ITT: greatest mistakes in history
ITT: greatest mistakes in history
Other urls found in this thread:
God creating Jews.
Jews rejecting God.
that time I called my sister my dogs name by accident
sounnds awful
The two M's, Marx and Mohammed
Jews creating Christianity
Muhammed learning to read
Creating the Talmud
Creating the New Testament.
Agreed, no third bombing run followed by a IJM occupation
>Waaah a couple medieval Rabbis didn't have a hard on for Jeebus like my pastor!!! Dats not nice!
Aminah bint Wahb not getting an abortion
The Battle of Nicopolis, what the fuck was wrong with French knights?
>no idea where I am
>no idea where I'm going
>no idea what's happening
>but I know I must charge
The amount of hubris the crusaders had in that battle is truly breathtaking.
>French charging to death.
They got their payback in WW1.
>ottomans put weak militias on the front line supported by archers and sipahis in reserve
>archers are on a hill covered in sharpened stakes designed to make charging the position on horseback impossible, sipahis are hidden behind the hill
>knights charge the infantry line, it breaks very quickly and the knights pursue them despite the arrowstorm
>infantry is fleeing up the hill, knights try to charge up it but more than half are forced to dismount due to the stakes
>once they reach the top tired as fuck from having just ran up a hill in armor they notice all the ottoman cavalry waiting for them
>oh neptune.jpg
>Siege of Baghdad
>burning of alexandria library
>operation Barbarossa
>Battle of Britain
>Overthrown of Saddam and Qaddafi
>Saudi Arabia
>Great Leap Forward
>JFK assasination
>Hongkong back to China
>Arab Spring
>The lost of Mary Stuart in throne
>The death of Nikola Tesla
>burning of alexandria library
that happened more times than people count
awareness of self, neolithical agricultural revolution, sedentarianism, civilisation
roman did it first, and did it several times
The two N's, niggers and nationalism.
Better question is why the French were still even trying to help the Byzantines.
>Great sir! We bring word of a glorious crusade to help our Christian brothers!
>Neat! Where to? Alexandria? Antioch? Jerusalem?
>Yes! The Turks are scaring the Hungarians and have nearly conquered Constantinople!
>Fuck. Fine, okay. Say, my history's a little rusty, but how exactly did all these Turks get to Europe anyway?
>The Byzantines sailed them over, sir!
>...The same Byzantines who need our help now.
>They're in quite a mess, sir!
>The same Byzantines that Christendom has been launching crusades to protect for 300 years.
>Forty-third time's the charm, great sir!
>Ugh, whatever. All right, let's go. Might even be fun. The Turks can't be any worse than the damned English at rate.