i can recognize a raid when i see one
I can recognize a raid when i see one
Neither know nor care what you are talking about, but you all, BUY B U Y MOONCOIN
but can you recognize a bean good friend
So you're sitting in your wheelchair all day long and wait to comment about ShitBean?
Don't even know bout that meme. Came from pol because thread about crypto going to shitter. Find out half post are buy buy buy moon. Not even shills spam that hard
It is a pump, welcome to Veeky Forums. Get in there and thank me later
Veeky Forums is an absolute embarrassment
Are you a /pol/ack, too?
I don't get why everyone hates Veeky Forums. Maybe you can't believe that there are people to earn money by literally doing nothing except for looking up some thread. I got onto Digibyte when it was shilled heavily and earned money while I was asleep. Once you got a glimpse of this sweet, sweet feeling, you'll get addicted
I also think it's a deliberate raid from some Discord group or by some pajeet team calling themselves "cryptoanna".
Because someone actually prepared for this Mooncoin pump & dump, it was not spontaneous. Look, they created this "Moon-chan" character, drew a whole bunch of pics with a somewhat sexual allure, and then started spewing the fuck out of it. What for? Literally for a shitcoin. I wouldn't mind it if it was spontaneous, but it's obviously manipulated by (((someone))) in their interests.
my portfolio is up 200%, enjoy me riding your mom in my lambo gettin sweet head
Yeah, I know how ponzi schemes work, fellow
I got in at 1 sat. I'm HODLing on hard for the rockets to start.
This board is mostly pol and /g/
not as bad as /pol/
>1488 mooncoins have been deposited into your account
yeah at least with rdd it was a coin with some actual potential beyond a blatant pump and dump... but this..
have you clicked the catalog link ever
And they actually believe that they'll get this quickly dumped crap on Bittrex. Well, by far they only succeeded on fake screenshots
Come on folks, if we all work together on this we can all make money. You literally have nothing to lose, it's dipped to 3 sats for fucks sake just buy $20 worth and hold it for a few days and once this spreads to the normies we all can make $$$. Similar shit happened with RDD and dgb.
>t. nervous bagholder
>Similar shit happened with RDD and dgb.
Your mooncoin is pretty far below their rank, desu. WAY below.
im not nervous I bought 995,000 at 1 sat it cost me about $20. if you can't spare $20 you shouldn't be doing crypto anyway. Literally there's not much to lose at this point, I don't know why anyone wouldn't buy in right now. If it goes up it's going to be so worth it. If not, nothing lost.
Those coins started out just like this.
This is such a no brainer. Buy some mooncoin while it's on the dip and keep the momentum moving so we can get the normies buying in.
>Those coins started out just like this.
Are you freaking serious? That's just plain wrong. Mooncoin is a long-forgotten shitcoin that took off just because a team of shills started promoting it on Veeky Forums. Digibyte is an actual company.
>dgb actual company
All of my lulz, even though I have dgb too. I diversify.
Try to understand that even a pajeet piece of crap holds more relevance and authority than a dead little coin promoted by a team of pump & dump scammers hunting for Veeky Forums noobs
I ride the pump and dump wave. Fun stuff. Why you mad though? Not too late to hop on
>being finalist in Citibank comp
>being random shilled shitcoin on japanese image board
uhhhhhhh i think i can tell the difference
I'm not gonna bail you out, sorry
Wow you sound like a dgb schiller lmao dgb isn't going to do jack shit and we all know it's just another one that we ride the waves with
Bail me out? Oh no my $20 ahhhh whatever will I do? Guess I'll have to sell that $1500 purse I just bought. Damn you user
You sound desperate now
Moonshills are clearly worst shills
>Once you got a glimpse of this sweet, sweet feeling, you'll get addicted
Yeah and then you end up investing in some shitcoin and losing it all, it's a common occurrence.