Can you name a better politician / political leader than Bismarck? He's pretty fucking great
Can you name a better politician / political leader than Bismarck? He's pretty fucking great
Frederick the Great.
Alexander the great
Huey Long
Talleyrand by far. He was able to play off the other diplomats and retain France as a major player in European politics instead of a defeated vassal.
Metternich comes as a close second because he was able to retain a semblance of stability post-Waterloo.
>napoleon just sneaks in there
best political leader of all time tho
>spy and traitor
>octavian "not even 5' 7" caesar
Louis IX aka Saint Louis.
Awww, that's a cute little Empire you got there.
You're neighbours is adorable too. I like that they named it after mine.
OP, did you try to create the same thread earlier without success?
Talleyrand was duplicitious as fuck but you can't deny how wily he was in 1814 and 1815. France was in danger of being dismembered ala Versailles-style. The Prussians even argued back then that all the Germanic north-eastern territories (Alsace-Lorraine) should be given to them.
Pssh, Louis XI was the greatest French monarch with the name Louis. The Universal Spider was something more French kings should've been.
Ha! Sick burn bro.
Lemme drop some truth bombs on you
Never regard something as doing you good if it makes you betray a trust or lose your sense of shame or makes you show hatred, suspicion, ill-will or hypocrisy or a desire for things best done behind closed doors.
Forgot pic of Based Marcus Aurelias.
I wonder how many copies of his book have "sold" over the years? Anybody have a rough estimate?
What does height have to do with political skill?
It limits the amount of respect you can get. It's why Napoleon was a laughingstock.
His height induced autism fueled his conquest.
Augustus was basically of average height for his time though
Meme response: Humans are aware what size it takes to command respect no matter what the average is.
Non-meme response Saying "average" height is deceptive when talking about history. The upper classes had better nutrition and were taller on average. It's small consolation being as tall as the average pleb when you're an emperor.
>not Philip the Fair
napoleon was not short, and was respected and feared by pretty much everyone
good meme
>ruins Europe
>creates diplomatic system only he can manage
>gets sacked then dies
>Germany gets utterly humiliated when his system breaks down
He was a bit short-sighted, wasn't he?
>Suetonius: His complexion was betwixt brown and fair; his stature but low; though Julius Marathus, his freedman, says he was five feet and nine inches in height. This, however, was so much concealed by the just proportion of his limbs, that it was only perceivable upon comparison with some taller person standing by him.
So according to this, he was around 5'7", and well proportioned to look even taller unless standing right next to somebody.
t. butthurt Austrian
Axel Oxenstierna
This guy for sure.
>transformed Singapore from a shitty backwater trading port into a major Asian economic player
>didn't rely on populist grandstanding like Bismarck or Napoleon or Hitler or basically any European you'll see in this thread
>sanctified rule of law yet held democracy as sacred as well; won every single election he took part in
Lee Kuan Yew if you're interested. Easily one of the greatest politicians of all time.
Fuck forgot image. Excuse my autism.