Transport jefferson, Hamilton, and Washington to the DC of today. What do they think of contemporary American politics, and recent American history?
Transport jefferson, Hamilton, and Washington to the DC of today. What do they think of contemporary American politics...
They're against it
They like Trump but hate what the country has become. They wonder how America sled so hard into tyranny of the grotesque.
why should it matter?
Jefferson would sudoku instantly
they'd flip their shit when they realize that the PeOTUS likes a second world dictator that tried to undermine the integrity of the US election.
Do Russia hacks violate the Monroe Doctrine?
>usa can influence other nations elections
>but as soon as some other country does same to them it is the worst thing since holocoaster
>black man as president
>vast and incomprehensibly complex bureaucracy
>direct election of senators
>supreme court can strike down or re-write laws at will
>federally mandated equality for minorities and women
>large standing army pursuing an interventionist foreign policy
I don't think you'd be able to convince them that this was America.
they agree/disagree with whatever i like/dislike and hate which ever president i think is dumb and love and worship whatever president i think is smart
>Marbury V. Madison giving the supreme Court the power of judicial review happened during or right after their lifetimes.
>All of them agreed on equal rights but that it should be postponed and left for later generations to decide
Does no one want to talk about that tortoises?
They'd bitch at the republicans for being bastards that allow corporations to dictate policy
And they'd bitch at Democrats for allowing race to dictate their policy.
They'd be appalled at the two party system we have as it is.
>They like Trump
You gotta be retarded.
>other countries (except Israel) don't matter, in American politics.
You just now realized that?
Jefferson would kill himself almost immediately
Hamilton would jew up in the Federal Reserve, and would really love Trump for being a rich businessman that became president
Washington would give speeches about "This shit isn't what I wanted you idiots"
Washington would probably just be happy we made term limits for Presidents law and that we hadn't reverted to being a monarchy.
Jefferson in particular was very clear that each generation should devise a new constitution and governing style. He didn't think that after his death people would or should give two shits about what the founding fathers intended.
Also they'd be confused as fuck as to why we're bombing revolutionaries instead of throwing money at them. That might be the hardest part to explain.
Why do Americans idolize the Constitution and the Founding Fathers anyways?
>Also they'd be confused as fuck as to why we're bombing revolutionaries instead of throwing money at them. That might be the hardest part to explain.
They'd be far more confused as to why we are doing both, which is the reality
Because they founded our nation. Hence the name.
You can respect history and your nation's roots without idolatry you know
Everybody's aware that they had their flaws and were all vastly different people. But then again so was the Greek pantheon and people still worshipped that. It all boils down to the fact that we were created as a country rather artificially instead of being an ethnic nation-state that developed normally through history, so we wanted to have our own mythology.
They did a pretty good job with it.
Shit's worked for two centuries so far.
Because they set the foundation for what made us the greatest nation of all time.
>Be Founding Fathers
>Far more nationalistic, authoritarian, Patriotic than Trump.
>Trump far close to their values than most presidents in recent memory.
they're cute
just like you
>inb4 fedoras hate on this
We're literally taught to revere these men as infallible gods in school, at an age far before our brain is really developed enough for nuanced critical thinking.
It's why everyone is so obsessed with pleasing thren and why everyone gets so upset when you point out that they were flawed, regular-ass dudes and sometimes terrible people at that.
It's why everyone projects their own personal moral code on them too.
Source of image?
I unironically enjoy Hark A Vagrant
Good posting, senpai