Why did zeus get so much puss
Why did zeus get so much puss
You expect women to refuse a God?
The seed is strong.
Solid argument. but his dick was small as fuck
Women fucked ducks back then.
The Greeks thought having a small package was more aesthetic
>tfw Peisanders work was lost
>you will never read in beautiful epic poetry how Herakles fathered strong sons in all 50 of King Thespius's daughters in one night
Which really is weird, because human males have the largest genitalia of all primates because of sexual selection.
Seems weird that a culture would glorify something that women apparently didn't like.
Doesn't seem that odd when the same culture didn't believe in women having opinions.
Sure maybe.
But unless women are literally raped, they have chosen their partners for millions of years.
He grabbed them by the pussy. No seriously, most of the women he got were reluctant to say the least because they knew there was never a good outcome when you mixed with a god.
Most of Zeus' victim's suffering came from Zeus' wife, Hera. Which I will never understand: The women are victims of rape so why does Hera punish them instead of her husband, you know, the one that is cheating on her by raping another woman? It's not like the woman seduced Zeus.
You have a hilarious misunderstanding of Greek culture in regards to women. The nativity is adorable.
No, I don't have a hilarious misunderstanding of Greek culture. I know exactly how they treated women.
Like complete shit? Where it was illegal for women to leave the house without a man?
Yes, but not only that, they were also totally ignorant about any women related.
Even Aristotle thought women had less teeth than men, and it would've literally taken him 2 minutes to figure out that this wasn't true.
anything woman related*
Really is amazing so much of our science and culture is built upon the ideas of a bunch of ignorant buttfucking homos. I mean, they weren't ignorant in everything, they were really well versed in mathematics, but like, damn you'd think for dudes who can accurately gauge the size of the earth after only visiting maybe 0.2% of it at the most you'd think they'd get the teeth thing figured out.
People's minds are fractured you know.
They might have good tools to perceive the world in one area, but are totally lost on another.
Map doesn't fit the territory kind of thing.
>It's not like the woman seduced Zeus.
they seduced him without even trying, the fucking whores
To be clear, it is very difficult for a woman to create characteristics on a man wrt a promise of good sex.
The size of the cock matters to women through
-the small size, which clearly no woman loves
-the thick cock, which women loves
A woman also knows that men loving to perform, men love be complimented on their performances as well as to hear that they have bigger cocks than her previous lovers
-the long cocks, which women loves to think that they could handle and seems exotic, but are good for oral and anal
The clues coming with a man about financial wealth and tastes are more deterministic about the quality and quantity of entertainment and pleasures not directly related to sex, than the size of the cock, because the size is clearly and advantage, but there is no evidence, through the size, about the ability of the man to make the woman cum without effort.
So yeah. women have easier access to sex, but most men are not much endowed and even the few who have thick cocks do not perform well, in short or mid term, because they think a fat cock is enough. Thank god for women
-that most women get orgasms from their clitoris
-that most men, irrespective of their physique or social background, love to eat pussy [but men are so stupid that they being by eating pussy, instead of finishing by it]
so what do women rely on to be as sure as possible that the beta will make them cum? THey rely on
-what the man brags about [but men easily distort the truth on their abilities to please women, in bed or not]
-what other women fucked by the guy say about the guy. this is why women talk about sex between them and are social. they want to know if the provider that they have is indeed acceptable.
>Most of Zeus' victim's suffering came from Zeus' wife, Hera. Which I will never understand: The women are victims of rape so why does Hera punish them instead of her husband, you know, the one that is cheating on her by raping another woman? It's not like the woman seduced Zeus.
only liberals think that rape exists (because they think that personal consent exists) and that it is worthy of being punished.
But maybe he had erections of olympic proportions, if you know what I mean.
I think one important factor is how excited the woman is and how she values the guy she's having sex with.
It's like, you can have an avergae cock being an alpha and give her more orgasms than a beta with a tree-trunk for a cock.
This is true, but it assumes that a penis is just a tool, and not a status object as well.
It wouldn't surprise me if a woman wants a man with a large dick simply because she can tell all her girlfriends that her boyfriend is like Thor the Thundergod.
Good point.
>have the largest genitalia of all primates because of bipedalism allowing mutations for larger genitals to become more widespread since they inhibited fluid movement in apes
Fixed that for you retard.
>allowing mutations
I don't think you understand what evolution is.
t. incel
That's only slightly below average size for a flaccid penis desu.
t. Someone who has seen this statue in person.
tt. We don't know if this is a statue of Zeus or Poseidon.
>The women are victims of rape so why does Hera punish them instead of her husband, you know, the one that is cheating on her by raping another woman? It's not like the woman seduced Zeus.
She's literally incapable of punishing Zeus. Zeus could take every single other god on at once and win, and the biggest part of his portfolio is "has authority over anyone and everyone".
She punished the women because the alternative was sitting back and doing nothing while the institution she stood for was being trampled on. Zeus wasn't an option, so she punished the other party instead.
The fact that said other party never had any choice in the matter was irrelevant, because gods are dicks.
Small penises were viewed as a sign of superior rationality and manliness.
Men with big dicks were seen as retarded goatfucking assclowns, to the point where large penises were seen as humiliating and comical.
It's to do with the naturalization of foreign deities as the Greeks left their dark age and spread across the Mediterranean. The preferred method of assimilating a foreign deity was to marry them off to an existing deity, but the Greeks decided quite early on that there were a fixed number of gods, so while the Hittites were happy to just keep adding more and more gods to their pantheons, the Greeks instead found different ways to assimilate these beings, most notably by making them lovers of their chief god Zeus.
>The women are victims of rape so why does Hera punish them instead of her husband, you know, the one that is cheating on her by raping another woman?
She's like Hillary Clinton.
He's a god. He'll make it bigger.