What was his endgame?
What was his endgame?
Marxism taken to its logical conclusion: childish social criticism.
he thought that marxism had failed to take over so it needed to be reexamined and then implemented through culture
Provide a scapegoat for retarded stormfags that are spooked by the mention of marx.
t. triggered /leftypol/ with no argument who gets triggered by the name of marx being in "cultural marxism"
>is literally "the father of the new left"
>hurr your just scapegoating!
really made me think
much the same as gramsci, but from a safer, cosier, academic perspective, and informed by some decades of later historical development
a post-marxist analisis and critique of the political and economic system current in his time, both capitalist and communist
his main points had to do with how the system produces a specific culture, which then forms, molds and conditions the individual into a certain 'form of living' complete with how he thinks, how he consumes, how he identifies, how he engages in the overall socio-economic sphere
basicaly the system manufactures people who then perpetuate it, willingly negate all the nageatives, and identify fully with this manufactured self they actively live out day by day, fully accepting the reality given to them by media and other services and incapable of evisioning anything viable other than that
there was a lot of critique of the military-industrial complex, the logic of technological progress and maximised profit/output facilitated by this, consumerism as was present in those days, the issue of class becoming less politicaly relevant as the actualy productive segments of society become marginalised, the inability of people to articulate a actual alterantive to any of it since thats all they realy know and are
today hed have a field day deconstructing shit like social media and googletube and the retarded discouses that form within
ironicaly SJWs and gender ideology retards, knowingly or not, base a lot of their shit on his work, even tho they are the exact example of what he meant by ''one dimensional man'', a human bering whose whole thinking and identity is based on technological hyperfunction of media facilitated virtuiality, incapable of being anything else than a mere consumer and reproducer of the same shit his brain got conditioned to, dependent fully on the same hypertechological capitalist and corporate system for its mode of living, and fully incapable of ever being a threat to the system
>implying its the fathers fault his son becomes a degenerate decades after his death
>son, do this thing
>ok father *does the thing
The irony of this statement is hillarious to considering the whole "fuck white people" sins of the father bullshit he created.
i think youre missinterpreting what he meant
Not really his son since nobody gives a fuck about marcuse anymore but whatever.
>trying to shill this idea since the cats out of the bag on cultural marxism and you cant realistically pretend it doesnt exist anymore
What the fuck are you talking about? Every western college has mandatory 'black studies" and sociology classes about checking your privilege
>you cant realistically pretend it doesnt exist anymore
Of course i can.
well yeah, technincally you can, but its a shitty argument and just makes you look like a retard trying to hide obvious facts.
You guys literally have no argument other than claiming everything is a stormfag conspiracy theory.
>nobody gives a fuck about marcuse anymore
it is tho
the people you accuse of being ''cultural marxists'' are exactly the thing he criticised
What do you refer to by "cultural marxism"?
In the best case, you are refering solely to the frankfurt school. In that case the name is purposefully misleading for political reasons and pretends an homogeneity of thought that doesn't exist.
In the worst case, you are refering to a literal conspiracy theory.
In both cases it's stormfag propaganda. The pics/memes in the thread make it pretty obvious that you are a bunch of /pol/tards that learn about the subject from memes and infopics.
>the people you accuse of being ''cultural marxists'' are exactly the thing he criticised
No they arent. you are desperate to find some excuse since you originally believed cultural marxism was nothing but a conspiracy theory with no actual real life examples. Then you found out about Marcuse and Adorno and what they preached and how they took over college humanities courses so now ALL you have to fall back on is "w-well its not even that big of a deal"
you are literally using the "real cultural marxism has never been tried!" excuse lol
>. In that case the name is purposefully misleading
>its literally a bunch of marxist who re examined marxism to fit into western culture so it could take root and grow better there.
If you commiboos actually hated this shit, you would fight against it instead of shilling for it non stop.
crashing the west...WITH NO SURVIVORS!
Do /pol/tards really believe the frankfurt school was ever some sort of secret organization trying to hold da white man down? Anyone who has even the slightest interest in the study of culture has heard of them, it's not our fault you guys are a bunch of illiterate niggers who don't read books and get your information from shitposts
Not him but funny how you have obviously literally never read anyone from the frankfurt school yet feel allowed to tell others who obviously have that they just "found out" about them. Also how you post a picture about people being brainwashed while discussing a subject you didn't read about because you saw propaganda about it.
>f secret organization trying to hold da white man down?
The fact that all you can do is make pissy little strawman argument jokes like this is telling of how much you have no actual argument to articulate.
ALL you can do is hurl insults in the hopes no one criticizes this shit out of fear of insults from random people on the internet lol.
So do you like the fact that college humanities are so over run with cultural marxism that students are forced into taking meme courses like gender studies?
What arguments are you talking about? The topic at hand is the argument made by you guys yhat we are trying to hide the existenve of the frankfurt school and it's "cultural marxism". I am simply saying this is bullshit because they were never secretive about their existence and their ideas
wow these guys speak the truth. Im going to go check my privilege now
>bullshit because they were never secretive about their existence and their ideas
thus a strawman. No one ever said it was a secret other than you faggots trying to make some pissy strawman argument. Marcuse was out right protested against in California.
ALL you have going now is that it wasnt a super secret thing, which isnt even an argument I ever made, so you have NOTHING to argue right now.
Good post.
i read marcuse when in colledge
the notion of '''cultural marxism''' didnt even exist back then, not in this sense any way, its a thing wholly invented by the right as a term to attack things under, certain thing they dont like that developed in the last decade
im not saying things havent changed in the last 10+' years, just that there is something seriously wrong with the notion that the work of people like marcuse automatically equate to current year gender ideology and pseudo left libtards
if anything my ''circle'' back then, and oh we were all edgy leftist kids, anarchists and commies and molotov flinging punks, was far, far removed from anything resembling todays american academic youth, we were all about workers rights and fuck the import-export lobby and how the system is fucking us over in terms of taxes, wages, loans, monetary marifetluks and generaly forcing people into a life of consumation, unemployment and debt, how our democracy is a corrupt disfunctional circus and the whole ''if elections changed anything theid be illegal'' stuff, all of which was and still is our everiday reality
mind you we didnt even have facebook back then, or it was just starting, cant remember, and if any of us met a transexual our first orthodox leftist thoughts would have been - fucking burgoise decadent degenerate why dont he do a day of honest work
in fact there was a couple of guys who were constantly concerned with ''degeneracy'', but now i come to think of it they might have been in selfdenial
think you should realy lay the blame on the development of social media and the culture that the current generation of '''''cultural marxists''''' grew up in, and in USA specifically since realy its your local problem and youll need to find local solutions to it
blaming it all on some intellectual who wrote some stuff decades ago is kinda lame and intellectualy dishonest, its just another way to make a point on how marxism is bad and all bad things come from it
Good postx2
But this way of thinking is the basis of racist thought, X thinks Y becasue he is a X namsayin'?
You create a person, a individual out of assumed memes. Thats the issue with SJW and other "edgelords" their entire lives are made up of memes and their way of thinking and acting are nothing more than memes and assumptions they make to reality
>the notion of '''cultural marxism''' didnt even exist back then, not in this sense any way, its a thing wholly invented by the right as a term to attack things under, certain thing they dont like that developed in the last decade
cultural marxism is literally just a name the right gave to the thing. Thats it. They were marxist, they bitched about culture, thus cultural marxism.
>trying to shill this idea since the cats out of the bag on cultural marxism and you cant realistically pretend it doesnt exist anymore
>no one ever said it was a secret exceptyou faggots
cats out of the bag as in you guys only argument is "cultural marxism doesnt exist! its just a conspiracy theory!"
no one has ever said marcuse was plotting shit in the shadows and pulling the strings behind the scenes. Stop being dishonest cunts like this
thats exactly what marcuse was saying tho
todays corporate system dolls out media services which are so well calibrated to the average consumer they pretty much create a semantic virtual reality that the consumer him/her self actualy facilitates, reproduces and modifies, thus never ever even noticing when thereas a ''glitch in the matrix''
its perfect, seamless, most of them wont know a difference untill theyre in their 30is or 40is
were pretty much living in a cyberpunk distopia more screwed up than any sci-fi writer could have imagined, id say SJWs are just a prototipe, there will be others
ther real question is who wuill be the first group to get violent
>ther real question is who wuill be the first group to get violent
the SJW and their urban pets
If Marxism is about the workers running the factories is Cultural Marxism about the workers running the culture?
itt: people who have never read Marcuse
Cultural marxism doesn't exist though. None of the frankfurt school members ever called themselves cultural marxists. It's just a term made up by some rightwingers who wanted to label group of theorists who's ideas they barely had any grasp on and who's only common characteristic was that they critiziced capitalism
Marxism is economically deterministic. "Running the culture" means nothing to marx. Which is why this is such a retarded meme.
cultural marxism is about the idea that culture is just brainwashing the masses so they will never see the true light of marx, so its up to them to take control of the culture and brainwash them into being marxist instead.
>the "we dont call it that so it doesnt exist" argument
puerile shite m8
>"Running the culture" means nothing to marx.
no shit sherlock, it wasnt an idea that marx came up with. Its one the Frankfurt school came up with as a reexamination of marx after a world wide communist revolution didnt happen in WW1. Try to keep up
>Cultural Marxism about the workers running the culture
wtf I love cultural Marxism now
Workers already run culture in capitalism, where the aim of corporations is to pander to the lowest common denominator
doubt it since literally NO workers like it and only bourgeoisie college kids care about it. Workers in fact out right detest it as the elitist bullshit it is.
i dont think the people here labeld ''''cultural marxists'''' would like that culture
suddenly their carefully constructed virtual identities and delicate sensibilities would mean nothing and they would have to actualy work, and deal with working people
thats sort of the problem
wtf I love capitalism now
>no shit sherlock, it wasnt an idea that marx came up with. Its one the Frankfurt school came up with as a reexamination of marx after a world wide communist revolution didnt happen in WW1. Try to keep up
meant for
Holdin the bourgise down
Holdin the whyte mayne down
anyone have that picture of Stalin looking down at cultural marxist going "what the fuck?!"
Marxism is against oppressors, marx meant owners of capital were oppressors.
Now when the owners of capital, literally anyone who wants. aint longer the oppressor shit like cutural marxists make shit up like postcolionalism. Bunch of assumptions and create a new "bad man" eg the white man or wutevur
Its all memes and for retards really, pure hatred
4 black BLM kids kidnapped and tortures a mentally disabled white kid and livestreamed it while chanting "fuck white people and fuck donald trump"
Marxism isn't against "opressors", it's against the capitalist mode of production
You /pol/tards never fail to amaze me with the retardad shit you come up with
>it's against the capitalist mode of production
who are the oppressors. Stop being needlessly autistic because you have no argument
I wanna understand where this "cultural marxism doesn't exist" meme comes from.
It's pretty obvious that Gramsci, Adorno, Marcuse and all the others were not fictional characters but real people, that they were all part of the marxist school of thought, and that they collaborated to create a new ideological current during their time in the Frankfurt school, and later in America.
Is it the words "cultural marxism" in particular? Or do deniers deny the existence of the entire movement? I'm genuinely confused.
>if you are againt exploitative capitalists you are against any form of power hierarchy
>I wanna understand where this "cultural marxism doesn't exist" meme comes from.
marxism is technicaly against power hierarchy, except it proposes a power hierarchy that is tasked with ending power hierarchy
somehow it didnt work
its the fact that the frankfurt school isn't a movement, but only a institute of a group of guys with the only thing in common between them being that they criticized capitalism
>tfw during the Cold War Soviet controlled countries were more "Conserative" than Capitalists in the west
>tfw Communist societies actually valued the Family while Capitalistic societies dismatled it for the value of money
>its the fact that the frankfurt school isn't a movement
literally no one ever claimed other wise. Why are you so dependent on strawman arguments?
So what? Libertarianism is also an ideology which doesn't have a single spokesman but has many different variants. Should I modify the wikipedia page of libertarianism to redirect to "libertarian conspiracy theory"?
>spend a lifetime critiquing the vulgar excrescences of democratic capitalism and the idiocy of popular culture (i.e. 'degeneracy')
>somehow this means you want to destroy Western values
except that isnt what they did at all.
>t. never read a single thing by the frankfurt school
Its funny how the whole thing is predicated on ideological students standing up to rigid authority figures who promote a meme culture when that is EXACTLY what cultural marxism is
Heres a video of a rebellious punk student questioning his teachers political establishment preaching
Left-wing intellectuals didn't build their cultural hegemony by accepting terminology created by their enemies. That's where the resistance to the term "Cultural Marxism" comes from. They fear that accepting its validity would empower anti-communists.
It is literally exactly what they did. The One Dimensional Man is a product of the capitalist production engine and popular media.
They despised fascism, which is why /pol/ had such a hate boner for them
no it doesnt. Quote me ONE thing from Marcuse where he bitches about degeneracy destroying western values
you lying scumbags
People like Marcuse and Adorno considered anyone to the right of Lavrenty Beria a "fascist". Their opinions in this regard are worth less than trash.
So the only criteria to be a "cultural marxist" is to criticize capitalism? Awesome, what's everyone's problem with "cultural marxists" then?
>So the only criteria to be a "cultural marxist" is to criticize capitalism?
oh look, another strawman argument!
>"The Marcusian union of Eros and Logos can only be realized in the form of a totalitarian state, established and governed by force; the freedom he advocates is non-freedom. If 'true' freedom does not mean freedom of choice but consists in choosing a particular object; if freedom of speech does not mean that people can say what they like, but that they must say the right thing; and if Marcuse and his followers have the sole right to decide what people must choose and what they must say, then 'freedom' has simply taken on the contrary of its normal Sense. In these terms a 'free' society is one that deprives people of freedom to choose either objects or ideas except at the behest of those who know better."
>"It should be noted that Marcuse's demands go much further than Soviet totalitarian Communism has ever done: either in theory or in practice. Even in the worst days of Stalinism, despite universal indoctrination and the enslavement of knowledge to ideology, it was recognized that some fields were neutral in themselves and subject only to logical and empirical laws: this was true of mathematics, physics, and also technology except for one or two brief periods. Marcuse, on the other hand, insists that normative essences must prevail in every domain, that there must be a new technology and a new qualitative science of which we know nothing whatever except that they are new; they must be freed from the prejudices of experience and 'mathematization'-i.e. attainable without any knowledge of mathematics, physics, or any other science and must absolutely transcend our present knowledge."
>"Marcuse's programme is [...] to destroy democratic institutions and tolerance in the name of a totalitarian myth, subjecting science and technology (not only in practical application, but in their theoretical aspects as well) to a nebulous 'essential' intuition which is the exclusive property of philosophers hostile to empiricism and positivism"
Leszek Kolakowski
Oh, I'm aware. I find their political prescriptions absolutely repugnant. But I don't think they were conspiracists.
I'm posting from my phone, I don't feel like block quoting from Dialectic of Enlightenment with my thumb.
Honestly, if the stormweenies out of /pol/ toook the time to read the guy they'd learn he's basically their political kin, aside from the whole 'being a Jew' thing.
Actual Nazis are on other level of politics where ideas and principles do not matter and the only thing that matter is who you are. Hence, they wouldn't care at all if a Jewish communist can give them intellectual ammunition for their totalitarian and repressive policies, because the whole "being a Jew" thing is the only thing that matters.
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Can you go two posts without crying about imaginary /pol/acks? Jesus fucking Christ.
>they are now trying to shill the idea that cultural marxism is actually a right leaning ideology since they failed miserably at shilling the idea that it doesnt exist
lol no wonder marxism is such an utter failure
>I don't feel like block quoting from Dialectic of Enlightenment with my thumb.
because you cant do it because Marcuse never said anything close to that.
the quote in that post argues the exact opposite. you are an other worldly retard holy shit.
I just got here, my dude.
>say the only thing the frankfurt school members have in common is their critiscism of capitalism
>hurr we never claimed it to be a movement anyways
>cool so you agree that they had in common was critiscizing capitalism
>hurr muh strawman
Alright, what WAS the frankfurt school then according to you?
>>say the only thing the frankfurt school members have in common is their critiscism of capitalism
no one said this. Youre a very stupid and very angry person user.
What was actually said is that the frankfurt school was a collection of marxist who reexamined marxism so it could be better implemented in the west.
go back to leftypol you child
>we must enslave science and culture to the production of essentialist myths
That's not 'the essence' of fascist ideology? That's not the irony in Marcuse that Kolakowski, the master ironist of Marxist ideology, is trying to draw out?
Source? None of the universities I know of require any sort of black/african/whatever studies
I'm an ameriburger
Hundreds of thousands of other Americans have died, but you cherrypick this. You yourself cultivate your own breed of culture at the expense of your own creativity. For example, my first sentence does not form a useful clause to some predicate; it requires the audience append, "Over all time," or, "In the past few years," or "Since BLM began operating," etc. Which did your own virtual reality, isolated from real life it may be, pick?
Or maybe you are saying the cultural norm is an overlord violently suppressing an underclass to let off steam. But your example also falls into this category...
... Oh, I guess you are too stupid to comprehend this idea and the good 'ol white boys on meth bought with their parents' money dindu nuffin' when they burned down high-quality low income housing in a Middle class area and issued death threats to the locals to oppose further such projects or burned a homeless guy alive or stabbed one or beat him with a baseball bat until his skull caved in holy shit this is just my home town and I'm not gonna be able to fit everything....
all those words and not an argument to be found. why are you getting all butthurt at me for pointing out that 4 black kids were pieces of shit?
No, I won't do it because I'm a lazy pos and edifying your ignorant ass is the last thing on my to-do list today.
nice post my lad, never spoken to someone who could actually explain Marcuse's ideas to me.
"cultural marxism" is a conspiracy theory and you have never read the frankfurt school.
>in the hopes no one criticizes this shit
read it before you criticise it then you faggot. Literally all you have to do is read even one of the frankfurt school to realise everything you say about them is wrong. The Kulturbolschevismus meme is older than them anyway.
>the notion of '''cultural marxism''' didnt even exist back then
Fascists have been talking about "Kulturbolschewismus" since Weimar Germany at least.
stop lying stormweenie
I'm not lying and I'm not a stormfaggot. Fascists already believed in the cultural marxism meme before the Frankfurt school existed. They used strawmanned Frankfurt School thinkers as a post-hoc justification for beliefs they already held. Basically confirmation bias and cherry picking to support a beliief they've held since Weimar.
What is so irksome about the term 'cultural Marxism', isn't that it doesn't accurately encapsulate a certain trend in academia--which it does, in a reductive way--but that it indicates an arcane and bizarre conspiracy theory concerning the seminal theorists themselves, which is unhinged from the facts. Certainly there are people that have taken the ideas of the Frankfurt School and used them deleterious effect on the minds of their students, but this isn't a conspiracy; it's just one of the ways potentially harmful ideas are disseminated.
Lol PC principalx10
WHy does nobody bother to mention Marcuse was literally the most shit-tier thinker of the frankfurt school and even broke with adorno because of it
Because literally nobody itt is knowledgable about the frankfurt school