Is there any value, at all, to what he says?
If so, what is it?
Is there any value, at all, to what he says?
If so, what is it?
babbys benis goes in mammas babaloo
He started it all even if most of the his theories are bogus these days.
p much this he built the foundation of psychology and thats why he is important, but his ideas are outdated and virtually no modern psychologist would sign up on his teachings.
Search up Carl Jung, his ideas about psychology were inspired greatly by Freud. But he goes deeper and treats human beings as intelligent beings instead of just machines driven by sexual and agressive desires.
And Lacan also added a very important social and structural dimension, putting those theories and the individual it affets in a broader context
no, there is not.
proof: you would not be a better psychologist if you spent time learning his writings than if you spent the same time learning scientific psychology
I agree somewhat with the Idea of the Id and the Super ego, with humans having a primal side and a logical side. Other than that, though, I think no.
This, he's only good for laying the groundwork for Jung. In a very broad sense he's right about certain things but nigga is fucking obsessed with sex
Yeah, the first freudian slip? The potential effects of cocaine on a Sigmund freud.
first post best post
The ID, ego and super ego thing was close to what neuroscience has revealed about the brain, the conscious neo-cortex and subconscious amygdala and other parts of the brain like the hippocampus.
I have mixed feelings about Freud. On one hand I believe that evidence is evidence, even if it is subjective, that you can draw objective conclusions from talking to patients, observing their body language and making judgments based on previous observations and experience. However much of his work is pseudoscientific and riddled with confirmation bias, the very flaws someone would need to be aware of and avoid if they profess what I professed in the last sentence.
Are the breaks in reality schizophrenics experience considered id, ego, or super ego?
Psychoanalysis > Neuroscience tbqh senpai
The reason is because studying the brain from outside the skull as opposed to the inside I think provides results that are extremely introspective and applicable, not to mention practical, as opposed to the extremely detailed and very possibly incorrect interpretation of how the brain works on a chemical, molecular level.
People give Fraud a hard time, mostly due to emphasis on his more extreme ideas. He focused mostly on sexuality because he primarily worked with Victorian age women and sexuality was very precarious in those days. So many of their psychosomatic problems had roots in their extremely rigid upbringing.
I can't really answer that. The id, ego and super ego is just a hypothesis that has some backing, it doesn't explain much. Schizophrenia isn't well understood.
At a stretch I would say they are all involved in different ways.
Sad thing is you're not just stupid but also dangerous
Yeah seems like if they were really such a thing schizophrenia could be close to being pretty well licked
The reality breaks in a schizofreniac is amplified by an extreme autoeroticism, that is "building a whole world in your own head" seperate from reality.
Which is why Freud considered schizos un-analysable. They do have id, ego and superego but it does not function the same way as lets in a neurotic personality.
Modern Freudians are equivalent to New Age crystal worshipers in terms of scientific cachet. The most useful modern contribution of Freud is his work on dreams.
His work Civilization and its discontents is also pretty good.
His ideas there are more grounded in history and not just psychoanalytic patient cases.
Then why do they not like some of the other worlds? Or do they not necessarily visit those they've created, just something different?
Psychology and psychiatry are modern day snake oil.
Name a single successful case.
Agreed. That is an amazing sociological read. I'm glad someone else has read it.
The influence of previous cities and civilizations on the architecture and mentalities of the day are an amazing concept and a great perception.