Give it to me straight Veeky Forums; wuz they really NASA an shiet?
Give it to me straight Veeky Forums; wuz they really NASA an shiet?
what do you mean wuz they really? the movie is based on historical account, with your standard hollywood dramatization
go back to the_donald please
Not really, no. They were employed - along with hundreds of other women - to basically just sit at a desk and crunch basic math all day.
this is katherin johnson btw
Of course. Black women are just as capable as white men and the fact that they do absolutely jack shit in the present day is just a coincidence.
huh you picked the only image on google with strange lighting that makes her look white
like I said please fuck off to your containment subreddit
>giving birth to more nigglets and leeching welfare mooneys
>not doing shit
Were "human computers" even doing some problem solving or were they just solving time consuming equations so that bigger brains might focus on important bussines?
Her skin is very white, probably because of age. I'll take her word that she is black but you can't deny how pale she looks. It's kinda weird.
why are white males so fucking fragile that this movie triggers them so much?
>bitch about being selective with images that has lighting that makes her look lighter
>do the exact same thing but with her looking black
you have to go back
Why are you fucking fragile you get triggered by comments posted on an anonymous imageboad lmao
I thought this was going to be an interesting thread.
They certainly weren't any degree of important.
They were computers and nothing else. What upsets me is that there are better people to make a feel-good progressive movie about. Like best Apollofu, Margaret Hamilton, who was actually important to the mission.
>Katherine Coleman Goble Johnson (born August 26, 1918) is a physicist and mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the United States' aeronautics and space programs with the early application of digital electronic computers at NASA. Known for accuracy in computerized celestial navigation, her technical work at NASA spanned decades during which she calculated the trajectories, launch windows, and emergency back-up return paths for many flights from Project Mercury including the early NASA missions of John Glenn and Alan Shepard, the 1969 Apollo 11 flight to the Moon, through the Space Shuttle program and even early plans for the Mission to Mars.
>In 1962, when NASA used electronic computers for the first time to calculate John Glenn's orbit around Earth, officials called on her to verify the computer's numbers because Glenn asked for her personally and refused to fly unless Katherine verified the calculations.
ITT: /pol/ gets fucked, again.
Isn't this just you admitting they were computers, doing nothing but the calculations and verifying calculations?
so being a glorified computer doesn't mean you have the mathematical ability of a Von Neumann
>anything which mentions or makes reference to race on Veeky Forums
what the fuck did you expect, /pol/ is everywhere
Lol didnt believe ops pic had to google, shits fuggin real...
Why are all reddit people such autist losers. Le edgaay maymays XDDD
I googled something and a reddit thread came up, i mean just from reading the text you understood which type of person typed that, autismo
I don't think anyone implied that
Sure, it's still going to be shit
From your post user assumed you were denigrating them by implying they did nothing of importance at all so he explained. I'm not sure what degree the movie implies they did more than what they actually did so I don't know what this thread is on about to be honest.
Oh I am neither of the 2 you replied to, I was just saying your text agreed with one of the posts and agreed partly to another one of the texts. that they were kinda human calculators. I don't think the guy was saying they weren't important, more implying they weren't unique and there were lots of women in the employ of NASA crunching numbers and whatnot. and that maragaret hamilton was more unique because she contributed something more impactful.
what is?
It's BS. At that time NASA was being pushed to push die-virsity. JFK administration found a black pilot and tried to push him through the astronaut training but he couldn't cut it. These genius black stories are revisionism to make blacks feel better about themselves.
ITT /pol/ getting BTFO'd
Veeky Forums is a multicultural board. Take your sexism, racism, homo-/transphobia elsewhere.
History knows no color or race.
Blacks, especially light skinned, borderline mixed ones, often loose their melanin with age.
Programming on 1960's computers wasn't like doing so on modern ones. You needed real ability to devise algorithms which didn't either take ten million years or use more memory than existed in the world.
You misunderstand; they weren't programming computers but acting in the capacity of computers, crunching numbers. They basically just did the leg work for the actual mathematicians.
>early applications of digital electronic computers
I don't know shit about the women in OP but Hamilton was a programmer, looking upthread I have no idea why you responded the post including her.
>borderline mixed ones
So, more white than black?
I don't doubt they made important contributions but the idea that they were hidden or unrecognized for being women seems silly.
Like how often do we hear about people who work on NASA that didn't actually go to space?
>Veeky Forums is a multicultural board.
So Veeky Forums is Brazil and /pol/ is Japan
So do /pol/ and Japan share the problem of not being able to have sex with women so they want to waifu sexbots instead?
Just like Veeky Forums and Brazil share the problem of turning into a shithole because of niggerlovers