Is this objectively the best way to divide and consolidate European lands?
Great map right!
Horrible idea
>pomeranian, silesia, and prussia still in polish hands
>elsass-lorthigen still french
>memel still part of "baltic confederation"
>slvesvig part of Scandinavia
No, this is
Prussiaboo faggot.
>that spain
>bosnia existing
>scotland independant
>united Ireland
ehhhh it's aight not ideal
Maps and claims should be based of ethnicity. All those provences are now ethnically connected to the country that owns them. Historical claims no longer .hold value.
>not preparing for the 4th reich
i will goose step to your house then curb stomp you
Perhaps good ideas pre-WWII, but there are no Germans there now.
fuck off
thats literally call ethnic cleansing
and as reparations for that crime, me and my fellow germans demand that our stolen territory be given back
haha in your dreams, Hans
You're American aren't you...
>Maps and claims should be based of ethnicity.
Why exactly? The existence of multi-ethnic states proves otherwise.
ethnic cleanse (((pols,french,and danish)))
move in german settlements
repeat until 100% german ethno state
Look there is border gore but then there is autism. Both are extremes that people need to avoid.
Is there somewhere I can get a template?
i live in hamburg lmao
>inb4 mod checks ip
my name is frederick ya queer
Sorry, that's just how claims work nowadays. Germany is not going to go to war with denmark for le ebin holstein.
Jesus you're a fucking faggot, you can apply that to anything.
Bavarian are the only germans worth saving lmfao you're the worst faggot i've met on this board like a goddamn manchild.
Let me reword should to are. Nobody would go to war for historical claims anymore. And if somebody were to go to war for that reason it would have to be very recent.
and we will apply it to historical german lands
bavarians are cathlocucks
you dont even live in germany
how can you assume such a bull shit statement
>northern ireland problem not solved
>no albania and occupied kosovo
>bad name for polish-czeck-skovakian state
>why a baltic commonwealth?
>switzerland divided
>no more german reich pls
Are you a new german?
>swiss can fug off
>kosovars can go back to albania or have autonomous state
>baltic boys stay together
Because i'm half Austrian half Spanish you retarded faggot northern germans look like mongols.
>prussiafag calls out others for religion
"Prussians" are fucking fake faggots who represent the tribal prussiams there before them.
no, i can trace my lineage back to fucking peasants in neumark
Who don't*
fuck off to were? Literally no one in all of switzerland wants to be german
prussians are real germans who united the germans into a unified nation state, and was at the time the best in the world, and accumlating more nobel prizes that any other country
fuck off
how does it feel to be a habsburg bitch
charles V looks down on you with a smile
ok Abdul
hurr hurr whatever faggot
med+alpine masterrace ugly prussian faggot
Too bad we basing it off by ethnic lines.
>traditional bavarian outfits
who could have guessed
fucking bavarians
If they were so hreat where sre they now? Koenigsberg is a vodka pissing ground and gdansk is a perogie kitchen. Wow prussians sure are the masterrace.
germany, ottomans, austria-hungary, and bulgaria fought nearly the entire world, and could have won
dont forget the russia got curb stomped and poland was wiped off the map for 100 years
alright you moor
What does that say about prussians? It says that poland and russia have stood the test of time and have clung to their nationalism.
the scheming kraut back at it again!
prussia was wiped because it was too (((militaristic)))
it has only been 70 years
poland was wiped for 100
also russia basically genocided its own people
and poland-Lithuanian commonwealth was every bodies bitch
gott min uns
Poland was gone for 100 years, but prussia won't ever come back. I mean wo would uphold le ebin poosian tridateons when they breed their people into obscurity?
Too bad that ethnic and linguistic isn't the same thing
Prussia will come back.
This world of european peace can not possibly last forever, and when push comes to shove germany practically owns the EU, and its still like 95% white, unlike our neighbor france, who is like 80% and still unbelievably lefist
>Russian parts of Ukraine not apart of Russia
>Not even all of Belarus is apart of Russia
>Russian parts of Baltic aren't Russian
Shit map desu
Best europe coming in
>Yugoslavia existing
>Greater Russia
>Greater Germany
>Bulgarians in the Aegean Sea
Five centuries and byzaboos still won't give up
this is
You know it's true.
Serbia must be removed from the map
>giving Meck-Pomm to Poland but then giving Kalingrad to Germany
I don't get it
It was a mistake
>albania occupying kosovo
Mars u pizdu materinu. idi leci se retarde
>Coming back without holding lands of Baltic tribe known as Prussians
tip stahlhelm
>Lusatia in Germany
For what purpose?
It's perfect
Have some patience, user.
>Following the French invasion of 1798, the decentralized and aristocratic Old Swiss Confederation was replaced with the highly centralized and republican Helvetic Republic. However the changes were too abrupt and sweeping and ignored the strong sense of identity that most Swiss had with their canton or city.[1] Throughout the following four years, French troops were often needed to support the Helvetic Republic against uprisings. [...]. By 1802 a draft constitution was presented, but was quickly defeated in a popular vote in June 1802. In July Napoleon withdrew French troops from Switzerland, ostensibly to comply with the Treaty of Amiens, but really to show the Swiss that their best hopes lay in appealing to him.[1]. Following the withdrawal of French troops in the summer of 1802, the rural population (which was strongly Federalist) revolted against the Helvetic Republic. In the Canton of Léman, the Bourla-papey revolt broke out against the restoration of feudal land holdings and taxes.[2] While this rebellion was quieted through concessions, the following Stecklikrieg, so called because of the Stäckli or "wooden club" carried by the insurgents, led to the collapse of the Republic. After several hostile clashes with the official forces of the Helvetic Republic, which were lacking both in equipment and motivation (Renggpass at Pilatus on 28 August, artillery attacks on Bern and Zürich during September, and a skirmish at Faoug on 3 October), the central government at first capitulated militarily (on 18 September, retreating from Bern to Lausanne) and then collapsed entirely.[3]
>Although the Federalist representatives formed a minority at the conciliation conference, [...]; Bonaparte characterised Switzerland as federal "by nature" and considered it unwise to force the area into any other constitutional framework.
This is what happened the only time in history a foreign force managed to occupy Switzerland
Remember we have conscription and rifles at home.
>muh rightful clay
By that logic Germany should end at the Elbe river.
Literally Berlin tier, Ahmed.
You mean that Germans will change language to Baltic, take Kalingrad, and then gain relevance?
You did it lad
>>pomeranian, silesia, and prussia still in polish hands
Why shouldn't it be in their hands if they're the rightful owners of it?
No this is the best map.
Soviet Union
Byzantine Empire
Ottoman Empire
German Empire
Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth
plus French Third Republic
>Prussia will come back
No this is the best map
>Germany permanently weakened
>Strong France, Italy, Britain, and Russia to maintain a fair balance of power
>no independent Ireland
>Sweden finally made to pay for the Deluge
>Iceland finally made to pay for the cod wars
>strong Poland
>strong Hungary
>all these retards with a united ireland
Literally never ever you uneducated faggots.
>Ticino part of Italy
literally never, we don't want it, they don't want it
same applies to french speaking switzerland
Continuation of this map, the world in 1914-1930
WW1 magically is avoided
Bolshevik revolution still happens due to Tsarist incompetence.
Byzantine empire is still kicking (1204 never happened) but barely due to Slavic and Muslim separatists. Is referred to as the sick man of europe.
Polish Lithuanian Union still surviving after French victory in Franco-Prussian war.
USA has annexed Canada and northern Mexico after Manifest destiny becomes their dogma.
USA is very hostile against Britain, but friendly towards France, Danish Kingdom,Poland Lithuania and Italy. Also has opened trade talks with Soviet Union.
British empire,Swedish empire,Bulgaria, German empire and Austro-Hungary have formed an anti-soviet alliance for its containment and all three of them are afraid of USA becoming hegemon. Germany managed to establish a colonial empire far earlier and controls the Congo, being the only major colonial power among them.
Italy, Spain and Byzantium are finally enjoying warm relations due to trade, after centuries of enmities.
Ottomans, Netherlands, Portugal,Romania and Serbia are neutral. Albeit they switch sides constantly while never remaining bogged down by treaties and alliances.
>poland exists
>France has Elsass-Lothringen
You want to start a fucking war?
Blue spain best spain
as an American, I don't get what's wrong with just forming a loose federation, like what we used to have under the Articles of Confederation
>North cyprus turkish
>French Corsica
>Danish Iceland ?
Beside this, it's ok. Of course all those country must be federalized inside a nationalist European Union.
Fucking this. Europe would dominate the world once again if it could happens
no come and kill me yourself
>Slavs in Europe
It's because Europe is not a virgin continent full of natives where random settlers from all over the place can jump start a super state from zero.
It contains modern nation states with different histories, cultures, religions and languages.
Go and tell any european country to merge with its neighbours into a big federation and you'll get the ol' fisticuffs.
Tbh this. Add to that the south is practically just numerous economically weak banana republics good for tourism. In this state europe should form unions across the continent based on the location. Like nordic union. Central europe, V4/eastern europe, southern europe etc etc.
desu it just looks like euros hate every euro who lives outside of their small particular community
No. Unite them all and have them broken up into states. They will be far more powerful and safe. It'll be an Empire.
Hate can be there as well as friendship. The thing is, Europe has been a very unstable place since forever.
Kingdoms and civilisations have expanded and shrunk again and again and what was "yours" was also "mine" and before that it was that other guy's.
Add to that the very clear ethnic identities of its nations and you get a diverse place made of homogeneous states.
And everyone has been everyone's enemy/ally.
What motivates these sorts of threads? It seems like there's always one on the go.
Is it autism?
Is it some autistic home-schooled kid who can't stand to see squiggly lines on a map, or someone gets triggered by the existence of Belgium?
definitely autism
All these meme maps still include Romania. People should know by now that not only is Transylvania Hungarian, but Wallachia is rightfully part of Bulgaria and Romanian Moldavia should be reunited with the Moldovan state.
>Sardinia still in Italy