Saddam was installed by the west

>Saddam was installed by the west
>Saddam was dethroned by the west
>military coup in Indonesia and subsequent 'genocide' of a million communists that was orchestrated by the west
>military coups in prosperous latin America that resulted in decades of hardcore military dictatorships, resulting in thousands of death and the impoverishment of many more, which too have been orchestrated by the west
>fall of the Qajar dynasty in Iran pushed by the west
>military coup a few years later pushed by the west that installed another authoritarian regime which then forced Iran into going full-theocracy
>the forceful implementation of neo-liberalism in modern Russia, China, South Korea, Taiwan etc. that again resulted in the impoverishment of millions, orchestrated by the Frankfurt School and CIA

How is resentment of the USA not 100% justified?
It does seem to be the most vile nation of our times.

Other urls found in this thread:

>ever justified

The weak should fear the strong.

Nietzsche hated Christians though.

b-but I thought they hated us for our freedom!

You'd be surprised how much terrorism, dictatorships and human misery in general can be traced back to the CIA.

it's not usa, it's the jews

Hell not only abroad, have you ever wondered how the first narcos got so powerful?


I'm frankly baffled by just how many treaties the USA hasn't ratified.
I started looking into it when i read that the USA is the only country in the world that hasn't ratified the Convention on the rights of the child.

In short the CIA used cocaine traffickers as assets, while turning a blind eye or even protecting their activities, thus helping them amass obscene amounts of money.
Take for example Juan Matta-Ballesteros a Honduran cocaine trafficker aka "el negro" one of the liaisons between the medellin cartel and the guadalajara cartel; he used to won a company called SETCO an airline which was one of the principal suppliers of the contras, which also transported tons of cocaine into the U.S.

Only furryslamics have a reason to be butthurt about the great Satan. The rest of the world does not care about their saltiness.

They also used the Vietnam War and the war on Afghanistan to import heroin

Basically everything shitty in the western world can be traced to the US, but that's current day and don't belong on Veeky Forums.

Isn't that otto weininger?

It's such a joke that people claim that the US is a Christian nation since everything they do is everything but Christian. Meanwhile you've Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands and other proper protestant countries acting like bloody saints no matter what despite being more secular.

The whole Christian shebang in the US is nothing more than glorified LARPing.

I just explained in the OP how that's not the case, Islamic grievances are just most fresh in memory.

Yeah and the American people are all responsible.

Because the USA is a democracy and we don't go to war or engage in covert war-like acts without a public vote or a declaration of war from Congress.


What is tax money?

Again with this retarded butthurt nonsense.
No one was accusing American people of being vile you insecure twat.

It is 100% justified. America played the role of evil empire since WWI, don't let the ideologies fool you.

I made a funny sarcastic comment and you flipped the fuck out.

That's called projecting my butt mad user friend!

Have a pleasant day!

What is taxation without representation?

You could make the case that if America is a democracy however imperfect it is, its citizens are responsible by not voting for a party that would oppose such things, and that by putting the same people in positions of powers they are consenting to the U.S actions abroad.

CIA also created Osama bin Laden

Projecting what?
You're clearly upset because you thought someone was accusing the American people of committing these atrocities.
You're just stupid and insecure.

I'd agree with this if American foreign policies were transparent to the average Ameriburger.

Not him but what? You are represented. Most Americans just don't pay attention to what their representatives are doing, or simply don't vote period.

far longer I say:

Simon Bolivar in 1829 said:
"The United States appears destined by Providence to plague America with miseries in the name of Freedom."

Porfirio Diaz said somewhere in the late 19th century:
"Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the United States.”

And what about those two shitty fucks? Were they better? NO
In the long run, USA ended up being better for latin americans than our own leaders
t. sudaca.

You are worse that the commies who blame everything on america, you suck dick and say thanks for the opportunity to do so.

The fact that the thread continued past this post implies there is far too much degeneracy on Veeky Forums.

The more recent, fresh, and emotional a political issue is, the more it belongs on /pol/. That's a brilliant way of looking at it beyond a black/white 25 year rule. Not that we care, all your idealogical bickering is an entertaining circus.

>"Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the United States.”
And people think the Irish had it bad....

well, roll an objective proof about why your attitude is the way to go, come on.
And let's not talk about commies because Bolivar is the posterboy of latin american commies.

>caring about the suffering of people
>>idealogical bickering
You are retarded.

Shouldn't have read past this.

>neoliberalism orchestrated by the Frankfurt School
You misspelled Austrian as Frankfurt my friend

FUCK actually it was Chicago.
How embarrassing.

the usa is da jews

>caring about the suffering of people
This way of thinking measures the value of things according to pleasure and pain, which is to say according to incidental states and trivialities. A foreground way of thinking and naivety, and nobody who is conscious of both formative powers and an artist’s conscience will fail to regard it with scorn as well as pity.

Pity for you! That is certainly not pity as you understand it: it is not pity for social “distress,” for “society” with its sick and injured, for people depraved and destroyed from the beginning as they lie around us on the ground; even less is it pity for the grumbling, dejected, rebellious slave strata who strive for dominance – they call it “freedom; justice; equality.”

Our pity is a higher, more far-sighted pity: – we see how humanity is becoming smaller, how you are making it smaller! – and there are moments when we look on your pity with indescribable alarm, when we fight this pity –, when we find your seriousness more dangerous than any sort of thoughtlessness. You want, if possible (and no “if possible” is crazier) to abolish suffering. And us? – it looks as though we would prefer it to be heightened and made even worse than it has ever been!

Well-being as you understand it – that is no goal; it looks to us like an end ! – a condition that immediately renders people ridiculous and despicable – that makes their decline into something desirable!

The discipline of suffering, of great suffering – don’t you know that this discipline has been the sole cause of every enhancement in humanity so far? The tension that breeds strength into the unhappy soul, its shudder at the sight of great destruction, its inventiveness and courage in enduring, surviving, interpreting, and exploiting unhappiness, and whatever depth, secrecy, whatever masks, spirit, cunning, greatness it has been given: – weren’t these the gifts of suffering, of the disciple of great suffering?

In human beings, creature and creator are combined: in humans there is material, fragments, abundance, clay, dirt, nonsense, chaos; but in humans there is also creator, maker, hammer-hardness, spectator-divinity and seventh day: – do you understand this contrast? And that your pity is aimed at the “creature in humans,” at what needs to be molded, broken, forged, torn, burnt, seared and purified, – at what necessarily needs to suffer and should suffer?

And our pity – don’t you realize who our inverted pity is aimed at when it fights against your pity as the worst of all pampering and weaknesses? – Pity against pity, then! – But to say it again: there are problems that are higher than any problems of pleasure, pain, or pity; and any philosophy that stops with these is a piece of naivete.

>>Saddam was installed by the west
you fucking what

the ba'athists hated the west because of their colonialist background

>wow wtf i hate the usa
>currently benefiting from the us defence network so they can slash their defence budgets and spend it all on social welfare and immigrants
really joggin my noggin
It was an accidental installation.

The US military-industrial complex and the CIA create conflict, you mong

>Basically everything shitty in the western world can be traced to the US
This is what Europeans actually believe

Actually, they perpetuate conflict that was already there. Not the same thing

>this is what self-loathing libcucks everywhere believe


Can someone explain to me how all the assads and saddams and so on managed to install their secular socialist leaning states in what today seems like the center of religious conservatism on earth? Is the militant islam thing a relatively new phenomenon? I know of the supposed golden age of Iran in the 70's which seem to indicate that it was less extreme then than now?

Secularists who lived in modernized cities vs. religiously conservative tribal clans don't mix.

>military coup a few years later pushed by the west that installed another authoritarian regime which then forced Iran into going full-theocracy
lol wot? The Shah did the exact opposite.

>Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands and other proper protestant countries acting like bloody saints
Bait is too obvious

this whole thread is bait filled with blatant factual errors

>all these bitch boys itt apologizing for being part of the evil empire

>the forceful implementation of neo-liberalism in modern Russia, China, South Korea, Taiwan etc. that again resulted in the impoverishment of millions, orchestrated by the Frankfurt School and CIA

Nah, you're just flat out fucking retarded. Liberal reforms have been objectively great for China, Taiwan, and Korea. China got to its current state in 30 years starting from being on the level of lower Sub-Sahara African countries. Taiwan and Korea are basically first world today despite being shit holes in the 50s. Even Russia, which fuck ed up its own transition, is doing far better than it was 30 years ago.

>Saddam was installed by the west

Outright lie. The West backed his opponent.

>military coups in prosperous latin America that resulted in decades of hardcore military dictatorships, resulting in thousands of death and the impoverishment of many more, which too have been orchestrated by the west

Objectively the better option than LETTING Socialists take over. Compare Chile to Venezuela.

>fall of the Qajar dynasty in Iran pushed by the west
>military coup a few years later pushed by the west that installed another authoritarian regime which then forced Iran into going full-theocracy

The West helped install the Shah, who subsequently expanded rights for women and minorities and transformed Iran into the world's tenth largest economy. The Iranians themselves then chimped out and installed an oppressive theocracy.

>the forceful implementation of neo-liberalism in modern Russia, China, South Korea, Taiwan etc. that again resulted in the impoverishment of millions, orchestrated by the Frankfurt School and CIA

Real wages in China have quadrupled since the start of liberal reforms in the late 80s, lifting a billion people out of abject poverty. This accusation is again an outright lie. Liberal reforms in China have objectively resulted in one of the greatest net goods in history, massively expanded wealth and life expectancy for 1/5 of the planet's population.

Well Irish were and are close to eternal Anglo so its not that much better.


Nice copy-pasta.

I'm sure you're cheeto stained fingers were twitching to post it once your Mountain Dew fueled ADHD block-eyes saw the opportunity to do so.

>0 results in the archive.
Even if it's pasta, your refusal to address it only strengthens the point being made.

>Pol Pot was installed by the commies
>Pol Pot was dethroned by the commies
>military coup in Ethiopia and subsequent 'genocide' of a million non-communists that was orchestrated by the commies
>decolonization in prosperous Africa that resulted in decades of hardcore military dictatorships, resulting in thousands of death and the impoverishment of many more, which too have been orchestrated by the commies
>fall of the monarchy in Afghanistan pushed by the commies
>military coup a few years later pushed by the commies that installed another authoritarian regime which then forced Afghanistan into going full-communism and civil war
>the forceful implementation of socialism in modern Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, etc. that again resulted in the impoverishment of millions, orchestrated by the Foro de São Paulo and Cuban intelligence services

This is the stuff you don't learn from Chomsky books. Now tell me, how is resentment of the commies not 100% justified?

Yes, other than Britain, France, Russia, China, Germany, Japan, Italy, every other nation that has ever been powerful and meddled and forced its will in other countries, and the nations and peoples that engaged in such horrific acts with or without a bit of prodding from meddling powers, the United States stands alone as an unforgivably malicious nation.

>Capitalism sucks?
>Well, look at what COMMUNISM did!
False dichotomy dummy.

>>Pol Pot was installed by the commies
And was supported by USA to undermine the influence of Vietnam and USSR.

>The weak by necessity of circumstance fear the strong, but this does not imply that people "should" fear the strong.

Unless that user is in somewhere vulnerable like Poland or Hungary, in which case they don't have many immigrants and social welfare isn't widespread.


Poland does heavily benefit from being BFF's with the US, though.

Look up the human rights abuses and corruption that occurred in South Korea after the Korean War.

>Brazil, Argentina, and Venezuela are communist states established by Cuban intelligence services
>Africa is communist
How many layers of revisionism are you on?

What does that have to do with that user's post?

I was implying that theories of Cuban installation of socialist governments in Brazil and Argentina are blatant historical revisionism.

What does that have to do with this post

I'm from a latin american country, and had family killed by a US backed military dictatorship. Doesn't make resenting a country or the entirety of its people any less of a spook. I dislike kissinger, i dislike jingoists, i dislike people that feel compelled to justify government crimes for nationalistic reasons.

>>the forceful implementation of socialism in modern Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, etc. that again resulted in the impoverishment of millions, orchestrated by the Foro de São Paulo and Cuban intelligence services

Argentinian here
shut the fuck up you ignorant retard

>the forceful implementation of socialism in modern Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, etc. that again resulted in the impoverishment of millions, orchestrated by the Foro de São Paulo and Cuban intelligence services

>the forceful implementation of socialism in modern Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela
since when winning elections is forceful

I'm more curious about the "evidence" behind the intelligence services bullshit.

well in the case of Venezuela there´s visible cuban support, but that doesn´t means Chavez didn´t had massive popular support

cuban support appeared after chavism once they started getting those sweet petrodollars and free oil
early nineties cuba didn't had the resources to implement such an operation

they had the human resources: doctors and expert ideologues. But Argentina and Brazil are a different thing.


The US was defending it's national interests
They were completely justified in every single way

"Americans did it" is the new "Jews did it," dude. Anyone who can say with a straight face that Saddam was a US ally is either a grade A bullshitter or a complete fucking idiot.

Given that the world has gotten much safer since WW2, the CIA is pretty fucking inept then.

For a super competent secret agency dedicated to supporting America's goals the CIA sounds like it's the USA's worst enemy if it's created every single enemy its faced in the past 70 years.

>Hey guys, let's import drugs into our country, destroying the lives of millions of fellow Americans through crime and social degradation, and give funding to criminal organizations that threaten US interests, just so we can get some more pocket change to support our secret operations. It's not like Congress won't give us more money.

You'd have to be doing shitloads of cocaine (or be a KGB dezinformatcija agentl) to come up with crap like the CIA being behind the global drug trade.

You realize that the US is just a scapegoat whenever Marxist Latin American and Middle Eastern governments fail, right? Easier to blame Jews/Americans when your own corrupt culture and government inevitably fails.


I think that's more an anti globalist republican thing than the u.s. Being Pro child abuse


Which one?

the white one.

thought that was based Yuri Bezmenov for a second

>>Hey guys, let's import drugs into our country, destroying the lives of millions of fellow Americans through crime and social degradation, and give funding to criminal organizations that threaten US interests, just so we can get some more pocket change to support our secret operations. It's not like Congress won't give us more money.
>You'd have to be doing shitloads of cocaine (or be a KGB dezinformatcija agentl) to come up with crap like the CIA being behind the global drug trade.

But that's what they did, it's not even revisionist history fucking John Kerry chaired a committee that looked into it, multiple DEA agents testified that they had their work hindered by higher ups because of CIA "operational interest"
They aren't behind the "global drug trade" but they knowingly and willingly turned a blind eye to their assets "side business" which snowballed into what drug trade is today.

You have to either be retarded or be a CIA shill to actively try to avoid the hard evidence.