ITT: historical events you would like to see be made into a movie or a miniseries
ITT: historical events you would like to see be made into a movie or a miniseries
Lmfao was thinking the same thing. I've got to watch this series again. Only problem with this series is the switch of Octavian. They should have switched him when he went to that camp thing-o.
The Sealandic Prince kidnapping.
>tfw no film about Napoleon's retreat from Moscow
Something about the Wars of the Roses that isn't an adaptation of a series of romance novels or litterally Shakespeare.
It's called A Song Of Ice & Fire
Yes, I often read about the Duke of York's bastard son coming down from Hadrians's wall where he's been busy fighting ice zombies, to take London and the crown back from the Mongol dragon princess
Hah nice one.
For me personally some kind of Band of Brothers styled WW1 series.
desu we'd be better off if England was cleansed by the Lich King 600 years ago
there already is
its called
black adder goes forth
HBO series following a band of hunter gatherers in Europe at the end of the ice age. Use time lapses between seasons, starting with them dealing with neanderthals at season one and ending with the begining of bronze age by season 5
Well, Henry VII was proclaimed king outside LICHfield cathedral...
No, it'd be a great movie.
And could make some money for Sealand.
Shut the fuck up, you worthless insulter of England's great Majesty.
The last hours of Constantine XI Palaiologos' life before his death in battle and the fall of Constantinople. Done tastefully by someone like Werner Herzog.
In my mind the siege would mostly be a backdrop and the film would focus on Constantine making his final decisions and dealing with his advisors, up until the final moment that he puts on the kit of a regular soldier and fight his last stand.
>when the eternal ANGLO hasn't had his fill of ARYAN blood yet
York. Stark.
Lancaster. Lannister.
A good movie about 1066
>inb4 fetih 1453
What do you think of this, by the way? Done like that?
The story about soviet agents saving Krakow from destruction by destroying the warehouse of explosives in Nowy Sącz.
Sort of an adaptation of "Major Whirlwind"
>the Duke of York's bastard son coming down from Hadrians's wall where he's been busy fighting ice zombies, to take London and the crown back from the Mongol dragon princess
That's some Orlando Furioso-tier story.
Battle of Hastings, Fall of Constantinople, all the biggies
I'd actually really like to see something about the Battle of Clontarf or the Battle of Ain Jalut. People always suck Viking/Mongol dick for no reason and it would be nice to see them get taken down a peg.
Lungin's Tsar of 2009 may be something you may like
>People always suck Viking/Mongol dick for no reason and it would be nice to see them get taken down a peg.
Maybe you have to try Soviet Swans of Nepryadva cartoon about Kulikovo battle
I think OPs day just got fucking made
Watch A.N.Z.A.C.S.
Shows the war from the perspective of Aussies from Galipoli to the hundred day offensive.
>Swans of Nepryadva
cool, i'll check it out
Bronze age collapse
go watch war and peace
The Fourth Crusade as a miniseries, highlighting the tragic sequence of events without a stupid "it was all the Crusaders'/ Venetians'/ Byzantines' /Pope's fault" angle.
Yeah, because the solution to Viking dicksucking is even more Irish dicksucking.
Yeah but a good one
Find me literally one piece of historical media made in the last 20 years that engages in any medieval irish dicksucking
A biopic of Justinian II would be much more interesting than one of Justinian I