A lot of people have heard about the Jewish question. But have you heard about the french question?

A lot of people have heard about the Jewish question. But have you heard about the french question?

Other urls found in this thread:


I've seen one about the Irish, too. All pointing towards the "jew conspiracy", or "we are historians, except when it disagrees with us".
The key difference is the fact that you cannot find a single Jew who condemns the original Bolsheviks, or the history of Jews and their usurious nature throughout Europe. You can't find a Jew that doesn't milk the guilt industry for social brownie points, but you do find blacks that hate BLM and slavery cards (who just want to live beyond the past). But the Jews are unique: there is more about racial superiority in one line of the Talmund than in all of Mein Kampf. They are anti-nationalist for all who are not Jews. Read Maurice Samuel's "You Gentiles".
None of this is recent stuff, the Jews have been social parasites for a long time. It's just history you don't want to know, and I don't blame you because it isn't hyper-egalitarian or leftist in nature, and this is a board that does not like things that run contrary to that.

>you can't find a jew who condemns the bolsheviks
Tell that to my jewish friend and his anti-communist rhetoric

Also i'll make it quick and easy:
Be jew in europe, restrained in ghettoes, hated, ostracised (sometimes rightfully, often times not). New ideology comes around preaching equality and overthrowing oppressive governments (bolshevism): jews support it

can Veeky Forums make one with the eternal anglo pls?

>Tell that to my jewish friend and his anti-communist rhetoric
Anecdotes aren't arguments. Finklestein is in his boat, too, but they all milk the guilt industry against the gentiles. Damn those Third Reich ovens, operating at... 15 minutes per body?
>Be jew in europe, restrained in ghettoes, hated, ostracised (sometimes rightfully, often times not). New ideology comes around preaching equality and overthrowing oppressive governments (bolshevism): jews support it
You missed the part that the new ideology was spearheaded by themselves (Marx), funded by themselves (Schiff), and the revolution was fought by themselves (Lev Bronstein founded the Red Army and was first chairman, and Lenin, the quarter Jew, was the main heeb of the hour).
Read what Wagner had to say, he knew Jews, he grew up in the Jewish quarter of his city. He hated the Jews because they acted like the citizens of the nation they occupied.
"Sumner Redstone"? More like Sumner Murray Rothstein!
Most media is owned by the Jews, anyways: thezog.wordpress.com/who-controls-big-media/
2% of the population sure holds massive amounts of influence? Certainly nothing wrong will come of that! Certainly no hasbara is being shilled, no narrative or Overton window being installed!

You said "you literally cant find a single jew who condems bolshevists" which is clearly open to be dismissed by anecdotal evidence
And Marx wasn't a jew

the Hibernian menace is real af senpai desu

Allow me to rephrase: there are mainstream political movements in black communities, such as Malcolm X and MLK Jnr., which seek to reconcile the cancerous mindset blacks have adopted (or the Jews like Henry Moskowitz, co-founder of the NAACP), but you cannot find the same among Jewish communities.
The Jew is unique, I highly recommend reading the Talmund, writers like Maurice, looking into the life of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi (integral to the globalist organization, the European Union), and watching E. Michael Jones' goy's guide to history series: youtube.com/watch?v=KNWPYQjXSYA
Irish don't dominate media and shill for hasbara, most "Americans" are literally Irish/German/Italian/British/French/Spanish mutts.

Imho their is a simple explanation for that. Since the French Revolution the French have a genius cult i.e. their professors, all educated and teaching at the same 2 schools, get stuff like weekly newspaper columns. One of the reasons those people got so influential was because of the media revolution happening when they were writing their most important works. From the dominant place they had in France they had spill over effects on got massively influential.

I mean, fuck my ass and call me sally, how the fuck does this not read like a Jewish phonebook?

>The larger conference resulted in a more diverse organization, where the leadership was predominantly white. At its founding, the NAACP had one African American on its executive board, Du Bois. It did not elect a black president until 1975, although executive directors, the chief operating officers had been African Americans for decades. The Jewish community contributed greatly to the NAACP's founding and continued financing. Jewish historian Howard Sachar writes in his book A History of Jews in America that "In 1914, Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University became chairman of the NAACP and recruited for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, and Rabbi Stephen Wise." Additional Jewish-American founding members included Julius Rosenwald, Lillian Wald, and Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch.


Capitalism, Communism: two sides of the same coin. Usury in the name of the free market, or seizing grain in the name of the proletariat, it's the same story, just told by a different rabbi.
Jews are anti-globalist for their own kin, you think I'm a "meanie wayciss bigot", what I say is nothing compared to what the Jews think of the goyim.

Derrida was an Algerian Jew

Lacan was a psychoanalyst and was in structuralist and post-structuralist categoires over his life

Sure is a huge coincidence that the next president has an Irish name


My main problem isn't even that the french academia tries to enable shit like race and gender ideology, but the fact that they do it so stupidly.


>you cannot find a single Jew who condemns the original Bolsheviks
>here's a bunch of jews that abhor bolsheviks
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but two sides of the same coin!

simple enough, what's your point of contention here?

>New ideology comes around preaching equality and overthrowing oppressive governments (bolshevism): jews support it

Bolshevism was a Jewish ideology to begin with.


At least in Roman times, Jews restrained themselves in ghettos, because they couldn't live a certain distance apart from their rabbis. Whether this became tradition by the time the Middle Ages rolled around without the original purpose of living close to the Rabbi, I don't know. But don't blame Gentiles for something which was the fault of the Jews themselves.

The problem with this shit is equalling every single person practicing the Jewish religion to a single person, who apparently has the same opinion on everything.
What the Jews think of -insert here- is not an argument, because "the jews" are not a hivemind, they are different people, just like all Christians, or all Germans, or whatever.

That cannot be a real quote

Don't underestimate the french pretentious retardation

>Stop making fun of mine conspiracy!

lmao humanities students are cute with their pseudo math

Frederick Trumpf, his grandfather, was from Bavaria.
>Bavaria, lederhosen, beer-putsch, Nazis.
Trump confirmed Hitler.

>because "the jews" are not a hivemind, they are different people, just like all Christians, or all Germans, or whatever.

It would be nice if people realized that. Really nice.

>Be jew in europe, restrained in ghettoes, hated, ostracised (sometimes rightfully, often times not).

That was hardly the case in late 19th century and early 20th century Europe.

>humanities students
Try "most influential ""intellectual"" in his field"
>Mental patients get treated with mock math

I'm sorry brother but you're gonna need to source your shit.

The quote straight up has less compression artifacts than the rest of the image.

What's wrong with this?

You meme and green arrow but you cannot explain your misgivings.

>the French question
You are referring to the Bogdanov question? Quick rundown on these two:
>Strong ties to the French prime minister; evidence to suggest that they influence his every move, pushing for policies meant to weaken the nation's moral fabric so that they might rule over them without difficulty
>Belong to an ancient bloodline which has been associated with royalty
>Evidence which suggests that the Rothschilds are operating under their supervision
>Own DNA editing research facilities throughout the world
>Extensively funding NASA research regarding sustainable life on Mars
>Rumored to possess psychic abilities and are said to have IQs upwards of 200
>Largely believed to be in contact with alien life forms

Google it or something. You might also like Newton's Principia as a rape manual.

At best, the quote is extremely pompous and unnecesary. More likely, if he took his shit seriously, and it looks like he did, it's not even worth talking about. "Banana sex square root of two symbolic rape" can't be refuted, nor has to be refuted. You seem to think there's some far-fetched sense in this and that's fair enough. Feel free to call me a retard and think I just don't get it, I need to, god forbid, read more lacan or whatever. As long as that means I don't have to take the time to "discuss" the quote here I am fine with that.

Most of you people live in a deluded world of misinformation, subterfuge, espionage and revisionism.

Condemn original Bolsheviks for being Jews? Find me a quote of Rand of Friedman talking about Lev Bronstein or the Jew Marx.

Of course not, but Jews in the US are majority liberal: www.pewforum.org/2013/10/01/chapter-6-social-and-political-views/
Christianity is a religion, anybody can convert. Judaism is dependent upon lineage, conversions are possible but made deliberately difficult because of the chosen/gentile divide observed in the Talmund.
German is an ethnicity. I never claimed all Jews think the same way, please quote me on that. I claimed that there is a general trend, or patterns of behaviour, to be observed all along history. Watch the goy's guide to history, Jews always have each others backs, no matter what they do. Ask a Jew what he thinks of Solzhenitsyn, watch his response after you familiarize him with the works of the man.

"Where there followers preyed on young people".

And right there, with that, I'm out.

I've heard that they were the true song writers of many kinks records

Never trust the Eternal Gaul

this is fucking retarded, holy shit

I am so fucking triggered by this image. FOR FUCK'S SAKE, learn the difference between "there" and "their".

Really makes me think

Unlike the "eternal anglo" and "hibernian conspiracy" memes, this is actually kind of accurate. The French have been at the forefront of anti-traditionalism for centuries.


>he key difference is the fact that you cannot find a single Jew who condemns the original Bolsheviks

Ben Shapiro.

That cant be real.

I legitimately can't distinguish between parody french philosophy and real one.

What did he mean by this?

No, seriously, someone tell me, what the fuck is he on about?

Holy Shit, France.
What the hell?

Does he call them for what they are, Jews?

Newton's Principia a rape manual

the fuck?

t. Brainlets

Damn Nigga

some french "people" unironically defend this shit

The rabbis invented the ghettos long before the ebil nasztis and forced the jews to live in them.
True story.

>you cannot find a single Jew who condemns the original Bolsheviks


>and their usurious nature throughout Europe.

Because usury is a vital component of a functioning economy.

the usury meme needs to die

last two minutes for a dose of reality from a Jew: youtube.com/watch?v=KT92l7ql0Js

>the usury meme
what the fuck does this mean

>American public education

You're fucking embarrassing, kys cuckie

Shitty blatantly biased and false dichotomy meme.

the idea that charging interest on loans is some kind of parasitic function rather than an essential part of any economy that wants to get beyond the level of people all eating dirt.

Also on that note the Jew Rothbard was against fractional reserve banking which would destroy usury as we know it anyway

"Foucalt" et al can't be held responsible for what then became of their movement. See modern successors like Zizek and what they think of political correctness.

>Jew Rothbard was against fractional reserve banking which would destroy usury as we know it anyway
It's almost as if Jews aren't a race of telepaths who are secretly conspiring against "the white race" but are simply a group of people who have contributed to intellectual movements of every kind.

>Bolsheviks for being Jews?
why would they be condemned for that? that wasn't exactly what was bad about them...

>It's almost as if Jews aren't a race of telepaths who are secretly conspiring against "the white race" but are simply a group of people who have contributed to intellectual movements of every kind.
Jesus fucking Christ, what a radical thought

yeah but i should have specified contributed disproportionately to all such movements. Of course Jews are behind socialism, they're also beyond capitalism and every other goddamn movement. FFS they're even behind the alt-right.

What if they really are God's chosen people? That would explain their disproportionate relevance in world affairs.

If you want get into causation I suppose that is one possibility.