What's an alternate history cliche you hate?
What's an alternate history cliche you hate?
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Uses of "Confederation", "Republic", "Union", "Empire", and similar terms as part of country names.
dude what if modern weapon/person/town was sent back in time lmao
Shitty flags.
>Germany wins WW2 (the worst by far, honestly)
>Anything to do with Prussia
>Idiotic borders on the Balkans due to general ignorance
>Partition of France, Germany, the UK, any country in general (except the Ottoman Empire)
>Western Yugoslavia
>Albaniserbia (but no Montenegro, kek)
This is what I'm talking about.
>Saharan Empire
>The Confederated States of the Rhine
>The United States of America
>The Federal Republic of Central America
>The Plurinational State of Bolivia
>The Confederate States of America
>The United Arab Republic
Shitty alt-histories overuse those titles though.
nazi victory = whole world occupied and speaking German
The worst will always be
>Roman empire never fell
Well, let's take a sample of real-world names, in descending order of GDP...
>The UNITED STATES of America
>The REPUBLIC of India
>The REPUBLIC of Indonesia
>The UNITED KINGDOM of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
>The French REPUBLIC
>The Italian REPUBLIC
>The REPUBLIC of Korea
>The KINGDOM of Saudi Arabia
>The KINGDOM of Spain
>The REPUBLIC of Turkey
>The COMMONWEALTH of Australia
>The KINGDOM of Thailand
So, out of the twenty most relevant countries, only two lack cumbersome official names. I don't see how alternate-history writers can "overuse" a phenomenon that already has 90% prevalence.
I'm not speaking for the other user, but I have a different interpretation of it.
I hate people that use those titles incorrectly. For example, someone that calls themselves an empire of ___ when they're a one province state with no real power or influence, or a republic of ___ ruled by a king, breaking its own rules.
no one uses those names in casual conversation. and they rarely appear on maps
fucking Canadians
What's your point?
>Byzantine Siberia
what the fuck
That what you got when the crown of Empire goes from Khazars to Mongols in a typical CK2 fashion.
>Alt-history tropes I hate
le pan-meme macro-linguistic union/federation/whatever
>Alt-history tropes I love
Lotharingia/Burgundy/Middle Francia
>not partioning Spain
> Middle Francia
Speaking of that one, what could be a good symbol for it? I think Lorraine cross is best.
Hey now, we're all friend here.
t. Canadian
absolute worst alt history idea
t. pierre von krautfranken
>change the timeline massively so some meme state survives(burgundy, byzantines, whatever)
>do so while making sure the rest of the area/region remains EXACTLY the same and the timeline more or less continues the same
austism every time
We are referred to as the Dominon of Canada
Source: I'm A Canadian
Literally no one calls us that
t. Another Canadian
Technically Japan is the 'State of Japan'.
Dominions aren't autonomous.
Canada isn't autonomous.
Everything about this
It is.
It belongs to the Queen.
The South somehow winning the entire Civil War by winning at Gettysburg.
you don't understand "autonomous" do you
>What is a joke
that's normal though.
Axis victory means that all their war aims get fulfilled leaving literally no free country on Earth
Napoleon winning means that the European borders remain pretty much the same until present day
Carthage being some sort of lasting power
>Draining the Mediterranean
Point of divergence somewhere in the dark ages and the circa 1900 borders are copy paste barely different from IRL.
Would it fucking kill the unoriginal cunts to look up google earth a bit?
Nazis directly controlling the entirety of europe or more when that would have been an enormous clusterfuck and federalized so fast hitlers moustache would have fallen off
Roman style civs in the modern era (unless its rome surviving until the modern era)
Athiesm dominant everywhere
Any alt his that drains the mediterranean
"African Megacities" uncolonized or not. Unless its Rhodesian or South African
>Anything to do with the Axis winning WWII (Literally the most retarded scenarios and completely unoriginal)
>muh texas or muh confederacy
>le split up britain for some meme reason
>muh prussia
>muh autism balkans
>muh greek constantinople
its a very german idea
Nazi victory maps
>descending order of GDP...
>Russia and Mexico that high
Wtf are you smoking senpai?
I think he was doing them in descending order of GDP, not stating that that's the 1-20 spot of GDP
Could be wrong
factions winning that never in a million years have any chance of winning, let alone a stalemate, but certainly not a victory
That map is extremely gay.
That said, I hate blobbing.
When my country isn't in it.
Why are you going to have a map of made up garbage instead of Novgorod?
"Dominion" hasn't been an official title of Canada since we gained independence
Source: I'm a Canadian that's not a moron
here is my imitation of shit
Germans are always trying to fuck with mediterraneans.
>look at the netherlands
>netherlands is now part of germany
>netherlands is now part of france
fuck you we wuz literal empire n sheet
Most alt history maps are cancer because everyone is dickriding historical events of the 19th and 20th century and are mostly wet dreams of Wehraboos or Leftipoos.
>what if Germany won WW1/2
>what if Napoleon won in Waterloo
>what if the Confederation won against the Union
>what if the Soviet Union didn't collapse
>muh ebin Großgermaniums
>Dude, lets put all of North Africa and the middle east into one country, it's not like those people are any different lmao
>Greek Constantinople
>Retarded Balkan borders or Yugoslavia 2.0 because the scenario designer knows shit about the area
>Empires everywhere
>Timeline reflects the political worldview of the scenario designer
>Making irrelevant countries super strong and then having them shit all over the timeline
>Celtic Union, made up of Ireland/Wales/Cornwall/Brittany/Scotland/etc
>Nordic Union
>ebin Großpolandiums
wrong thread
Huge assumptions.
>If the US hadn't joined WWII, Europe would all be speaking German now.
>If the Franks hadn't won the Battle of Tours, we'd all be Muslim now.
>If not for European imperialism, Africa wouldn't have become a third-world continent.
>not having a scharfes S on your keyboard
USA occupied by a foreign power after 1919. Completely unrealistic and it's only popular because it appeals to American paranoia about muh evil foreigners.
Still wrong though...? India nr 3?
you're a bit pig headed ain't ye
Wouldn't the land be full of salt and therefore not very fucking fertile?
Fuck it we should make our own not retarded alt his scenario
Megali Hellas
Greater Serbia
This. Not even close to being accurate.
>>Idiotic borders on the Balkans due to general ignorance
but that's the same as real life
>California(n) Republic existing and including Baja California for no reason other than them both having California in name
There are only two scenarios. Either Mexico would have retook it by force or the United States would have annexed them. Nothing more, nothing less
Third Reich winning WW2 by not attacking USSR.
>future sokoto not dominating that part of africa
>ethiopia not empiring with gross egypt as african regional powers at eachothers throats
>zulu and xhosa not imperialistic
>kongo not huge as the only catholic power royally married to portugal
>all those nations in the dead of the sahara
What about a Californian British Puppet State during the Victorian era?
Your screenshot is from the "GDP (nominal)" list.
the 6M narrative
>Your screenshot is from the "GDP (nominal)" list.
Which is the real GDP
PPP is meaningless autism
Ignorance of geography when delineating borders desu
The fact that every time someone makes a "what if ___ survived" scenario it has to be some famous country, instead of some shithole like the Far East Republic (not that this would make huge sense, but atleast would be intresting)
Changing historical events then having the same people exist.
If you change an event, different people get born.
this is actually painful to look at. why is the sea the color of an urine of a sick man?
that's why they drain the salt too
thanks doc
[spoiler]It's to harken the style of an old map but I failed spectacularly t. creator[/spoiler]
Funny how Italy controls Chezia lol.
Mega African/Balkan/Asian unions are the worst
Ancient empires or people making a reappearance, e.g. Romans or Celtic union
Balkanising Germany, france
Ideologies unrealistically taking root
Borders drawn with no consideration for major cities and landmarks
This that I made.
>Giving northern Russia to Finland
> What if the polush commonwealth existed
>What if Germany won WWI
>Idiotic borders on the Balkans due to general ignorance
So much this
Scenario: The Central Powers have won ww1
forgot to mention that the Ottomans blew up greenland
>sikh pakistan/oman
>t. Srbin
At least give Croatia Herveg-Bosna if you're going to partition that abomination.
>kaliningrad goes to Lithuania
Literally the only problem
>Karaliaučius to rightful baltic masters
Need some nasty russian minority removal and then I'm ok with this.
Why the mountain jew exists?
Which one is the mountain Jew?
uhh isn't Japan supposed to be
>The EMPIRE of Japan