Asked this in /pol/ but I'd like to hear your opinion. Tried to tone it down for the /pol/ish "language"
My country (Argentina) has a decadent upper class/elite caracterised for their disgusting elitism and moral degeneracy. It's main features are:
>being "immune" to the law >being full blown degenerates but believing they are good and moral people because they go to church (the church as well hides their scum and is full of shit like child abuse. The church is pretty much part of the elite) >promoting their decadent burgoise values >forcing their image of ""moralism"" continuously >saying we must help illegal bolivians while shitting and laughing at white argentinians who aren't at their economic level >fake patriotism (they are the first to accuse you of being a traitor to the motherland while having their money outside, living outside and hiring cheap illegal foreigners) >controlling all the media, politics, judicial system, diplomacy, etc while people believe that voting clown 1 vs clown 2 will change anything >believing they are superior for being "european" when a lot of them have native blood from colonial days as opposed to working/middle class who are fully european, whom the elites disdain and discriminate >basically any power they have is due to money and inheritance, most have bought positions/ degrees, etc while others do the job >etc
They run everything and keep the country being shit.
My question is: which kind of elitism is more similar to this? European or american?
If european, is like this in ALL Europe?
Or it is like this in ALL the world, including the East?
All of the world to a good extent, however it seems more amplified the way you are explaining it. Is there a healthy amount of middle class and/or just rich but not elites?
Argentinian middle class was pretty much destroyed since 2001 crisis. The rich/poor breach is bigger every year and I noticed people who moved up embracing such values more and more.
By elites I mean the bunch of families+ the church and other institutions (it's like a big circle, the same thing in the end) who control the country, then there are the upper uppper class who borders with then but aren't fully elite.
That image is the perfect depiction of our elite. Seems like is the same everywhere.
Josiah Gonzalez
Yes, the only thing most of them are good for is aesthetics.
Josiah Rodriguez
ya te vamos a agarrar con los pibes pedazo de gato no te vengas para zona sur que te desplumamos salame quedate en tu country de zona norte encerradito en una burbuja CHETITO CAGON
Juan James
Henry Stewart
chupame la pija gringo gato te veo en constitucion y te saco hasta las zapatillas loro
Gavin Thomas Soy chileno, así que no puedo hablar por ustedes, pero sí puedo decir que acá por lo menos sobrevivieron las tradiciones coloniales dentro de la aristocracia ibérica. Descendientes de inmigrantes europeos, judíos y árabes trajeron consigo tradiciones diferentes, y esto se reflejó eventualmente en cómo las diferentes comunidades de inmigrantes ("colonias") se desarrollaron. De esta forma, se puede decir que existe una aristocracia peninsular, fuertemente ligada a la producción agrícola en el centro y sur del país, una clase media acomodada europea (francos, anglos, alemanes y judíos), una clase baja europea (italianos y españoles post-coloniales) y una clase media y alta árabe que se agrupa con otros poderes fácticos y colonias (griegos, aristocracia santiaguina, ejército, etc). En general, la constante política en chile se expresa en el conflicto entre la aristocracia ibérica y el resto del país, siendo su expresión más temprana durante la historia republicana el conflicto entre pelucones (conservadores que deseaban conservar los privilegios de casta de la colonia al mismo tiempo que degradando la autonomía de las provincias) y pipiolos (militares y abogados liberales que deseaban una república secular y mantener la autonomía de las provincias, eventualmente adquiriendo un tinte federalista). Te recomendaría leer a Salazar, específicamente "Ser niño "huacho" en la historia de Chile (siglo XIX)" y este pequeñín: Respondiendo tu pregunta, creo que su elitismo se parece más al nuestro que al europeo o americano. En Europa hoy en día las élites se hallan más o menos bajo el control del estado de derecho, lo mismo que en Estados Unidos. Es por eso que el populismo de derechas no se expande de la misma manera en américa latina.
Caleb Wilson
Muy interesante. Cambian un poco los actores pero si, es muy parecido a lo que hay acá (ejemplo los terratenientes del centro del pais y la Patagonia cuya su fortuna y lugar en la elite se basa en campos y produccion agricola)
Gracias, voy a leer los links
Thomas Ortiz
Carter Sullivan
Sounds like Argentina needs a good dose of socialism.
Brayden Hernandez
Is all of South America controlled by de facto despots?
Julian Hughes
No, trade unions and the political class have their share of power. And there´s also organized crime.
Robert Torres
All in the OP sounds pretty much the same here in Canada
Grayson Turner
Nah, it's mostly oligarchies.
Jaxson Gonzalez
>he thinks having money overseas is bad
muh peron
Jason Kelly
What? I live in Canada and don't experience any of that.
>being "immune" to the law Law is enforced well here, but there isn't much crime to begin with >being full blown degenerates but believing they are good and moral people because they go to church (the church as well hides their scum and is full of shit like child abuse. The church is pretty much part of the elite) Most families are Christian, but there is no child abuse. >promoting their decadent burgoise values Actually we have been more fiscally conservative since our economy has been going a bit downhill recently >forcing their image of ""moralism"" continuously I don't even know what that is supposed to mean. >saying we must help illegal bolivians while shitting and laughing at white argentinians who aren't at their economic level We do get some refugees, but we have systems of welfare for all citizens below certain earnings. We try to care for all people. >>fake patriotism (they are the first to accuse you of being a traitor to the motherland while having their money outside, living outside and hiring cheap illegal foreigners) Nationalism is a meme and most people I know aren't nationalistic. >controlling all the media, politics, judicial system, diplomacy, etc while people believe that voting clown 1 vs clown 2 will change anything Our elections are on principle, not party. >believing they are superior for being "european" when a lot of them have native blood from colonial days as opposed to working/middle class who are fully european, whom the elites disdain and discriminate Not a lot of discrimination, save for a little against Americans by some people. >>basically any power they have is due to money and inheritance, most have bought positions/ degrees, etc while others do the job Most people go through several years of college and work had for degrees and then go find work out in Canada or occasionally the US if you can get the visa.
Leo Bennett
>mfw I share a country with this people The boundaries between being naive and being retarded are very small
Brody Foster
The closes american example I can think of is the whole college Fraternity group.
People tend to think its just drunk dudebros partying, which isnt exactly wrong, but its filled with the sons and daughters of people JUST like that. Worse part on the wal-mart patriotism as I call it. These fucks will fly the stars and stripes and wear eagle screeching shirts, but then they brag about how much their rich scumbag fathers are cheating over america. They love america for the fact that they are on top and can exploit it and thats it, no actual love of the country.
But these people are against immigration, at least on the surface level, because they are really racist. Im sure they have no problem with hiring illegals and what not if is saves them money. But the pro-immigration crowd is just another flavor of elites. The rich urban limousine liberals who want to virtue signal and flood america with poor brown people to show how open minded they are, despite the fact that they will NEVER interact with any of these people and delude themselves into thinking that their Guatemalan maid actually likes them.
And I dont know about south america or where ever else, but there is no official class structure in america. There is of course one of rich and middle class and poor people, but it can be very fluid. I dont have to tip my hat or anything like that to a rich person. Because of this, some rich, specifically the fraternity kind i mentioned, are all about "old money" or the fact that their family has been rich for generations, making them better than a family that may have just recently got into wealth. Its a meme only they believe in to sort of force an official class structure because "omg we are so special for reasons!" even if their shithead sons ruin the entire family fortune.
note that these people listen to nothing but rap music, watch negroball obsessively, and their girlfriends try to dance like black women
Luis Hughes
>there is no official class structure in america. You have the same level of inequality than we do. Also OP is a butthurt fucktard that belongs in /pol/.
>criticising the burgoise makes you a leftist/peronist Thanks for proving my point about the upper class mental retardation, Santi
Levi Morales
Parker Fisher
>implying socialist parties aren't an elite weapon
William Perry
Ethan White
Basta Esteban
William Sanders
>replacing apathetic capitalist elitist with spiteful "intellectual" elitist
Benjamin Foster
>people are taking this Peronist propaganda thread seriously
OP is probably some civil servant that got fired by BASED Macri and is butthurt.
Eli Wilson
And then this faggot recommends a Marxist revolutionary historian as if he was the most unbiased of sources.
You know who's the fault for Latin America being so shitty. YOURS, the revolutionary Marxists, the freemasons and other "progressive" social forces that have ruined this continent since XIXth century.
Conservative institutions did nothing wrong.
Zachary Edwards
Not OP but if you fell for "le magri will remove peronchos and replace them all with engineers :DDD" meme, you are a retatd
I got a ñoqui job in 2015 via at a government institution. After Macri assumed I remained (planta permanente btw) due to the area boss saying I a gud boi I don do nuffin. Virtually all the employees remained the same, only the directive positions changed and not even all. My degree isn't even related to the area.
The PRO simply removed some "extremists" and brownskins from some charges but nothing more. They even have a lack of personel in some areas and departments that are filling with their own ñoquis too.
Nothing really changed
Adrian King
Rome wasn't built in a day.
For a country as fucked as Argentina, it's going to take generations of work to fully un-Peron the place.
Chase Rodriguez
Same in America kind of, reason why Burnie (and Hillary too an extant) was doing niegh right by claiming the middle class were part of the evil burguoise and that they were going to tax my white ass ta mars and back, so much for rebuilding the middle class and now we have a person claiming to be for the Merican people w/ blatant corporate interests capitalist elites on both sides
Isaac Foster
>be me >straight Catholic Hispanic white male >Always loved Pinochet >stuck in shitty crt social studies class > teacher stops screeching about white peivaliege and notices the sketches I wrote down in my notebook >of my anti communist heroes > she berates me for writing evil racist deceptive shit. > the class starts to gang up on me preparing me as a sacrifice to the God of social justice > then a faint whiting sound could it be > the cieling bursts open and it's penochet in a helicopter > he grapples up my techer and the degenerate classmates in the room with his doctor octopus style mechanic arms >he says smiling "free helicopter rides for all leftist scum" > those socjus worriers were devoured by Whale eating sharks and Orcas
Aiden Powell
los """""""redpilleados""""" ajakjaksajsjaksjajsjaksjajkajakajs salgan de casa y ponganse a laburar manga de boludos
Jason Scott
El juDIO nihilISTA
Jayden Diaz
nonono a lo mejor quisiste decir """"""""kike"""""""" gil de goma sjkajakajskajsjajksjaksjaks
Oliver Smith
el peruANO
Charles Long
los matamos ya no postean mas esos otakus hijos de puta
David Perez
>And then this faggot recommends a Marxist revolutionary historian as if he was the most unbiased of sources.
"Soy un historiador social, crítico y de izquierda, pero no marxista." -Gabriel Salazar, Diario el Metropolitano, 2000, p. 22
>Conservative institutions did nothing wrong. What conservative institutions?
Luis Smith
Tirate a una zanja y morite que nos das mala imagen pelotudo
Charles Flores
Just send in your military tools to invade the Falklands again bro, that will surely fix everything.
Jonathan Martinez
So this is what passes for edginess among beaners.
John Evans
The cliché Latin American caudillo is a good example of how long and how fucked Latin American lands were. A very small elite of land-owning (and like, all the land) quasi-feudal gentry who literally give next to no shits about their 'people'. Eventually those little brown manlets gonna get feisty over injustices.
Jackson Cook
Feels bad man
Nathan Howard
a vos tambien bigote llegas a salir de palermo y te hago boleta