why did educated European men during the 18th century have a dislike for Africans/Blacks?
why just hate someone for no reason?
why did educated European men during the 18th century have a dislike for Africans/Blacks?
why just hate someone for no reason?
>why did educated European men during the 18th century have a dislike for Africans/blacks?
because they were smart?
>European society is better, freer and more advanced than any other in existence
>society is made up of people
>therefore it's the people who determine how good/advanced a society is
>ergo, primitive societies/less advanced societies are that way because their people are less intelligent, less civic minded, more violent, etc.
There was still respect for Arab/Asian societies due to their prior accomplishments and contemporary systems of organization (Voltaire in particular had a boner for China) but there wasn't much redeeming about sub-Saharan Africans due to the only interactions between the two being procurement of slaves and limited trading.
but the reason Sub Saharian African never developed was because of geographical determinism via Jared Diamond's thesis
They valued men for being capable of thought instead of for just being men like today, which is of course a much more rational, less naive position
>Jared Diamond
Here we go again
>tfw humans have existed for 100000 years
>tfw not a single Indiaboo has existed since that time
Inb4 poo
The entire middle east still thinks blacks are subhumans.
black people are funny looking
Wasn't there an honourable black guy called bilal?isn't that Haram ?
Black people are mean
What? There were plenty of indiaboos throughout history.
That has absolutely nothing to do with what people during the 18th century thought unless you're going to make an argument for Montesquieu.
so the enlightenment people were wrong then?
Name one
because africa was literally in the iron age when Europeans came over
it was Alien Invasion Tier differences
He was a fan of Indian philosophy. Not an Indian boo like weaboos are.
The guy who discovered the PIE links.
>why did educated European men during the 18th century have a dislike for lazy violent savages with an average IQ of 70 who never created anything of value throughout their entire history
>for NO reason
Hmm, I really wonder why.
Or because of lower IQ.
Because, for the first time in history, the boundaries of the world were finally marked, and these men could look at world history as a grand subject to be scrutinized scientifically.
What they saw coming from Africa (except Egypt) was not impressive.
Mathematics, Science, Philosophy began in Africa though
>all of Africa is the same people
for example....name one white person in history that was as smart as Benjamin Banneker
Leonardo da Vinci
>Be well-to-do European man in the 18th century
>Whisk yourself away to sub-saharan Africa
Now don't look at it through your "well who's to say this way of doing things is inherently better" subjectivist mindset but that of the aforementioned gentlemen
>The land is undeveloped and everyone is running around half-naked poking each other with spears
Da Vinci was half arab
{{citation needed}}
Nahnu al-Italiai wa shieeeet
ITT: Dump cunts forgetting about Rousseau's huge boner for primitive cultures, noble savage you dinguses.
Other than Rousseau, other Enlightenment figures believed that the Enlightenment's principles should only apply to people who knew how to effectively live in and further the progress of a society. This logic led them to deny a lot of right to women as well.
i thought there was a theory that Da Vinci's mother was a Arab slave that was transported to Italy or something
Da Vinci (as should be obvious from his name) came from da hood of south central but whitey keep da truf from coming out.
only the fuckin' beatles man
Debunked pseudoscience. They found one trait in his fingerprint that shows up in 60% of Arabs, and that was enough to publish that bogus theory
so it was debunked?
It was never based on meaningful evidence in the first place. Essentially something they pulled out of their ass.
Imagine having sailing ships, and cities like Florence or Paris, and discovering a contient where a bunch of black skinned faggots still live like prehistorical apes
There's a reason why Europeans considered nogs to be subhumans, but didnt think that of Arabs or East Asians
There's a reason why Arabs have always regarded nogs as subhumans as well
Social Darwinism really. Herbert Spencer made an addition on Darwins theory of survival of the fittest. he implemented it on human society. it really justified Imperialism and the attitude against blacks because its just natural selection to them. we where the first to break trough the malthus cycle that states that when the population increases the food production can't follow. by industrialising we broke that cycle and made us feel superior.
Plenty of Indiaboos exist
Here's an article about Indiabooism
Lol he'd die pretty quick due to disease also which part did he go to?
>prehistorical apes
Arab opinion wasn't universal to all Africa though.
Why are people still meeting about this they had different opinions on several parts.
The guy doesn't know shit what he is talking about.
t. Tyrone
>Arab opinion wasn't universal to all Africa though.
Neither was European opinion.
I was obviously refering to Subsaharan (black) Africa, the one that never developped past prehistory until whitey arrived
North (Berber/Arab) Africa needs no apply
>developped past prehistory
What do you mean user? They did develop past hunter gathers. Unless you think being in the iron age is enough of a reason for their feelings at the time, why muddle the definition?
I know that but people tend to pick out those sentiments by certain Arab men as a "hey even Arabs think Africans are shit" thing.