How's your job at Mcdonalds, his?
How's your job at Mcdonalds, his?
there are wayyyyy better ways to earn minimum wage than sweating over a grease trap at McDonald's, I don't understand where they find all of these people to hire...
I'll have you know it's Wendy's actually.
lowerclass blacks gotta work somewhere
>tfw history degree
if its your first time job i can understand but working in fast food or merchandise store past 20 is just embarrassing
It was taken from me by those damn immigrants. Get them out of my country so I can work for minimum wage reeeee
I'm a janitor actually
Are you the type of janitor that secretly goes into the classroom and solves complex mathematical equations or do you just jerk off in the bathroom?
I worked at Taco Bell over one of the summers I was at college.
shit fucking sucked. That was back in 2005 so I made like 5.15 an hour, just enough money to pay for rent, a bus ticket, and 1 or 2 meals a day. I went to class during the day and worked all night, averaging about 2 to 4 hours of sleep.
After that I swore off food service work. It's thankless, tedious, low paying bitch-work with no growth prospects, and the fact that these are the only new jobs being created now that automation is making most forms of blue and white collar work obsolete is a sign that the economy is in serious long term trouble.
Joke's on you, I'm an accountant.
Food service jobs are starting to become automated as well. Cashiers and servers are now being done by touch screen.
Soon enough fast food is going to be down to a couple of burger clippers and a supervisor with the rest being automated.
Jokes on you lae, accounting is fucking soul crushing.
You can meet some interesting people though.
that sounded way better in your head, didn't it?
>ftw history
>tfw 2k scholarship
>tfw enrolled in PhD program
>tfw it's not even on an University but a research center
People still get good jobs? How old fashioned.
There won't even be enough STEM jobs for all the graduating STEM students.
>tfw into accounting major because the needs of money
i am /g/eng/his/ guy actually, but the money is no. 1 priority
Seriously though, what do people who actually majored in history do? You can learn history as a hobby, don't have to waste tens of thousands of dollars and your future for it.
Got a job straight out of my archaeology degree as a research assistant
20k for 6 months work, can't complain
It's not even for archaeology. It's for a bird conservation society. Apparently I was the only dude with a degree who applied lmao.
Well most people still into idealism and still think the history channel need an actual historian in history major
back to work the both of you
*quack quack to you*
"nuthin personnel, extinct birds"
You absolutely cannot learn history as a discipline "as a hobby". Attitudes like this is why the public knowledge of history is so atrocious. They don't get it from historians, they get it from shitters like Dan Carlin and John Green.
You can do basically anything you want with a history degree that isn't a specialised field. I personally work at a museum.
If you're passionate about something and good at it you can turn it into a career, no matter what it is.
You can learn history decently well if you read a lot of books.
The problem is that a lot of people skip over the study of history itself, so even if they get the facts right, they end up with really skewed perceptions of history in general.
What's museum work like by the way? How hard is it?
I suppose you're right. It's more to do with how badly people misunderstand historiography. I had someone try to tell me that the late Roman army didn't wear any armor because they read it in Vegetius. wew.
And yeah it's alright. It's not too strenuous, the worst thing I have to deal with is noisy kids.
I work as an epidemiologist, history is my hobby.
this user does not work at mekdonalds
Sounds like a quack addict.
I'd argue that you can learn history pretty well as a hobby, but you just have harder time knowing what to look for in terms source material compared to someone with a degree.
Same here, my dude
I'm actually a chemist, my gf got me into history.
History was my favorite subject in school, but I studied microbiology because I knew there were few job prospects in history. I'm content with it being a hobby, doubt I would enjoy it if it were my job.
I'm a commercial electrician, but I do some residential on the side.
I studied History at university because I bought into the "just do what you want!" line of thinking I constantly got from everyone around me. I honestly wish my parents had been less laissez faire about it all and made me consider my options more.
This is exactly how I ended up with an Anthropology degree.
It has cost me a lot of grief since, and I honestly think I would have been happier studying something more immediately useful, even if it was something I wasn't as interested in as History.
I will make damn sure that I don't repeat my parents hands-off approach to this when I have a kid of my own some day.
>both parents are historians
>never really had a lot of money but weren't what most would consider poor
>almost go into history myself because always found it interesting but force myself into engineering
>literally first job out of uni and I almost earn as much as my dad
>have time to learn about history in my spare time
almost made the biggest mistake of my life, it's amazing how important choices you make as a teenager are.
>implying im a wagecuck
I do both
If you have better choices yeah. I hope poverty never knocks your social group's door...
Good post, i once was terrified seeing this unfold in Greece after 5 years of depression.
>History and philosophy degree
>make $25 an hour while in teacher's college
>pretty much guaranteed a job right out of school
Liberals in the liberal arts are just too lazy to move around, and don't understand the value that is in traveling for a bit. So what I might have to move for a bit? Boo fucking hoo, I want to travel and make some money.
film student here, I only like history for the potential screenplays I can pilfer from it.
I'm a carpenter by trade and a field engineer by Profesion.
Feels good.
I'm an EMT actually, putting that history degree to good use.
Why just yesterday I had a 100 year old woman go into cardiac arrest and die on us. She had outlived all of her children so she just had an aide and a lawyer managing her estate. She had a do not resuscitate order but it was at the lawyer's office instead of in her home, so that was worthless to us and we were forced to try to resuscitate her against her wishes (quite unsuccessfully however).
I was talking to my partner about how it reminded me of the egyptian pharaoh Pepi II who reigned in the 2200s BC, took the throne at 6 and died at 100. By the time he died nearly all of his children and grandchildren were already either dead or invalid leading to a major succession crisis. Add to this the fact that he had been invalid himself for the better part of two decades (or more) during which time an unprecedented amount of power had been given to regional governors who had started raising their own armies and raiding other provinces, and when the king finally did die most of them immediately declared independence. The kingdom of Egypt itself completely collapsed into warring states only a few years later.
Pepi II's disastrously long reign was the cause of what is called the first intermediary period, a 150 year dark age of civil war that lasted until Mentuhotep II was finally able to reunify the country and start the 11th dynasty, the start of the middle kingdom. It was during this dark age that the great pyramids and many temples were looted with irreplaceable artifacts lost forever, the middle kingdom egyptians wrote a lot about how fucked up that was.
I bet your partner loves to work with you.
If you major in anything other than STEM, you should seriously consider hanging yourself. You will never succeed by chosing the easy way in life
Well who else is going to do chest compressions while he starts an IV? When we got there a couple of cops were attempting CPR but it was so inept it was almost disgusting. I set up a BVM to give her respirations while he did compressions and I noticed that his compressions were far too shallow so I told him that he had to press down harder and he said that he didn't want to break her ribs. I told him look pal she's dead, nothing you do is gonna be any worse than that. Then I switched off with him and my very first compression snapped off her sternum.
And I find people are often interested in talking about history, because its something most people don't really know all that much about.
good parody user...right?
A degree is a degree, helps you get that foot in the door when applying to jobs, even if they don't relate to your degree at all.
I didn't want to go into STEM, so i decided on something I actually like, knowing full well I probably won't get a history related job. Plus I'm doing the community college route and then to a state school, so I won't be into dept hopefully.
I do storyboards for a living actually but I have an interest in history.
My degree is in theology and I'm a pilot. Thank god for theology degrees right?
Why not both?
Hi there, Mr. Corrigan
Do you have any opinion on the later Dynasties and how they fucked the Egyptian empire?
same boat bro
jeez that's brutal. I have a friend who's an officer and he has a lot of crazy stories involving old people.
Let's see here I'm not good at anything including math, English, chemistry, physics, history, any sort of trade, engineering, business, computers and anything else you can think of. I have literally nothing going for me in the future so I'm honestly gonna kys soon.
Are there even any non-teaching jobs with a history degree (that are actually related to history)?
>tfw working part-time in a museum and part-time at a bookstore while living at my parents' house and paying them rent so I'm not a filthy NEETlite
Goddamn I love my jobs; living situation not so much, but I'm teaching kids, learning history, working with artifacts, and get all the books at discount rates I could want.
But I really just want to go full-time somewhere, anywhere really, and move out. I'm worried about trying to go back to school for a master's degree, that the payout might not be worth the debt and lost years of income; I'll coast as far as a bachelor's and hard work will carry me as long as possible I guess.
Something funny for a lot of the history hobbyists in the thread, half the people I work with are older people who worked other jobs and quit to pursue their passion after making some money, so the grass is always greener I suppose. Seems to have worked out well for them at any rate.
Here's to hoping 2017 is good for all of us, Veeky Forums.
Architectural history, archaeology, state-sponsored historical preservation work, private collections/research work, book writing, historical interpretive work, government/State Dept. and Park Services work if you're American, journalism (you've got a lot of historical background good for news), etc.
Outside of the field, you just need to find some way to apply your knowledge gained from your degree, too; it helps to start with what you've learned and ask what jobs could use those skills.
>tfw history minor
I just want to visit ancient sites and feel like I'm discovering something important desu.
Hey, it's your cousin, maintenance guy! Let's go bowling.
Seriously though, my job's alright, getting $15/hr in a pretty poor area while waiting to get sent to Teach For America training. Get to listen to all the history podcasts I want at work. You staying a janitor or moving on at some point?
>tfw to smart to have a job
>tfw will never have to be a wagecuck
I actually don't know all that much about the later part of the new kingdom, other than that they got fucked by the greeks and were never able to world relevancy again, getting conquered by the romans, then the arabs, then the turks.
no it's not.
yeah, I remember when I started doing this job a lot of more experienced people warned me that it would cause me to become jaded and bitter, from being around the dregs of society.
That didn't really happen, instead being around mentally ill, and suicidally depressed people, and children with such extreme birth defects they can barely even be said to be alive has caused me to become an anti-natalist. Who would ever want to have children if there's a chance they could turn out like that? And being around suicidal people has made me realize just how unfair it is to will souls into existence without their consent, if your life is pain and you wish to end it you can't even do that without causing suffering to those that care about you. I've never considered suicide myself, but I can see that it's really quite unfair.