Is Islam a far-right religion?
Is Islam a far-right religion?
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It's far left, SJW always side with muslims.
Religions are their own ideologies, neither right nor left or even necessarily political or economic minded.
Islamic socialism is a thing, so it can influence both sides.
solid logic
>neither right nor left or even necessarily political or economic minded.
Islam unlike many religions is absolutely political and economical and could fairly be characterized as reactionary in both those fields.
Islam can't really be placed within the left-right spectrum. Sure, they think gays should be killed and women should be subservient to men. But they also believe all races are equal and in a welfare state.
>But they also believe all races are equal
Yeah but didn't one of Muhammad's main companions hate black people? Serious question, I remember seeing some haddiths posted that were blatantly racist against Ethiopians, but maybe that was just bullshit.
>Islam unlike many religions is absolutely political and economical
It's not. There are versions and philosophies that are Islamic which are very political, but there are also those which reject politics. Even among fundamentalist Salafis there are those who take no part in any political process and are completely apolitical.
So was Christianity for a long time.
But a series of political innovations and bloody wars and revolutions resulted in the separation of state and religion.
This process did not happen in the middle east like it did in Europe, and secularism wasn't fully incorporated.
So do the Christian church, yet people who side with the Christian church consider themselves right-winged.
economically left
socially right
Islam is far far right but somehow they manage to convaince leftards to side with them by being brown
>So was Christianity for a long time.
This is all anyone ever says in defense of Islam.
Hating gays and women is social though, not economic.
literal retard you are
>All this shitposting
Are people just retarded or do people genuinely not understand why leftists "side" with islam?
>So was Christianity for a long time.
It still is. Separation of Church and State had less to do with the religion and more to do with the state itself. Islam was fairly secular in different ways as well.
Well it's kind of like, Christianity was already domesticated, Islam is still halfway there.
They're right though. Gays have very little to do with the economy. They're a minority that doesn't drain nor contribute to it any more or less than anything else, and hatred of gays is right wing.
they only do this because its a brown people religion and dont want to appear racist
Theocracies are not Statist.
>inb4 nu-cucks try and label everything which has law as "Right Wing"
I said islam with respect to social values is right wing and relative to economic issues it's left wing
learn to read
>Islam was fairly secular in different ways as well
It really wasn't
Sure they tolerated other religions, often better than christian kingdoms, but that's not the same as being secular
> far far right
aka far left
did someone say
>Sure they tolerated other religions
ONLY Abrahamic religions it should be pointed out.
Secular is not the same thing as toleration. I'm not speaking about that, but various attitudes in the Muslim tradition regarding state power over religion and the power of religious actors over the state.
They extended dhimmi status to Zoroastrians, Hindus, and I think Buddhists at some point.
It wasn't as universal as with Christians and Jews.
>They extended dhimmi status to
>Hindus, and I think Buddhists at some point.
Never heard of this, source?
>mixing religion and politics together
that image might be the most wrong thing I've ever seen.
Leftists side with the underdog and from the western lens, the underdog are the poor oppressed brown people bombed by white Christian armies
Same reason why lefties support Castro even though he supported exterminating gays
Why don't you explain it to us?
The question makes no sense.
> Castro wasn't leftist
Fuck me but there are some genuine mouth breathers about.
Christ the fucking night are you in pre school or are you a fucktard?
Because it's one or the fucking other.
What about it?
>neither right nor left
You're wrong. Like any ideology, they tend to move to the right with the evolution of human society. Because they start as the reforms movement and then they become the pharisees themselves.
By God, remove the slut picture you clickbaity cunt!
The leftists are brainwashed sheeple who sold their souls to Pisslam and their monee.
AnCap = Feudalism
But another of his main companion was a black man, who by the second Caliph was even called "the best of us." His name was Bilal, known for resisting the most terrible torture and repeating "God is one, God is one."
The mughals, for one. And you can find the fiqhi opinion based on Umar ibn al Khattabs ruling that when the people asked him about what to do with persian zoroastrians, he told them to treat them as people of the book. Opinions differ in whether this was exclusive to them, or should extend to all non-polytheistic religions. In practice, the mughals extended dhimmi status to the hindus.
Confucianism is the most far right traditionalist religion in history.
Islam is about submission to a higher power. Women are restricted to a role subservient to men. Harsh punishment are proscribed to any who disagree with the prevailing ideology.
It's a right-wing religion.
Liberals only care about Muslims because conservatives treat them badly
Please enumerate its errors.
>women are restricted to a role subservient to men
And men are restricted to a role of supporting women. In some, unfortunate cases, a single man will have to provide for wife, daughters, sisters, mothers and aunts on his own. They are all allowed to work in Islamic law, but the cold, hard responsibility lies with the man.
It's far left and egalitarian trash. It institutes forced redistribution and welfare tries to supplant all secular government institutions and law seeks to abolish all borders and political divisions and it's anti racist and cosmopolitan. African muslims are welcome in the caliphate and are encouraged by Arabcucks to marry their daughters.
Same applies to cucktianity of course but to a lesser degree nowdays since cucktianity is not a comprehensive political and social system that encompasses all aspects of life anymore.
That dude was legit. He also had a beautiful voice apparently.
>Not far left
All Abrahamic religions are commie bullshit
Shh don't tell the redditors and leftist trolls they think beating your wife means you are far right.
I can't say I know much about islam, but how can you even apply the concept of political spectrum i the European sense to it?
Islam is an orthopraxy religion, in which you submit completely and utterly to the slavery of god's love and accept his devotion as such.
The method of interpretation by the Imams of the rather totalitarian practices advocated in the Quran doesn't fit the left right dichotomy.
But Christianity in the US is very conservative.
He was the official muezzin, the man who calls to prayer, of the prophet. The interesting thing is that the call to prayer includes the words "ashhadu an la ilaha illa allah, ashhadu anna muhammadun rasoolallah."
Bilal, being an Abyssinian, had an accent in Arabic and couldn't pronounce the "sh" sound, pronouncing it as "s" instead. Despite this, the prophet would always say that Bilals call to prayer was his favourite.
cum hoc ....
Islam is very economically liberal and socially conservative, so yes, it is definitely a right-wing religion. Westerners who hold far-right political views dislike Islam only because they view it as a "brown people's religion".
not all of these in the list are wrong
Grats on the (you)s
But there were no accents before 19th century
nice numbers
No they hate it because they suck on jewish cock.
Far left, since they are against the ancien régime.
No. Westerners who hold far right politicial views dislike Islam because it's slowly displacing our own culture.
t. Swede
Every religion is "far right" when practiced properly.
>It's not.
Your not reading the right stuff friend. Islam is a complete culture with laws and economics.
populist nationalism for one
The one who displacing your culture is from your own who ashamed of himself and from the shitskin that think he own Islam. Convert and rule Sweden as it should be, Son of Sweden
>Implying I am not doing my very best to start a career in politics to MSGA
everything can be far right or far left depends how how it's practiced
basically islam is
>economically liberal
>socially right wing
Its far right where its the majority
far left in western countries, since they're minorities
so does Islamo-fascism
>economically liberal
>if your not a muslim you pay the non-muslim tax or die
>He doesn't know what 'liberal' in an economic context (the proper one) means.
>its a historian tries to use economists words episode
You tell me what it means.
Fake term invented my neocons to slander Islam.
Islamic socialism, on the other hand, is a form of national socialism that has tangible existed in the world
Economically liberal means a free market with less government involvement.
You realize that Islam in practice is the Government?
>Is Islam a far-right religion?
Calling something a "far-right religion" is pretty gay, but most Islamic schools as well as the majority of muslims are very far right, and many of the axioms of Islamic ultra-conservatism are identical to normal ultra-conservatives, such as ideas about degeneracy, faith, sexual liberties, opinions on minorities etc. etc.
>Conservatism can't be far left
>No. Westerners who hold far right politicial views dislike Islam because it's slowly displacing our own culture.
Our culture is liberalism. You want to replace our culture with theirs.
The left-right dichotomy isn't an absolute term. It's just a description for a certain form of European politics after the French Revolution. It wasn't even used universally since then - IIRC the British only started using those labels in 1930s.
tax =/= economically
>hates Israel
>thinks Jews control the world through banking
The world is a hyperbole, but saying they have no control is just as ridiculous.
>Believes marriage is a heterosexual union
It should be.
>Believes women shouldn't have equal rights to men
>believes husbands should work and provide whilst wives stay at home
Having one caregiver/one worker is the ideal family type. Single parent families are just as destructive as overworkers who spend zero time with their children. Typically men have been the breadwinners, but really either sex is acceptable, providing either sex fulfills their role well.
>reject the old testament
says who?
>against freedom of speech
>want a return to the monarchy
Not true in the slightest.
>believes the west is full of degeneracy
It is, and yet its still the best system in the world.
>Our culture is liberalism. You want to replace our culture with theirs.
Applying the categories of left or right to idea-systems that are either
1. Non-Western
2. Long pre-date the 18th century
should be generally avoided.
No, it's a far left religion as it seeks total control over everybody.
Left: control everybody at every level
Right: leave us the fuck alone
>american politics
The idea of the left/right dichotomy is that conservatism is right wing, while wanting constant progress is left wing. It's why the left becomes more and more radical while previously left wing things become right wing or centrist. It's an unsustainable ideology.
if you compare it to far right ideology it fits in perfectly
why did you bother posting this? your answers are autistic, the fact you even bothered posting your opinion on each individual issue is retarded
>Right: leave us the fuck alone
what makes you think the right doesn't seek control? by principle of a political ideology trying to get what they want is going to eventually end up controlling people
why did you bother posting this? you're autistic, the fact you even bothered posting your opinion is retarded
Jews having control isn't what is ridiculous
Saying they have control because they are Jewish or saying that Jews are organizing themselves to obtain control is what is ridiculous.
Americans, everyone.
No. In fact it was a bearer of civilisation in the east mediterranean and northern Africa during the Dark Ages.
I just finished watching this. Watch it and pay attention. It contains all the answers.
Islamic theocracies were established exactly to combat progressives in countries with a muslim majority. What, you thought only "whites" were progressives?
hey my misinformed friend, did you know that the handling of jewels and money was forbidden by the church in Europe and that this was the reason it was left to the jews?