Neoliberalism is the only way to pros

>neoliberalism is the only way to pros....

fuck off /pol/

>country instantly becomes a democracy with nobody giving a shit

It is

He's smiling in Heaven right now.

>le pol boogeyman

And yet Franco joined all the Neo-Liberal institutions like the IMF, OECD, World Bank. It engaged heavily in world trade and lowered most of its tarriffs to compete with other European countries. The Spanish economy was heavily free market and this was initiated by technocratic economists that Franco placed in charge of adjusting the economy to global economic practices.

In fact it was so successful that it was the second fastest growing economy until the oil shocks (which only highlights how interlinked to the Neo-Liberal system it was).

Really makes you think.

Did he have nationalized money? (Not nationalized banking)

That's the problem.

I'm not sure what you mean. Can you explain?

Franco and his government didn't have control of their currency/money after he made a grand bargin with the West and the international banking system. If you can't control/print your own money/issue notes in the public interest you're not really in control.

What was his bargain?

Not true. Printing was undertaken by the Bank of Spain which was formally nationalised in 1962 (coinciding with the so called Spanish Miracle). It was tightly controlled by Franco after 1946 and many of the fiscal policies which were very Neo-Liberal were only loosely connected to the monetary policy of the Bank of Spain.


user, I... Have some bad news...

stupid lefty pole colony board, everyone from Hitler to Roosevelt was an arch capitalist plotting against the revolution

Killing communists is unironically one of the fastest way to heaven.

>heavily free market
I wouldn't go that far but I agree with the rest of what you said. The problem with liberalism is it is so powerful if you want to be relevant/successful you are going to have to make use of it in some form.

Exactly. Problem with a lot of right wing and left with youth of today is that whilst they're very focused on the social politics that their ideologies spout eg. muh more immigrants v. muh less immigrants, their economics is piss poor.

The global economy has gone so far and has made every economy so intertwined that to simply turn your back on it and advocate protectionism will only spell ruin for your country.



>their economics is piss poor.
Because not many really talk about it. At most you get for/against minimum wage/government spending/higher or lower taxes. It is surprisingly rare to see someone actually discuss something like tax policy (which is a lot more than just raising or lowering taxes) in depth in public.


>devout Catholic
>not in heaven

Sure buddy