Is this a good start? My first step into crypto. Was thinking if things start to look promising move shit to a real wallet and use a real exchange.
Any other tips for beginners?
Is this a good start? My first step into crypto. Was thinking if things start to look promising move shit to a real wallet and use a real exchange.
Any other tips for beginners?
That looks fine. Your portfolio should be 70% "Main" coins like the coins off Coinbase the rest should be divided into alt coins. Try Poloniex or Bitrex.
By the way the best time is to buy now, when theres a slump. And please for the love of god DONT HAVE WEAK HANDS.
Hey, user. Looks good. All three of these are great coins. Look into the new Shapeshift ETH backed portfolio options to diversify further.
Agree here. But it should be noted that crypto should not be your only investments. Stocks, NRAs, and (yes) even gold and silver though I wouldn't put more than 5% of your TOTAL portfolio in metals.
I'd like to note something that often goes overlooked here on Veeky Forums too. Notice here how OP has 3 LTC and very little BTC. Why? BTC is objectively better especially now after the dip. I think there is something in the human psyche that wants to own a COMPLETE coin. There is something subconsciously satisfying about owning a whole amount even though these are all divisible up to 8 places. This factors into me holding LTC long term.
First time coiner here too, my portfolio is similar at the moment, going hard into the LTC and ETH, so I'll be following this thread.
Anyone have non-memecoin suggestions of alt coins to pick-up on Polo?
You just got me to buy some litecoin think now's a good time? I just used it to buy something and it confirmed in minutes.
Trust me, these hands aren't weak, I'm in it for the long haul I want to retire early. What sucks is I only have some spare change laying around for these initial buys. I'm starting full time in a week and won't get my sign on bonus/first paycheck till the end of June. Hopefully stuff stays relatively low.
Don't worry, I'm planning on matching my companies 401k as well as some minor stuff on Robin hood. Once I've got a decent emergency fund saved up I'll start spreading even more.
I actually didn't buy any bitcoin, 10 dollars worth was sent to me by coinbase, apparently I accepted someone's invite? Idk I just downloaded the app and signed up so who knows. Also youre completely right about the whole coin thing, it feels nice. I mostly just wanted to test the waters with a cheaper one, see how easy it is to buy/sell/transfer in and out of coinbase before I dump any more money in.
With as slow as BTC is right now, yeah. It's unclear what will happen to LTC in the future because, while it and ETH are being added to Bitstamp next month and LTC kills BTC in speed right now, once BTC gets sorted out, will people still use LTC? I don't know the answer. But with all this speculation and new money entering the cryptoverse, I think it will, at the bare minimum, be used as a speculation tool. I think Newegg was looking into taking LTC as payment too which would be huge. And one of the main devs for LTC works at Coinbase too so that's great.
I think sub $40 is a good price for LTC right now and I'm holding 50. Looking to move towards 100. I wish I would have done that with ETH early on and now I'm stuck with 250 instead of 500.
>tfw was new to crypto and tried to buy $500 worth of ETH at $13
>cvn error on Coinbase
I took that as a sign and I've learned to not trust my gut.
This may be a stupid question, but my Coinbase app doesn't have LTC, but OP's does. Why?
Have you updated recently? It was added like 2 weeks ago.
>asking advice from a board of shills who are only out to pump and dump other peoples money
siacoin it's got some really strong tech. don't take my word for it though check out their website and roadmap.
Just updated thanks user
This too. Grab a dedicated crypto Twitter and follow developers, bitcoin/crypto news sites, maybe some traders like CryptoYoda, etc. Much better.
Would be much obliged if you post a screenshot or post some handles of who you're following on your twitter.
Thank's for the tip, I'll definitely read into SC
I second this
Is there a 24 hour waiting period when you first make your Coinbase account or something? I signed up and when I went to enter my CC info it's telling me
>You've exceeded your attempts for today, please wait 24 hours and come back
I haven't even done one attempt so I'm not sure what's up.
You are about to make money off that LTC friend :)
I'm a life member, do I need to move up to benefactor?? I'd hate to not have enough in my old age.
New coiner here as well. What platform/wallet do you use to buy and sell you coins?
Don't panic on dumps and be aware of coins with only PnD profit with no long term value. Sure play with it but go back to btc eth when it's time