Who is Shaun KANG?

Who is Shaun KANG?

Wuz he white or wuz he a KANG?

>Shaun king

He's not even trying to hide it

Shaun King is literally white, both his parents were whites. Fuck, he's even whiter than most white guys. Why does this fag think he's black again

The problem is with America where the mulatto cathegory doesn't exist, you're either white or black and thanks to one drop rule a 1/32 black light skinned guy gets to call himself black. Hence why even a 100% white guy is able to get away with this fuckery.

Same thing happens win mestizos, America's racial categories are arbitrary and stupid

Mestizos can just mark themselves as indigenous. Hell some of them look more indian than the indians in the US who identify as such.

Has about ΒΌ to 3/8this black. Idk phenotype and genotype don't always match, most of my.family is mixed and has been with other mixed people for three centuries so even though they are like half and half some look white or black or neither.

You guys are blind if you can't tell he is black.

The reason why blacks in the US are the most powerful black population in the new world is because our community's mulatto elite was invested in black upliftment thanks to the one drop rule. Everywhere else mixed successful types abandoned their people to socially align with whites.

He objectively looks white

t. white guy

See this is the reason why blacks were able to pass because the average white person is oblivious to people lighter than Obama.

He looks completely Caucasian. Skin color, nose shape, lips, everything about him is white. If you've seen his childhood photos he had wavy ginger hair which is probably the reason he dyes and shaves it nowadays.

The only black thing about him are his brown eyes but plenty of white people have that.

White people don't have his nose structure ameriburger


Yes they do and I'm not American.

thats a negro nose

source: know many negros

He has a depressed nose root, triangular nose with flaring nostrils, a smooth forehead that has a smooth gradient, his skin while light is clearly "yellow", recessive chin and prognathism and his children with a black woman are clearly not half.

This is why South Carolina, Louisiana and Alabama have the highest rates of whites with african ancestry, non yall never look past skin and hair.

I actually think he's mixed but

> mulatto elite was invested in black upliftment

is one of the biggest lies ever. Ever notice that light skins stay with light skins for the most part. Do you think that successful blacks actually return to help out their old neighborhoods for the most part?

Boy you don't know shit. The blue vein societies after the civil war began the long process of assimilating and eventually assimilated into the broader black middle classes. I literally come from an Octoroon slave owner with 20k$ worth of slaves and property right before the civil war. In the end he married a black woman, gave land to the slave families and his children migrated north to lead the first black elite communities of Chicago and Ohio.

DC, Philly, ATL, Baltimore, etc... All mixed the only stronghold of colorism to an extreme was NOLA but most of the passed for white by moving West.

Black elite needed the masses for their own economic gains, the poorest of the poor never had a chance but 50% of black Americans are middle class now because of solid alliances.

Most black upper middle class people associate in black upper middle class areas, upper middle class areas of all races or predominately white areas.

Harlem, ATL, CHI, Brooklyn and countless other places have black professionals invested in black communities. It's actually a detriment, I know people who'd be leaders in STEM fields or corporate become teachers, counsellors, social workers. So many from this subset have internalized white ideas of what the "real" black community is that they fuck us over by not being we willing to take wealth and power from the outside and funnel cultivated people in.

He looks like the average racially ambiguous South American more than anything else.

There's an entire history of black people who had enough white blood in them passing as white people.

It's because the US literally had laws making non-whites slaves or second class citizens. So everything is based off of being white, or being different from whites.


Oh your one of those upper class black people who think they're part of the colored people vanguard. You guys haven't done shit except suck up to whites and be their pet Negroes so they can make their white guilt go away. Fuck off with black people are doing fine bullshit. I know fucks like you wouldn't associate with anyone from the lower class hoods if you couldn't stand to profit off it. Black wall street didn't matter to 95% of black people.

It really aggravates me when I see light skins trying to "lead" black America while leaving the poorer, less mixed behind.

>enough white blood to pass as white
Then they weren't fucking black.


It's funny how Americans are so mixed up that a guy who looks say 20% Black African is considered the epitome of whiteness.

I think this has a lot to do with the African admixture endemic to the White-ish American genome. Americans don't have the faintest clue what a European descent man is supposed to look like.

this guy must not be black then eh

I'm dark and whether you like it or not we having families far more successful than most whites will ever hope for are also the reason why out community is so powerful and prosperous. Dark people can be a part of the institutions we created and both group have intermixed to the point that we aren't exceptionally light or dark.

Also the hood is not the basis of the black experience, nor are they more authentic than any other black group.

1. If I saw him I'd think he was a Mexican with that mustache, haircut and glasses.
2. He does not look like the computer generated White male.

theapricity thread?

theapricity thread

who /castizas/ here?