How do I learn TA? I want to become a better crypto trader and not have to rely on random people on Veeky Forums and twitter for tips.
How do I learn TA...
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Wtf that image.... Is he writing with pencil on a monitor?
lmao. bump for interest
I'll give this a bump as well, it feels like I'm missing out on opportunites just because I don't have the eyes yet.
bump for interest, TAanon has been fantastic and I've been learning how to use fibonacci more effectively on my own since he first explained it
I'd very much like a place of independent study without going back to business school ffs
read about stock market TA
If he used a pen he wouldn't be able to erase dumass
can someone try to TA the ETH chart right now?
needs a tru pro
Technical analysis is simply your mind creating patterns after the fact that have absolutely nothing to do with your possibilities before the event that you were analyzing.
stop making this fucking thread you turbo new faggots
no shit, but where should I buy the dip
my current avg cost is $27 so I'm still doing just fine, I just need to know the best price to increase my position
>trusting the squiggly line jew
Srs tho this guys is really good for crypto TA.
"Fibonacci" doesn't even mean anything meaningful retards. It's like makeup labeled with "quantum energy"
You retards are literally falling for "this wife makes 3000$ a day from home using this one simple trick"
TA is fairy shit for common stocks.
It's completely unusable for coins.
Crypto is all about sentiment, hype and selling faster than all the other shills.
comparing an amazing mathematician with something totally unrelated and delusional.
stay ignorant non-STEM
>Isaac Weakhands
>Newton dumped his South Sea shares, pocketing a 100% profit totaling £7,000. But just months later, swept up in the wild enthusiasm of the market, Newton jumped back in at a much higher price — and lost £20,000 (or more than $3 million in [2002-2003's] money. For the rest of his life, he forbade anyone to speak the words 'South Sea' in his presence
>an amazing mathematician
Exactly. Just putting the name of an amazing mathematician or le ebin golden ratio into your triangles doesn't make them viable.
I'm sorry you're this gullible
TA is a meme, doesn't work it's just a way to justify gambling
fib algorithms have nothing to do with triangles... just patterns of growth and decay in a bullish market.
read a lil, kiddo.
>fib algorithms have nothing to do with triangles
Exactly, yet that's still how people like you use them
>just patterns of growth and decay in a bullish market.
Not that either. That's something memesters like you started doing 900 years after the fact, because they watched a youtube video or whatever
sell everything to btc then to usd?
Learn Elliot Wave + price action + Andrews Pitchfork + lots of screen time. The markets are not random in the slightest. The fundamentals always show in the charts, so technical analysis is the most efficient method to pull money out of the markets.
Those who say TA is bullshit typically have not put in the time or the research to learn how to analyze the data. They gave up too early or talked themselves into thinking that markets are random.
Kek. TA is modern day astrology.
>news breaks
>Price goes up
>Two weeks later
>TA nerds draw a line on the price jump to next week
This will get you started. You're welcome.
Do you need to complete it with a fundamental analysis book?
TAAnon/Mr. Chart/whatever the fuck you wanna call me here. First of all: those of you talking shit about TA are just lacking background research and knowledge to have an opinion on the topic. Please I encourage you to invest some of your time studying and applying TA and you will understand how wrong you are right now. The random walk theory has been proven wrong countless times now.
For example, regarding today's BTC/USD drop: check this post I made about the situation like half an hour before the drop: From that chart it was clear a trend inversion was imminent, that is minutes before the drop. Imagine opening a nice leveraged short position there and just profiting while clueless idiots like some of you just wait and hope that the market will execute your wishes :P
TA is the bomb, especially for short-term trading and scalping, but guess what? It even works for long term investments, because the principles are the same! When combined with a good amount of FA it really gives you a big advantage over idiots. I guess being used to serious markets that's the norm? CCs just seem full of negligent ignorants who just hopped the train because HURR DURR BITCOINZ TO 10000!!1!1
Anyhow, for those of you intelligent enough to actually go on and improve their skills, there's just an endless amount of resources available. I'm not even skilled and did everything by googling and practicing (started with play markets for that, in the beginning it's just the right thing to do, since you will fuck up far more frequently). Good luck and ask away if you need anything! Happy to help people that want to do things the proper way :)
Having access to what everybody has access (aka ta memes) makes you somewhat in advantage.
what would be the most valuable resource of TA you have come across so far?
thank mr chart (I am the user who coined that in the thread yesterday lol). Been looking for you all day. You think this is a bear trap or a dead cat bounce right now? What do you think the floor of BTC will be if it goes down?
>mr chart. He's not the namefag we deserve, but he's the namefag we need.
Its too volatile and under-traded by big players for TA to be useful.
TA works on say, FOREX, because big banks with trillions of dollars in assets are sloshing around doing the same shit they always do. Not to mention algorithms. You want to make money with crypto? Find out when chinese people are going to buy eth.
literally /ourguy/
I would also love to know this. Is there a good website or book? Maybe a youtuber?
This is a downtrend retracement. Trend has inverted. Price is going down. It may need some time, but a solid downtrend will likely form. Recovering now would be basically impossible, at least not before some short/mid term downtrend movement.
I used to literally google TA shit and learn to get started. And the book posted before is top notch.
Thank mr chart. Will hodl steady and then try and buy in more at the real dip. Not trying to get rich quick, just looking for solid long term gains.
appreciate it.. putting that book in my reading list ASAP
I don't think so. This is a very readable book. If you take an interest, there are other books to read, but I promise that if you start by reading this one, you will get a good foundation to build upon. btw, my background is mathematics and computer science. I learned about business by working for them and watching the markets for a few decades.
If ETH is at $165 with sell orders up to $175= $40,000 ,
If I buy all sell orders up to $175 will the price jump from 165 to 175$?
Yes it's possible if others don't dump right would work if you were the only trader. Could also get people to continue the buy trend. Pretty hard to predict IMO.
By the time you finish your shitty ass triangles the market will have corrected. Crypto's are too volotile to perform TA in any meaningful way aside from finding support, resistance and channels.
Thank you. I figured everyone's buy orders would still be set way behind me and without enough people buying immediately it would fall back fast.
I could buy all that up to a certain point and then set a buy wall but of course whales do that all the time
fundamentals mean nothing intraday
u jelly?
>Crypto's are too volotile to perform TA in any meaningful way aside from finding support, resistance and channels.
I wonder if this is really true. Got any dox or are you just talking out of your ass?
People who crap on TA are uneducated idiots. I've had people here throw apoplectic shitfits when I tell them I am very successfully using machine learning algorithms to do predictive analytics and drive my trading system. I really don't care anymore. The proof is in the profits. Now, I mostly just sit back and laugh at how butthurt folks can get about something they aren't bright enough to understand. I sense that you are not one of those people.
>Drawing pictures and patterns over unrelated market behaviour and hoping for it to stick
>draw lines
>huh that didn't work
>let me try it again
>draws lines again
observation bias at its finest
ironically it works when more idiots believe it works
Spot on by analyst
But that's impossible. Everyone knows there are no predictable patterns in market data.
jesus... all indicacors are based on price/volume u need to really know an indicator to use it properly, follow the price.
get robinhood
trade stocks while you hold crypto
come to /rgt/
get burned by some memes
make gains from some memes
learn what it looks like when you're about to get burned and about to make gains
thats the only way
drawing lines is garbage
recognizing patterns is the way to enlightenment and riches beyond your wildest dreams
Lol thow the fuck can anyone think TA is a myth? Basic resistance/support levels? Channels? Reversal patterns? If any of you are investing more than a $100 without even knowing these fundamentals, I look forward to benefiting from your ignorance.
Humans act in accordance with some basic psychological/emotional patterns. Pretty stupid to think they wouldn't be reflected in the market place
You're saying this to people who legitimately think that MOON is a good investment.
>Humans act in accordance with some basic psychological/emotional patterns.
I believe this to be true, I just don't know how to seperate the real techniques from the flim flam out there.
That's actually really interesting op. Wish I had the programming chops to do something like this
Here's a very brief overview:
The book mentioned above is in the mail for me and a pdf is here:
drawing lines on a graph doesn't tell you shit
said the investor all the fucking time
stock movements are (((coordinated))), no fancy lines are going to magically cut off your foreskin
you have to notice actual known patterns
Do you think TA triangles are caused by whales trying to squeeze all the profit from instability until it stabilizes and then it jacks up or down in price, or is that herd mentality, or both?
Advanced TA is pretty much useless voodoo and means nothing without context. It does help time purchases and sales, and confirm some things you might already believe.
>babby doesnt know the first thing about finance or mathematics
Good looking out there user, I'll check it out.
TA Pro here, looking bleak t b h
start with the basics and then get some software and implement algorithms if you want to day trade.