Buy now at 2-3sats and expect 50x returns in the coming weeks. Don't expect to make money overnight, this will take time. We need more volume, and once we make it onto bittrex... well, it's in the name.
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Lol moon is a dead meme.
Buy HTML5 and 5x your money this weekend.
HTML5 has no innovation or shit. It it just a fucking PnD. Mooncoin is the real thing.
>lol this is a dead memecoin you guys
>shills another PnD shillcoin
never change Veeky Forums
Both of you fucking kill yourselves
I'm in! Seems like SmartLikes might work well with REDD-ID and their mass social media tipping platform in the future. Exciting stuff.
You're all fucking retarded.
You are gonna be so mad when this moons.
Ahh, RDD memories...
Put all of my RDD gains into this, now they will further compound once mooncoin increases x50. What a beautiful future. You people never learn. Get in now or be forever poor.
The only one retarded here is you. user is right, HTML5 is just a way to double your cash quickly. Moon is a revival.
The fact that there's dev interaction and a movement to get on bittrex makes me want to get in on this, any chance it'll get back to 1 sat? Might have missed my chance
There's no worry; you literally can't buy HTML5 atm because of the 51% attack.
>double your money quickly
You won't sell any at 2sat lmao. Once the wall breaks, the initial buyers will see their sell orders go through and you will be left with a useless coin that nobody will buy, because, unlike MOON, HTML5 has absolutely NOTHING going for it
> (You)
Said the future bagholder.
Probably not, 2sat is still good given the potential. Don't be greedy, be smart. Once this gets off the ground it won't matter whether you bought in for 1 or 10sat; you will make insane gains.
Just look at RDD.
i dumped at 3, im cool lol
Maybe. Moon atleast has a future. Ignore the FUDders, they ain't shit.
Ok so what's the deal with this coin??
I have literally never seen so much attention to one shit coin. This board is polarized either hyping or FUDing the shit out of it
Read here:
Join the unofficial Discord channel if you have any questions:
51% attack lol. HTML5 is disastrous
There is a ridiculous amount of FUDing that came out of nowhere, I feel like they're trying to keep prices down for some reason, maybe so they can accumulate?
because its a shit coin lol
Standard plan pretty much. Drive it down to grab the honey and then let it rise up. The volume it generated is insane.
>new dev team and active community
kek wagecuck
Forget about moon, they are going to do the same with HTML5 but we are on time to earn at least 100% get in the volume has already started to increase
there were 3 years where this coin was completely worthless. Noone is trying to accumulate.
Forget about moon, ill see ya later when u regret that
This coin is actually doing pretty well for being on Bleutrade
where do i buy this piece of shit?
Bleutrade friendo
Bleu, nova
2 sat wall is going down
2 sat wall breaking, get in now before the rocket takes off.
You don't want to be left behind, do you user?
We going up and up babies
Just bought 2.5 mil THIS IS MOONTIME!!!
> Active commits on github
> All wallets updated and bug fixed in april
> Last commit exactly one month ago
> Dev active on bitcointalk
Still doubting ?