ITT: You rage you lose
ITT: You rage you lose
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horrible thread. i hope youre no older than 16.
What is there to rage about?
Not him, but probably that America is listed first rather than France or Germany.
Lindybeige > John Green
That's not saying much.
Old shopkeeper from across the street >John Green
They're both educated autists
Nietzsche was nazi
Nazis misinterpreted Nietzsche
This is cheating
Good Lord. Is really hard not to hate this people.
> 2017
> being hidden Horus cultist
What's wrong with John Green?
Nothing, /pol/ teenagers just mad that he teaches smart people about real history i.e. muclim golden ages, mongols and that great meme theory is the bullshit.
He spouts meme at a camera and hypergeneralizes ages to suit his short video format. He also disproportionately shits on Europeans for their goofs and defends horrible actions by Asian and Arabic groups.
Almost lost, then I remembered it's ironic.
dumb map, India started getting conquered by muslims right around the time of the first crusade.
There is literally nothing wrong with this.
We all should have listened to Foch.
Seems like a weaboo hasn't yet learned that start shit, get hit.
*tips cowboy hat*
I'm raging because Belgium gets nothing while the Netherlands, ultimate surrender monkeys, receive a big slab.
>putting Thailand in the top 5
>before Germany
>before Italy
>USA is the first result for combatants when they were the last nation to join WWI
Melhammad Ibson al-Astriliya in charge of historical accuracy in movies.
>before fucking Serbia who were the cause of the war
Melhammad Ibson al-Astriliya in charge of historical accuracy in movies.
It looks better with the minarets.
it's supposed to be a church, not a fucking space station
It's not supposed to be anything.
that's not what the Byzantines had in mind when they made it
I don't see any Byzantines around.
Dionysus was not born of a virgin, his mother Semele died when Zeus appeared to her in all of his thundering glory and then he saved the embryo, sewing in into his thigh.
Probably because you're Bulgarian.
Ach cha cha cha chaaaaa~
One time i googled "Great migration"
Bismarck was the best battleship ever made because it was the biggest and the most advanced because of German Engineering. Same goes for German tanks like the Tiger that could pen 2 T34-85s side by side from 2kms distance.
Is it bad that I unironically like these guys?
I do as well. It is a sensationalist and romantic series but I enjoy it very much.
Because the historical community refers to the period of the Huns forcing tribes to move into Europe is called "The Migration Period".
These guys elevated my Christ consciousness, don't hate.
That's not them tho
>In January 1919, at the Paris Peace Conference Foch presented a memorandum to the Allied plenipotentiaries in which he stated:
>Henceforward the Rhine ought to be the Western military frontier of the German countries. Henceforward Germany ought to be deprived of all entrance and assembling ground, that is, of all territorial sovereignty on the left bank of the river, that is, of all facilities for invading quickly, as in 1914, Belgium, Luxembourg, for reaching the coast of the North Sea and threatening the United Kingdom, for outflanking the natural defences of France, the Rhine, Meuse, conquering the Northern Provinces and entering the Parisian area.
>In a subsequent memorandum, Foch argued that the Allies should take full advantage of their victory by permanently weakening German power in order to prevent her from threatening France again:
>What the people of Germany fear the most is a renewal of hostilities since, this time, Germany would be the field of battle and the scene of the consequent devastation. This makes it impossible for the yet unstable German Government to reject any demand on our part if it is clearly formulated. The Entente, in its present favourable military situation, can obtain acceptance of any peace conditions it may put forward provided that they are presented without much delay. All it has to do is to decide what they shall be.
>However, the British Prime Minister David Lloyd George and the American President Woodrow Wilson objected to the detachment of the Rhineland from Germany so that the balance of power wouldn't be too in favor of France
>Foch considered the Treaty of Versailles to be "a capitulation, a treason" because he believed that only permanent occupation of the Rhineland would grant France sufficient security against a revival of German aggression. As the treaty was being signed Foch said: "This is not peace. It is an armistice for 20 years"
>litterally what happened
dumb britshits
Same. It's probably one of the best ways to teach history to young people in the modern day. I'm studying to be a history teacher and I'd honestly like to work Extra History into my classroom if at all possible, which apparently other history teachers have already done.
I was laughing at everything but then this got me angry.
Are you raging that the internet has been largely created and pioneered by Americans?
Nice try comrade.
>he teaches smart people about real history
this better be bait
>it wasnt real Nietzschean philosophy!!1!
Belgium isn't a real county lol
The fact that Thailand is listed before I dunno... Germany, Italy... god at least russia
Well. it wasn't. It was based on an edited version of The Will to Power that Nietzsche's sister butchered.
>la manche
ok not bad
This is a joke. Please tell me its a joke
it's one of the most beautiful pieces of architecture in the world, what is there to rage about?
You think that's bad?
It triggers /pol/tards and byzaboos because "muh crusade deus vult" and it triggers the average Veeky Forums user because it reminds them of turkroaches
It's probably just something weird in how Google determines which parts of a list to show. If you look at the actual wiki page they're not in that order.
t. polan
I'm betting the search algorithm lists the country of the person doing the search first if it appears anywhere in the article. Again, if you go to the actual wikipedia page, that's not how the combatants are listed.
Leer fatsoenlijke friet te eten, nepfransoos.
Possible, but that only explains the US, not the lack of the Nationalist side or frankly, Thailand.
There's always this
Never forget
Fun fact, the British had to flee the city after a severe thunderstorm hit, causing the first tornado in D.C.'s recorded history. It killed a couple of British soldiers, damaged their ships, and flung a couple of cannons around.
Makes you wonder whose side God was on doesn't it?
I use BC/AD just to piss off my professor.
His sister added shit in after Nietz went insane. She was definitely a nazi
No, because I am not from America but the result is the same, I think the algorithm lists the US first because people must search a lot for "Spanish Civil War America" or something like that.
About as much as it makes me wonder which side the elves and dwarves were on.
He's not THAT bad, but he does generalize a shit ton and is pretty biased.
Also refused to make an episode on Alexander the Great because "Why aren't women ever called 'The Great'?"
which of course is total bullshit showing he has no knowledge of historical woman.
I like their history series for being interestingly dramatic, but they're honestly a bunch of faggots.
Uhm lol
it taught me valuable lessons like the hebrew race coming from space
Why does Belgium exist?
It's not Europe until only France, Germany, and Netherlands share the Rhine
This has to be expert level bait
>It's not Europe until only France and Germany share the Rhine
almost got me there, user.
thats bretty gud.
BC/AD is top tier,
BCE/CE is pleb tier shit.
what game is this?
t. Christcuck
Fuck I lost.
That's funny, I started using BCE/CE just because some of the posters here get really butthurt about it.
It's kind of inconsistent in its design.
Looks like EU3 but I could be wrong