*teaches you a lesson*
*teaches you a lesson*
his mom is kinda cute
I learned a lesson, alright.
Oddly enough xmr didn't take *that* much of a hosing over the whole thing, considering everything else crashed around the same time
message received. i now understand what monero stands for and learned a lesson
also this
le ebin bitcoin troll guy :DD
everyone who fell for his le obvious joke was a fail whale (>'-')>
What should we call dis meme?
why? And is milhouse in reference to the whole situation or just him
its crazy how everyone was praising this man for losing them money. delusional people. and to think he didnt have any financial gain from this is the kicker
>Thank you for lying to me, I now have more faith in you. Would you like to fuck my wife?
somone photoshop kek
how do you know he didnt get any financial gain?
Whale panda probably did
Maybe maybe not but 100 percent his friends and insider people did. Thays a guarantee
will this kick monero out of the top 10? I hope it fucking does
why is patton oswalt pretending to be a guinea
Fluffy is an idiot, but monero isn't going anywhere. It's one of the few technically rigorous projects advancing the industry. If XMR isn't in your portfolio long term, o im laffin
Some biz user has to fuck his mom and say "I taught her a lesson"
>If XMR isn't in your portfolio long term, o im laffin
well it's in my fucking portfolio now because his stunt made me a cuck bagholder. But I'll drop as soon as it goes back up. I don't care if it's the next btc and moons for a millennium
If Fluffy really hated speculators him and his crew would stay off twitter, btctalk and just work instead of yacking, He is too much in love with the sound of his own voice for that though.
I was watching the live feed and the entire venue was filled to the brim with autistic chortling. Everyone in the room was in on it, and profited.
You got cucked by him, most haters are ETH bagholders because they made fun of the Jewtherium Alliance. Stop coping.
There's nothing more Jewy than stealing Bytecoin's tech and cucking 90% of crypto normies into believing you invented it (all the while bashing the Bytecoin devs as scammers while you copy/pasta everything they did!)
This was kind of his point tho. XMR is a legit project solving a real problem, but the cryptospace is full of retarded neets who trade emotionally and make statements about how they'll 'drop once they breakeven - screw the future moon.' He wanted to troll dipshits like you.
Personally icgaf where i make money. If someone wants to call me a faggot twice daily and give me 200$ each time, that's dandy to me.
What happened?
Out of the loop here.
Dude, there are alot of devs in this space who work quietly, don't hype and because of it speculators stay away. Omni and Bitmark are good examples.
Monero is only a top tier coin because they've spent the last 3 years using btctalk and twitter as their own personal propaganda forum to attack other coin teams, belittle their supporters and hammer the word "Monero" in everyone's heads over and over and over.
All the hype around the coin is something Fluffy, Smooth, Icebreaker and all the other trolls in their crew CREATED themselves when they turned Monero into a cult instead of an open-source project. They are directly responsible and they know it, because they know it made them a shit ton of money along the way. Now they want to pull the whole "oh we don't like traders P&Ding the market!" bullshit they don't.
one of the public faces of the xmr dev team tweeted about a 'huge announcement' which shot the price up. His announcement was the equivalent of a fart in the face which immediately tanked the price. (though it's still higher than it was a week ago). If you check r/monero, everyone's pissed.
Sounds like you're better informed than me. What do you think is going to happen going forward then? In terms of coins designed as anonymous currency, I've only heard of Monero and in a sense, dash/pivx/zcash. I haven't even heard of omni or bitmark.
If there's one thing I've seen over and over again, marketing trumps tech. Tesla/Edison, hddvd/blu-ray it seems like inferior tech with support will win every time. Are the omni/bitmark guys working on a plan to popularize their platforms? Because I agree, I understand fluffy's point, but I'd still prefer to support a project with humble developers rather than grandstanding faggots.
XMR's lead shill said he had a HUGE announcement for Monero. Everyone pumped up the price and the "announcement" ended up being a troll video making fun of the ETH alliance. He then lectured everyone on why they should never buy based on trollbox hype. The price dumped and now buttblasted newfags are accusing him of insider trading, forgetting the fact that XMR is open source and everyone has access to the same release notes and discussions.
Omni and Bitmark are not user coins, one is focused on color coins and being able to put real-world assets on a block exchange, the other on integrating crypto into HTML to build reputation, both cool projects. I don't own any because I only have so much money to go around but follow their blog posts and you see dedication, but again they fly under the radar.
And yes marketing plays a huge part in success, Dash is the same thing as Monero, they built a cult mentality around it which propelled it to the moon.
>He wanted to troll dipshits like you
Yes, that's what's so embarrassing and unprofessional, and it's why we hate him and don't respect him as a businessperson.
>XMR is a legit project solving a real problem, but the cryptospace is full of retarded neets who trade emotionally and make statements about how they'll 'drop once they breakeven - screw the future moon.'
lol yeah, bitbean's a legit project solving a real problem too. Cry me a river. If Monero doesn't want people speculating with their coins, they shouldn't have a fucking cryptocurrency. Who the fuck is he telling people, "You're not allowed to trade it this way even though everyone trades every currency that way, and if you do then we're going to punish you." Giiiive me a fuuuuucking break, you apologist nigger.
>Personally icgaf where i make money. If someone wants to call me a faggot twice daily and give me 200$ each time, that's dandy to me.
Wow what a badass, do you feel like Scarface? :) Hopefully you don't pull some wigger get rich or die trying shit that somebody wants to put a hit out on you, because you're dealing with people who have enough money to.
Lmfao reddit's reaction to this shit is funny as shit. It's like they want to be mad, but the devs on there immediately tell them to shut the fuck up and bark and they obey.
>took me a while to come around but i see the point.
God, what a pathetic community of fucking cultists. They's fuck their own mothers if Fluffy told them to.