Why so many people hate hedonism...

Why so many people hate hedonism. It looks that most suffering in the world is caused by ones who rejected simple idea of the plain humal happiness.

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yeah but it makes you easily bullied

Happiness is for the niave, existential crisis isn't a time to be happy.

Because it is a very basic idea. Yeah, you want personal pleasure and to minimize any discomfort that befalls you.
And you want the same for everyone else.
And that's when individual peculiarities and desires conflict and you have created an egotistical dystopia.
You can't please everyone and yourself at the same time because what is pleasurable and good is subjective and dependent on the individual.

Existential crisis is what stupid people feel when they can't understand meaning of their lives.

that's why depression clusters in high IQ populations

read a fucking book

Hedonism simply ignores what true happiness is

True happiness lies in self improvement, and hedonism is just blissful ignorance

Not every depression is some kind of existential crisis, man.

True hedonism doesn't ignore true happiness. Why would it?

I'd plug myself into Nozick's experience machine tomorrow if I could.

hedonism is sensual and not spirtual

I have a feeling this an extremely broad and stupid statement.

Same. If i get exactly what i want with some sort of realistic balance of challenge and hardship, plus i don't know it's a simulation, it sounds like a perfect plan.

Happiness is spiritual category so hedonism is the spiritual view by default.

>hedonism is sensual and not spirtual
this is what hedonists believe.

Hedonism is not happiness, but pleasure. It actually makes you unhappy.
t. Stoic

Then you might be in a simulation machine right now.

>plesure is bad pecoz ive made it bad, haha satanic greekniggers

Nobody hates hedonism. What world do you live in?

I've never become happy through pleasure

how do you fix that

i'd tap that ass

Existential crisis for the species...

This is the Veeky Forums slogan.

>depression being anything other than the quintessential first world problem
top kek

There is nothing wrong with hedonism, at all.

"muh first world reddit problems XDDD"

You have to go back.


Hello I see that you are retarded.
Please move on to ribbit.

>UK not a miserable pit of apathy and depression

I call bullshit

Why Mexica is low? Isn't it shithole?

That's a false binary. If I define my happiness as being successful then I still want to maximize it.

>Yeah, you want personal pleasure and to minimize any discomfort that befalls you.
That's actually Epicureanism.
Hedonism is the most pleasure no matter the cost.
Awesome night out drinking and Skydiving? 99% chance of death/100% chance of fun.
Hedonists will take those odds.

Turns out material wealth doesn't solve depression.

If you would like to see what a world where the only goal anyone has is their immediate gratification looks like, visit Africa. Civilization requires the deferral of gratification. Pleasure is not a good enough reason to do anything because it is inconsistent and sometimes at odds with good sense.

Morality should be based on principles of duty. It is the only sort of morality that functions.

Most ppl are just jelly of people who manage to partake in their desires and pleasures and enjoy life. They wish they weren't so square and hank hill-like so to cover up this shortcoming they make an appeal to morals whether it be in their religion or 'tradition' or pretend like real happiness can only be found in something philosophically 'higher' as though this is the greater truth. This is fine and all but I don't believe one or the other is on a higher plane or is more "real'. They are both valuable persuits in life.
