do wrong whether it be legally or emotionally. Hopefully you refrain from evil because it is evil and not because you will get in trouble.

Do I really need to explain this? You want to follow morality because it makes you a better person. It can be properly followed. It is just too difficult for people to do because people are lazy. If you followed morality explicitly you will reach salvation, nirvana, zen, the good place, whatever you want to call it.
Acting against morality has an interesting way of fucking your life up. Do you think drug addicted perverts live full, happy lives? If they do, their vices prevent them from going any higher. These things diminish you over time.

Of course man creates his own morals. Yet it doesn't work out. They usually create morality as an excuse to commit unspeakable acts against fellow man.

Not that guy, but Biblical stories can be extremely layered and a single one simultaneously be a metaphor for an entire series of truths. Most of the major events of the OT and the history of Israel are retold within Christ's life.

I have read the whole bible yes word for word it is pretty simple in its language.

I know religious people look for a way to paraphrase it because it is so fucking immoral but no it just doesn't work that well.

> latter seems never to reach the atheist mind
This is where you are mistaken. Atheists aren't free from the emotional affect, they just doesn't attribute it to a made up idea of God. Basically, you can see how flawed your logic is when you pick drug abuse as source as emotional affect, than claim that you can't be a religious without heavy abusing drugs to be spiritual. Like there, actually is no need for drugs to expierence art, there is no need for God.

I don't agree you need to be religious to enjoy art and music. There is a certain amount of profound affect that is lost if you believe in no higher power., but just to enjoy is not enough.

I believe atheism only works in a certain type of mindset. One that is mechanical and scientific, however these people will never create anything to great value and will most likely never live lives beneficial to anyone other than themselves.

Of course it has an impact on politics. You have to be foolish to believe there isn't a belief structure around atheism. Though, the way atheists debate it has me halfway convinced, considering their whole argument is "YOUR A FUCKIN CHRISTIAN WHAT A FAGGOT EVERYTHING YOU BELIEVE IS BULLSHIT WHY DON'T YOU AGREE YOU MUST BE A SLAVE"

Any type of widespread mindset has an affect on politics. If you are a person in power, your worldview will have a very tangible affect on the way you use your power.

>statistics perfectly reflect people's inner understanding of reality

holy lel

>It can be properly followed. It is just too difficult for people to do because people are lazy.

Okay.... making up your own morality amd following it just to be good is easy and foe the lazy guys.

Following a 2000 year old guide how to rape beat a slave and fight non believers is not only moral but a tough job.
And you are not even doing it for being good and doing good things NO you want something for it eternal life.

Playing by the rules because you want cake after dinner very moral.

Shit there is really no hope for you.