Mine: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Coolidge, Reagan
Fuck Progressives
Mine: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Coolidge, Reagan
Fuck Progressives
Exxon-Mobil is going to make America great again, those dirty progressive gunna keep there flithy hands off aur guns don't u worry, we are gunna take aur jobs back from those flithy beaners
Neoliberalism, ONLY FOR AMERICA THIS TIME -the greatest country God ever created :D
Support the military industrial complex, not the coastal homo-elites, okay? Public health and ethical business practice kills jobs, and that make Jesus cry. Liberals want to kill Jesus so they can sacrifice ur jobs to Satan
Praise Jesus y'all
The problem is everything you said is what progressives support minus guns and looking at illegal aliens negatively.
This would be funny and counter culture in the 2000s.
>military industrial complex
>Protectionist appraoch to jobs
>People think these are neoliberal
wilson, LBJ, FDR, Polk, Truman
That's the joke
Nationalists are trying to apply neoliberal economic policy within our borders while being protectionist trade wise.
Intervening to keep jobs here is not neo liberal, nor is spending up to a trillion dollars on infrastructure.
how very 2006
Large scale deregulation/privatization sure as shit is.
That has a lot more to do with neoliberalism than the state distributing corporate wealthfare(paying private business 1 trillion dollars to polish a turd)
Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, Clinton, Adams
literally the patrician choice of democrats, all the rest were shite
not a bad 5
1 not really, progressives tend to not support deregulation.
2 the differences between American conservatives and """progressives""" are scant, mainly wether the want to give welfare to individuals or corporations.
And the Flase dichotomy is keeping the two "sides" arguing over nominal differences when the real problems lie in their similarities, that is the things they agree on or never think about.
This is because people by nature are reductionist retards who are more concerned with their collective identities than their individuality.
This kind of environment is primed for a manipulator to rise the power by using ye old divide and conquer to turn groups of individuals against each-other with rhetoric that divides people on the lines of their simularities
Garbage list tbqh.
Top 5
1. FDR
2. Lincoln
3. TR
4. Truman
5. LBJ
Bottom 5, because why not?
41. W.
42. Harding
43. Pierce
44. Buchanan
45. Trump
>isn't even president yet
same thing that happened to obama t b h
>Fuck Progressives
>Picks Jefferson, Lincoln
wew lad
Lincoln, F. Roosevelt, Truman, T. Roosevelt, Nixon.
Daily reminder that Solidus did NOTHING wrong
He's already earned that position from the damage he caused in the primaries.
He has bootstraps himself up the ladder now. He will need to work for something for once in his life.
He might even get frustrated and quit, letting his Vice President Exxon-McDonalds take the lead.
FDR, Lincoln, Polk, Washington, Thomas Jefferson
>T. Roosevelt
>A. Lincoln
>F. Roosevelt
>T. Jefferson
>H. Truman
Eight years of this.
Oh, it's so sweet. Every widdle millennia who's never experienced an election before in their wee lives is whining so hard you'd think the feds banned vaping.
>yes, I destroyed the country I live in, but it's okay because I got the epin lulz at how upset I made people
Are trumpshills reddit's final form?
>The candidate I liked lost, it's Armageddon on Earth!
Eight years of this, oh my sides.
t. Pol Pot
>Shilling for trump
>After the election
It's less "shilling for Trump" and more "posting GIS search result that makes you reply to me out of bumsore".
>liking a candidate
>assuming I like a candidate.
Fuck off normie, the candidate I hate the most won.
I'm more scared about his administration. It's been the aplocalypse since 1981 but the little hope I had for our survival has been smashed.
Might aswell get this over with fast. Things are going to get bad before they get worse, positive feedback loops are a bitch like that.
Teddy Roosevelt
Jimmy Carter
Andrew Jackson
Richard Nixon
James K. Polk
honorable non-presidential mention: Joe Biden, just a killer fucking statesman who is bonafide president material
>fuck progressives
>doesnt have Jackson on his list
wew lad, he was quite literally the least progressive president to date.
[Green Day playing faintly in the background]
Yeah man fuck Bush I bet Kerry's gonna win in a landalide did you see Jon Stewart last night?
Devo is more my speed.
Why are you being such a faggot?
Nevermind, I didn't see what post you were replying too.
I know now.
1. Millard Fillmore
2. John Adams
3. Jimmy Carter
4. John Quincy Adams
5. Abraham Lincoln
>freed the slaves
>not a progressive
I. Washington
II. Jackson
III. Eisenhower
IV. Coolidge
>No one picking Jackson.
Feel free to fuck off
There are anons doing just that, so how about we fuck on?
Jefferson had some views on private property that would be radical by modern standards, and Lincoln spoke out against the system of wage labor. That'd get him labeled a communist today.
i don't think jefferson is saying what you think he's saying
Well land ownership is completely retarded considering every inch of land is connected to the entire earth and cannot be divided on an exitpencil level