Why do retards keep insisting that the soviet union was just as bad, if not worse than nazi germany? You could make the argument that stalin was worse but the soviet union existed after and before him as well
Why do retards keep insisting that the soviet union was just as bad, if not worse than nazi germany...
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Are you literally retarded? The Soviet Union wasn't invaded and divided between the occupying forces, fake trials weren't held to kill their leaders and the deploy wasn't banned And made illegal to this very day.
>Why do retards keep insisting that the soviet union was just as bad, if not worse than nazi germany?
Because it was
Kill yourself
And the ideology* wasn't banned and made illegal to this day.
Fucking autocorrect.
No. The Soviet Union collapsed on its own. Which is definite proof that soviet style socialism doesn't work as a socioeconomic system.
Gr8 argument wehraboo
Back to /leftypol/
Well it was way worse because it lasted way longer. Nazi-Germany was horrifying, but it lasted like 12 years.
The horrors of the Soviet Union lasted at least 50 years, and Western people kept excusing it's horror for almost the entirety of it's existence.
What is Reddit doing on this board as of late?
Back to /leftypol/
It's you who should go back to your designated place at /pol retard
OP you didn't make any fucking arguments.
You just shitposted your opnion like the people you are complaining about.
Good fucking job moron.
If you want to make an argument make one with facts, don't just fucking shitpost your fucking opinion while fucking COMPLAINING ABOUT PEOPLE WHO JUST SHITPOST THEIR FUCKING OPINION.
Does anyone fucking hypocrisy here?
>The horrors of the Soviet Union lasted at least 50 years, and Western people kept excusing it's horror for almost the entirety of it's existence.
Yes, during the cold war, western propaganda was praising USSR.
Intellectuals were praising it, no doubt.
>western "people"
Wow, nice straw man. Is it normally this hard for you to come up with arguments?
>The Soviet Union wasn't invaded
Oh wait, yeah it was; in fact, Nazi Germany was doing the invading. Germany chimped-out and invaded most of Europe; of course they were gonna get invaded.
>fake trials weren't held to kill their leaders
typical Stormfag nonsense; they're lucky they weren't all shot on sight after the camps had been uncovered. Even Albert Speer got off scot-free, yet he was one of the head administrative figures.
>Symbols not banned
Yet Communism is reviled throughout the world. And perhaps the symbols aren't banned because The Soviet Union wasn't as bad as Nazi Germany.
By the way, how many world wars did the Soviet Union start?
You're probably a neonazi so you won't buy anything i say but anyway, the ideology of National socialism is lifting people based on birth and hardly discriminating against you if you don't share their wanted traits. Communism while horrible and a failure, strived for equality. Both sides committed Mads genocide but in the soviet union the only genocide was during stalin and Lenin. And It's unfair to judge the country based on those 2 men.
I don't like the soviet union, but it sure as hell wasn't worse
Yes, afterwards they adapted more subtle version of genocide (see: russification). So it's ok to try to kill off the nationalities you forcefully occupied if you're not literally killing every single member of them. Got it senpai.
I guess the Baltics, Poland & Finland invaded themselves, yes?
Better than killing them outright like the nazis did. And It's also well accepted that the german occupation of poland was more brutal than the soviet occupation
Do you like islam btw?
Any and all advantages in standard of living that western countries had over the Soviet Union were because their wealth relied on the continued exploitation of (former) colonies. The USSR was entirely self-sufficient.
I'm not denying that - the Soviet Union definitely invaded countries without provocation. However, they did this far less often than the Nazis, even when they lasted much longer. And they usually weren't as brutal as the Nazis in occupied territory; for example, Germany killed 1/5 of Poland's entire population in 6 years.
Stalin was one of the few redeming qualities of the soviet union
So, retard it is.
Are you actually comparing what happened to Germany after losing the war to what happened to the Soviet Union after, you know, winning it?
I'm sorry your mother smoked pot while she was pregnant with you, but please refrain from intellectual pursuits in the future and join the revolutionary proletariat in doing something you can actually grasp, like serving coffee.
With help of Soviets
And whole sending to Sybir thing.
I guarantee you 100% that the user you replied to along with everyone else "apologizing" for the USSR in this thread knows what Katyn was. You're not shedding new light by linking to wikipedia here, come on, guy.
If we're going to equate Soviet execution of military men and industrial genocide and complete destruction of Warsaw by the Reich, why do Poles, Lithuanians, and Ukrainians get a pass for all the awful shit they did to each other, to Germans, to Russians, and to Jews?
I know, ever since /r/thedonald, it seems like /pol/ has just brought in more and more redditors.
>Yet Communism is reviled throughout the world.
sure thing you persecution complex faggot. Name me one college professor in recent history who outright said he wanted a genocide of jews and said he was a nazi and then nothing happened to him
People in germany had it better, it was short and it waged war against big nations like france, uk.
USSR killed its own people, conquered meme nations and lasted longer than it should and created so much suffering on a global level. Both suck really, nazi germany was like a 10 years meme
Stalin wasn't worse, that's just a misunderstanding from people who think Hitler is only responsible for 6 million deaths.
Because Hitler decided to invade Poland and Russia, about 50 million deaths can be attributed to him. Soviet civilian casualties were absolutely massive as the German army and SS tore through Ukraine and Western Russia. Of the Red Army soldiers who were captured alive, nearly have would die in captivity from abuse.
All reasonable accounts for Stalin cap out at 20 million. He was a horrible, monstrous dictator, but he never started a world war.
Even the 20 million estimates are really sketchy, and basically work from the number and try to get there.
Agreed. Market socialism or bust.
>citation needed
No, trust me, when the German tactic is to artillery barrage villages before moving in, yes, the figures go that high, and Russia always had that many people, possibly more people back then than it has now
No, I meant of Stalin.
>the leftist crying for a safespace
>the leftypol shill knows this much about reddit
>He was a horrible, monstrous dictator, but he never started a world war.
Stalin invaded Poland with Germany and engaged in horrible atrocities there in a war of conquest (The Katyn Massacre) as well as invading Finland and the Baltic states.
Stalin was a war monger and objectively assisted Hitler in starting WW2.
Hitler would have started WW2 with or without Stalin, having them help annex Poland just made it easier for Hitler. Both Stalin and Hitler planned to backstab each other, Stalin just wanted to wait for Germany to war with the Allies first. Stalin helped Hitler, but don't think this was a long-term alliance.
but you just told someone else to get out, hence you're the one crying for a safespace you retard
What goes on in your head
He still never started a war, Finland attacked first and Germany was gonna attack Poland regardless
>but you just told someone else to get out,
that wasn't even me. you fucking SJW. your the one calling for a staling worshiping, BLM supporting white guilt safespace
Agreed. Market socialism or bust.
>anyone who dislikes the soviet union is a wheraboo
hi /leftypol/