You have TEN SECONDS to justify your moral code without basing it off any spooks.
Can't do it? I thought so.
You have TEN SECONDS to justify your moral code without basing it off any spooks.
Can't do it? I thought so.
My life is too regular to be immoral
I'd feel bad otherwise
I do what my mommy and daddy thaught me
What's wrong with just treating people how I'd like to be treated?
I don't have a moral code
There's no way to verify solipsism, and no reason I ought to believe others' pain isn't equivalent to my own.
It's trite, but the justification for "do unto others..." isn't a spook per se.
Self-interest is a spook.
Obedience is a spook.
That's a spook.
>the justification for "do unto others..." isn't a spook
So what isn't a spook then?
My morals is my selfish desire to live prosperous without harm to myself or hardship.
If I were to be antagonistic towards others, I'd expect others to retaliate against me in similar fashion. Not only that, if I keep being antagonistic towards others, I would mold my own mind to be antagonistic and thus would increase the likely hood of being in harms way. Reckless behavior = reckless outcomes.
My morals is more so a selfish guide to live a peaceful life while minimizing hardship.
Question, am I still spooked if I'm kind to others not because it's ethical, but because I enjoy it?
being moral gives me pleasure
The one I provided isn't though, it's logical.
So what's illogical about "it feels bad to be hit in the face, and I do not wish to make another feel bad, thus I will not hit another in the face"?
Self-interest is a spook.
Why do you care about them, if not because of a spook?
How so?
If he doesn't feel good about hitting someone in the face, why should he do it?
Inspiration as well?
Spooks are literally spooks.
Checkmate, *dibs fedora* :DD
>wants to get treated well
>treating people how I'd like to be treated usualy works
>proceed to treat them well
What's ilogical about that? Empathy is a basic human trait.
>inb4 it isn't
But I care about me, and I benefit from living in a world whereby there's a mutual agreement among people not to hit each other in the face, because I get to wander around without getting hit in the face.
Also, hitting someone in the face doesn't increase my overall happiness by more than getting hit in the face reduces it.
I never said he should, there's just no unspooked reason why he shouldn't.
>wants to get treated well
self-interest is a spook.
>But I care about me
self interest is a spook.
hey op just wanted to let you know everyone is spooked no exceptions
Physical pain isn't a spook though, and I'm on about avoiding it.
No basis in logic
Yes, I don't want to get beated/killed and I like to eat daily.
What's wrong about that?
that's self interest, it's a spook.
My moral code is dictated to me by society upon which im based. In order to participate and reap the benefits therein society, I am inclined to adhere to the code.
it's a spook.
That's the definition of a spook.
why would I want to do that?
>survival instinct is bad
Well, then we have nothing to discuss about.
doing whatever you feel like doing is a spook you know
Why are spooks bad?
The only life I'll ever live is my own so let it fuckin rip, yo
who cares?
They mostly serve themselves.
sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.
Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.
My moral code is maximising wealth for myself and my family.
hey op stop being spooked
wealth is a spook
not convincing
How is the need to participate, belong, and thus SURVIVE in society a spook? There could not be a more logical reason to retain a moral code. And who are you to evaluate what a 'spook' is anyway?. You're just a psuedo-intellectual dickhead pretending to be a philosopher when really, you don't know shit.
I'm 19 years old.
I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.
I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.
I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.
I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and
I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.
Both my parents are alive and in good health.
I have no regrets.
I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.
I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.
I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.
I will live a good life at your expense.
But sure. I'M the pseudointellectual.
lol this is great b8
my own self interest
if I don't manage to harm others, then there is an increased likelyhood they will act for my own interests, decreasing hardship for myself in the longrun
I base my actions on how much it will harm others
Self interest is a spook.
What if my interest is self preservation?
>self preservation
from an objectivve standpoint, why is this worth pursuing?
If you can't answer, it's a spook.
This is very good bait. I got a little bit angry reading it, not gonna lie. If this isn't bait then I can't wait until life brings you pain and suffering. It is then that you will learn humility.
so I can continue to exist
What? I have ethics not morals.
>so I can continue to exist
Why is this a good thing?
Only if you let others define what self-interest is for you.
>I got a little bit angry reading it
Why? Jealousy?
You can't control who you are. Try not to develop too much of an inferiority complex.
I have a question about Stirner,
is he actively shitting on the construction of ideology in general or is he about promoting self awareness on why ideology is ultimately subjective and dependent on the person and his egoistical goals (around which he builds his ideology).
In other words, does he consider things spooks when they originate from the self rather than holy script, laws or society?
because otherwise I would be dead
why is that a bad thing?
You are spooked when you act against your own interests, presumably on behalf of something not even existing i.e. spooked = (self-)cucked
>moral code
It was not the content of your post that sparked anger, but the pretentious wording. People with lives better than I are a dime a dozen. As are people who gloat about said lives. That doesn't bother me. But the fact that you think your existential crises are somehow deeper or richer than others' is highlighting how pretentious you are. That's why you're a pseudointellectual. You are equating your other successes in life with your ability to understand life itself. A foolish game you are playing. But like I said, as soon as you experience true suffering and mortality you will know the error of your ways.
>Question, am I still spooked if I'm kind to others not because it's ethical, but because I enjoy it?
no, that's what stirner says he does
guess im full of spooks
it's an old Veeky Forums copypasta
Because I will it.
this is the power of autism
Not my words, just people with Nobel prizes in philosophy.
But by all means, continue thinking that no one could possibly understand the world better than you. You aren't worth the time it took me to type this out.
What about "there will be inevitable consequences for my actions which will be unpleasant to me"?
Even if you go "law is a spook" or "social relations are a spook" if you choose to disobey the law/social code there are consequences to you specifically. If you punch a guy for basically no reason chances are you're going to get punched back. So that comes out to "I got punched for basically no reason."
So why would you do that, spook or no spook?
Self-interest is a spook.
spooks are spooks
everything is a spook
>Even after all these years of memeing, plebs STILL don't understand Stirner
logic is a spook
How, exactly?
Give me your definition of a spook and please then explain to me how self-interest fits that definition.
Explain spooks then nigga, smugly declaring this while saying literally nothing of value doesn't make you sound smarter.
Obeying the rules because they're the rules is a spook (Be a good boy and follow the rules). Obeying the rules because there are consequences (Obey the rules or else I will spank you) is not a spook. Also a spook is is obeying the rules because of imaginary consequences (religion).
Give me a logical reason why you should act in self-interest.
He's the guy that claims people haven't read Stirner because he is butthurt about Stirner, and just tries to dismiss anything Stirner with baseless accusations.
I do as I believe will lead to a better situation.
The only person that matters is me
define "better"
self-interest is a spook.
>that image
I literally asked you for you to provide your own criteria and validate why you're making a claim. Evidently you can't.
>Give me a logical reason why you should act in self-interest.
Because it means I can ensure my needs are met and I'm not fucking killed?
Next are you gonna say
>give me a logical reason not to kill yourself!
If so, I'm going to need you to add your definition of logic, and if you think continuing to exist is illogical I posit to you, why haven't you killed yourself?
I'm not saying you should kill yourself. But why is staying alive objectively a good thing?
>its an ancap that thinks self interest means profit
It's not. It's just a trait of him.
Not butthurt about Stirner at all, but people seem to think that anything is a spook. And that's wrong.
A spook is only those things which makes you ignore yourself.
More like something you hold to be sacred. A belief that you won't ever allow yourself to question, an idea that you serve rather than an idea that serves you.
being 'spooked' is when you internalize the law and other crap,
when you stop being aware (or when you never were) of the fact those things aren't axioms
if a person wants to kill himself, but believes god will punish him in an afterlife or that it's against self preservation and doesn't do it, he is being 'spooked' by insubstantial ideas that are manipulating him
if a man compelled by duty to his country is told to go die in a war and he believes it despite not wanting to go, he too is being spooked
being spooked isn't about what exactly you are doing, it's about your justification, if you're doing things because that's what you want to do you're not spooked, if you are forced to do things things you don't want to do you're not spooked, because you aren't doing those things out of self delusion but out of necessity