I had an abortion
Am I even entitled to happiness anymore?
Seriously, I don't know
I had an abortion
Am I even entitled to happiness anymore?
Seriously, I don't know
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Of course you are.
If you're a Christian, you'd want to ask forgiveness though
Were you entitled to happiness in the worst place?
Either way no dude
You murdered a child. You need to deal with that on you own.
Murder is a legal term usually. Killed would be more accurate since it probably wasnt an illigal killing.
Female bodies "murder children" all the time, often without the woman even knowing. It's no big deal until the fetus has brain function.
Not unless you're repentant about it.
Lord knows Im finna smash
rot in hell murderer
humanities was a mistake
Only the naive are entitled to happiness and even then actually obtaining happiness is a crapshoot
which is at 6 weeks
>let's not protect the life of this person under the law because its convenient to be allowed to kill them
> person
>a human with brain function isnt a person
Lel you killed your own baby, what kind of sick person are you? You're going to hell.
What are you worried about? You just shed a clump of cells, essentially the same as taking a shit.
No, unless you or your spawn was a nigger then you did the community a great service.
y-yeah sure
e-exactly the same
is an horse a child?
Entitled by whom? Take responsibility for yourself.
not necessarily, no
it self-evidently is
Ironic, seeing how they failed to take responsibility for the failure to their duty of taking care of their dependents
you know the rules
tits or gtfo
Should probably kill yourself just to be safe.
>entitled to happiness
wew, nice meme.
wew, good argument.
Lol haunted pussy.
>wew, good argument
this is not an argument
all knowledge is predicated on faith
we all put our faith in axioms in order to live, this requires us to have faith that each other is reasonable
abortion is killing a living thinking human being that you are responsible for bringing into this world and have a duty to take care of
abortion is wrong
Don't listen to all these virgins on this site. It is YOUR BODY, not theirs. If you weren't ready to have a baby, abortion is always a perfectly reasonable course of action. Don't sweat it.
>this is not an argument
Okay. But most of the western world and its laws disagree with you at this point, so if you don't have an argument your views are just going to die out.
>abortion is killing a living thinking human being
proof it
Killed a baby.
If you're a nigger, you probably just saved the world one more murderer. You could save the world another and off yourself, too.
You received medical treatment to remove a parasite from your body, an unwanted one that will steal nutrients from you.
It's fine.
You were never "entitled" to happiness, happiness is something you make for yourself. If you're happy you're happy. If you're not happy and you desire happiness, then change up your life. If all else fails, talk to someone (who may or may not be a therapist) about your problems.
>Am I even entitled to happiness anymore?
You clearly do not belong on Veeky Forums if you think in those terms
Nailed it
I'll be looking down on you from Heaven
I need confirmation this isn't a samefag otherwise 10/10
the first brain waves/brain stem develops at 6 weeks
>In the fifth week, the alar plate of the prosencephalon expands to form the cerebral hemispheres (the telencephalon). The basal plate becomes the diencephalon.
The diencephalon, mesencephalon and rhombencephalon constitute the brain stem of the embryo. It continues to flex at the mesencephalon. The rhombencephalon folds posteriorly, which causes its alar plate to flare and form the fourth ventricle of the brain. The pons and the cerebellum form in the upper part of the rhombencephalon, whilst the medulla oblongata forms in the lower part.
>But most of the western world and its laws disagree with you at this point
I think you're very mistaken at this point. I'd like to see a western country where you may get an abortion at any point in time during pregnancy. Obviously most of the western world agrees there is some point during pregnancy whereafter a child has rights
Repent faithfully and yes
>>In the fifth week, the alar plate of the prosencephalon expands to form the cerebral hemispheres (the telencephalon). The basal plate becomes the diencephalon.
>The diencephalon, mesencephalon and rhombencephalon constitute the brain stem of the embryo. It continues to flex at the mesencephalon. The rhombencephalon folds posteriorly, which causes its alar plate to flare and form the fourth ventricle of the brain. The pons and the cerebellum form in the upper part of the rhombencephalon, whilst the medulla oblongata forms in the lower part.
That doesn't mean it can think.
>I'd like to see a western country where you may get an abortion at any point in time during pregnancy. Obviously most of the western world agrees there is some point during pregnancy whereafter a child has rights
You're right, I'm assuming OP's abortion was legal.
Children aren't even fully self aware until around 4 y/o, yo
As long as you repent and learn from this then yes.
Go to confession.
Who cares???
I think we have bigger problems than someone with a body never coming into the world to become a person with a contextual understanding of the world.
Like all those people that have a contextual understanding of the world.
I applaud anyone who has the common sense not to bring another person into a world that cannot provide for them/does not want them.
If you are going to fuck and make babies you better be prepared to raise a decent human bean because everyone else is going to have to deal with them.
I see the posters on this sight and I feel we would be better off if 95% of them went towards stem cell research instead.
Oh alright then. Perhaps instead of getting an abortion, a doctor could just remove the fetuses from the womans body then.
Reminder if you are against abortion and not vegetarian you are a fucking hypocrite.
>Who cares?
>Someone with a body never coming into the world
They already here dawg
>Become a person
They is one dawg
>I don't like you therefore kill others
Yeah, they are just stupid. They value human life above other forms of life.
They like to picture fetuses as what they could become(a sentient being capable of symbolic self-conscious thought) and not what they are( a blank slate that has no contextual understanding of the world, self and abbrain incapable of symbolic thought)
Can't be a hypocrite if you are niave.
>Humans need to become valuable
If they aren't valuable why do you shit your pants everytime a pre-born one dies?
I don't eat babies.
You are stupid, humans evolved eating meat.
Abortion is immoral, unethical, and abhorrent. But it isn't illegal, and thus can't accurately be called murder. Someone that says abortion isn't murder is right, but that doesn't mean they are pro-choice.
Good job dude, we got plenty of people as it is.
They point he is making is that their is no moral difference between killing a fetus and killing a non-human animal.
Because fetuses are not self aware or capable of symbolic thought, they do not possess the qualities that make humans unique from other animals.
So if you claim that killing a fetus is wrong, you would be a hypocrite to condone the killing off other animals.
Or you just don't know wtf you are talking about and are ascribing qualities to human fetuses that human fetuses simply do not possess.
desu humans aren't very special anyways.
Parents should be able to abort the little parasites up to age 18, tbqh.
Abortion is only acceptable if:
- fetus is retarded
- mother's life is endangered due to fetus inside
- fetus is product out of incest or rape
Abortion is inacceptable if:
- Whoops forgot to use protection! Silly me hahaha x
abortion is acceptable and encouraged under all circumstances
her body = her choice, christcuck
Depends on how old was the fetus. How old was the fetus?
Are you advocating for the killing of 4 y/o children to be legal or are you just being a pseud?
I've made the distinction of first brain function as the appropriate point in time to recognize personhood as it is the polar opposite of brain death
Do you as well wish to be able to kill 4 year olds?
Please pseud. The axiom you hold to be self-evident is legal positivism. I do not hold legal positivism to be self-evident. There exists a natural law before any man-made legal institution.
Terrible argument
Do mothers have a duty to care for their 5 year old? Can the government force the mother to use her body to labor to earn a wage to support the biological needs of food and shelter of the 5 year old?
You are not logically consistent. Mothers take on a duty of caring for their dependent when they choose to engage in consensual sex.
How can you kill something that's not even alive?
Please, I'm not going to humor a conversation with you if you insist on being so unreasonably anti-science.
Enroll in Biology 101 immediately to learn what a living organism is.
Killing sentient life != killing nonsentient life
If it doesn't pay taxes, then it's not alive.
Life in this universe isn't an inherently good thing, but death dosen't exist. You did literally nothing wrong.
All those replies were to the same person bub.
No, I don't believe that children should be killed after birth. While they are not fully self aware they still have a contextual understanding of the world around them, once exposed to the world outside the mothers womb they have achieved person hood, late term abortion is even wrong under non-life threatening circumstances.
Once the baby has interacted with the world around them, and is able to perceive that interaction in an interpretative manner (non-iconic as opposed to the womb) then they are not only alive but they have lived, and that is when personhood begins on a real level, you can't take away something that isn't there.
A brain with nothing inside it, doesn't count as a mind, a machine without a ghost is just a machine. If you think it does then you must also believe in the immorality of killing other iconically conscious organisms such as plants and prokaryotes.
Don't use psued as a discrediting insult, that's just dumb.
>doesn't understand biosemiotics
>is arguing the definition of life to a philosopher of biology
>uses a meme to argue
>thinks he is the one on the left
>ethnocentrically thinks the ones on the right have no justification for their beliefs
Lol, better luck next time buddy.
I'm not even the guy you were arguing with, though.
You oughta calm down, tbqh. Maybe go dance under the moonlight or something, pseud.
It's daytime and moonlight is reflected sunlight.
I don't even have mushrooms.
dumb pseud poster
No u
So what is your standard for personhood?
I don't think you have one. I think you have picked a convenient arbitrary point in time to disallow abortion
>presumption of existing entitlement to anything
this is why roasties are shit and a waste of time.
>philosopher of biology
>ethnocentrically thinks the ones on the right have no justification for their beliefs
woah.... ive never seen memes this spicy before
you can stop pseuding anytime now
is that the pseud who tells teenage audience to cut contact with their parents if they're not libertarian enough?
his audience*
OP murdered thousands of children when he came on the ground. Sperm is actually tiny babies, and religious scholars agree.
Personhood comes from knowingly experiencing life, from knowingly experiencing other people.
The embryo is alive but is only interpreting indexical signs from its genome for most of its devolpment.
Knowingly experiencing the world around us only begins late in devolpment, and knowingly experiencing the mothers womb isn't experiencing much. You have to experiencing interaction with other people in order to experiencing being a person.
So personhood begins when you exit the womb and experience life has a person.
Being alive doesn't make you a human, life is a comparatively simple thing, bacteria are alive, plants are alive, but the do not know anything.
Do you have qualms about killing plants and bacteria for your own convince?
If so become a Jain.
How is it wrong to take away a life that hasnt experienced being alive?
How can something that hasn't experienced humanity be a person?
It can't be, fetuses are protohumans.
>Not knowing the meaning of sentient
>I had an abortion
You did nothing wrong. Abortions are a good thing.
>Personhood comes from knowingly experiencing life, from knowingly experiencing other people.
Why is this what personhood is? Because you hold this to be axiomatic?
You can't just ordain this to be the definition without reasoning.
Here's my axiom: Abortion is irrevocably wrong.
And I will do everything in my power to prevent all women from having abortions.
You're mentally ill.
Personhood is a red herring. There is no reason to think that there is anything above and beyond being a biological human that makes us murderable. The only reason it ever achieved meme status is because it helps pro-choicers feel good about the kind of death they support.
End The Personhood Meme
Yeah lifers are like flys
They eat shit and bother people.
>ignoring the detailed propositional logic as to why you have to experience being a human to be a human
Can a computer without Adobe flash use adobe flash?
You have to download flash first
Like a computer must know a program in order to use it
A brain must know humanity in order to be a human.
Your definition of what it means to experience being human is arbitrary. There's no detailed logic. You just impose an arbitrary premise of which you hold to be self-evident. Well it's not self-evident that your definition of what it means to be a person is actually what it means to be a person. There's no reasoning behind your premise. Only faith in axioms.
Abortions are practical.
This may be the dumbest shit I've heard somebody take seriously.
Also begging the question.
>Why is your definition of a person experiential?
>Because being a person is experiential.
Like, do you even know what you were being asked or what an answer would look like?
Lastly -
>"the propositional logic of ..."
Please don't pretend to be smart lol
The ends do not justify the means. Eugenics is practical.
Whats your definition of being human? A zygote?