Why does this place have such a liberal view of history?


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Because Nords are inherently superior to Anglos, Franks, Germans, and Slavs.

Sorry, subhumans. Maybe next life you'll be born as the most wise, intelligent, kind, just, and glorious race on earth.

i'll let you sort out who is who here

nice alignment and aliasing there champ

whoever made this unsourced chart clearly had no concept of inherent beauty

Appeal to authority. That's it. It's literally all they have because history is a quasi religion. The kikes who wrote the history dominate the field, it's what they're educated and trained by and if it's mainstream it must be objectively the truest truth.

People are pure shit.

Poland? Why do you think Poland has liberal view of history?


>social scientists trying to judge who can and cannot work in what fields based on intelligence

Because of the kike-worshipping liberal media leftist cucks that swallow the judeo-bolshevik lies whole-cloth and propound cultural marxism to the bluepilled libtard masses.

Veeky Forums has a neutral and fact based view of history uninfluenced by politics. Apparently /pol/ thinks anyone who doesn't agree with their revisionist history must be a liberal.

this desu

Pretty much.

really detaches those dendrites doesn't it

This is your brain on communism.

this is your brain on paint fumes





Too much moralfags.

I think there is enough empirical evidence to show that communism/socialism or any type of command economy yields very poor to catastrophic economic outcomes.

>but my scandanavia!

Even those countries don't describe themselves as socialists so much as heavily taxed and regulated capitalist economies.

I mean, not being able to understand clear jokes is a sign of some sort of brain damage.


Veeky Forums is actually surprisingly conservative for a humanities board, specially when compared to Veeky Forums.

/pol/ is spreading to almost every other board. This started with pepe and /pol/ memes going viral.

>implying pepe is a /pol/ meme
Holy newfag batman are you here since last summer?

Veeky Forums isn't more "conservative" than Veeky Forums you mongoloid

this board is just a reddit outpost

"/pol/" has always been pervasive on Veeky Forums as it's a counter cultural hotbed

the board /pol/ was created as damage control to mitigate and refocus discussion as much as possible

I wish this were truee. I often find myself explaining geographical determinism to /pol/ and realpolitik to /leftypol/ here.

What really sucks is having to rewrite stuff in a way that doesn't trigger people on the "right" (the Veeky Forums right).

>writing things in a way to not trigger people

>people of 130 IQ succeed in every field

nigga that's pretty common

Veeky Forums tries, I'll give you that.

The stirner meme, focusing on individual justice instead of social justice, avoiding the spook ideologies etc.

I wouldn't even be able to tell it's jest if not for the image.

>the board /pol/ was created as damage control to mitigate and refocus discussion as much as possible
>ITT /pol/ak claims /pol/ is everywhere and gets into everything, like a fart, so its ok, just smell the fart

USA in 1929...

Not really
Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums in general allows different point of views to flourish even if they aren't shared by the majority of the board and even people who disagree strongly with said point of view don't think it should be censored because nobody here takes himself that seriously

Compare that to more mainstream sites where people have their heads up their asses when it comes to different point of views and want it censored

Because /leftypol/ is trying to colonize this board

I don't know what you're talking about user. I see varying opinions here all the time.

not sure what you mean, the right doesn't really get triggered, they just resort to memes or dumb arguments

Alot of history is heavily politicized, and so we have to wait for the "dust to settle", before the retards get weeded out and an objective discussion is possible.

Notice how there were no "good guys" or "bad guys" in the 30 Years War, or the Seven Year War.

Off topic, but how come Americans say "the US" or "America" while only foreigners say "USA"? Something I noticed on both /int/ and /pol/.

>averages generalized to a population of individuals
For u

I'm not a "liberal" in the contemporary US sense just because I don't believe spammed macros despite the obvious untruths and contortion that go into their construction.

reddit colony

There is no such thing as liberal history. Or conservative history. Or Marxist history. Or Annales school. Or Whig history. Or postmodernist history. Or oral history.

There is only historiography

130 is exactly two standard deviations from the mean, or the 95th percentile. That's hardly common.

>There is only historiography
Perception is reality. Unless your God.

Trigger as in cause them to shit up a thread, I think.

How did you come to this conclusion?

/pol/ thinks anyone who doesn't GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW must be a liberal.

what kind of history applies the proper methods suggested by historiographers for ascertaining the truth

Just personal dialect. The 'A' is kind of redundant, and just saying 'US' saves the letter/syllable.

I live in Pennsylvania, but nobody who lives in Pennsylvania calls it Pennsylvania. We all just say 'PA'. People who live in or near Philadelphia, never say Philadelphia. They all just say 'Philly'.

Addendum: Philadelphia is used in its entirety if you're talking about their hockey team, the Philadelphia Flyers. Otherwise it's just Philly, unless you're on the news and/or a politician.

>neutral and fact based view of history uninfluenced by politics
kek, i wish this were true
>t. never been to Veeky Forums
>"good guys" or "bad guys" in the 30 Years War
the swedes are objectively the bad guys. people just don't pay attention enough

history is a rich, layered, multifacetted endeavor. and we consider it our hobby. and while there's still a lot of room for improvement, an uncritical pleb can't just barge in here with another race iq chart or a jewish conspiracy cheat sheet and tell us our hobby is stupid.



The Great Depression was worldwide. The US experience was more drawn out than say the UK. The US tried far more governmental remedies than the UK.

Inculcated in academia which is a liberal monoculture.

It sounds weird and America can refer to the continent. The US doesnt need the A mentioned cause we know we are in America the continent.

Bullshit, the times between /n/ and /new/ and then /new/ and /pol/ were a hell of a lot calmer than the politicized shitshow this site has been the last several years.

It's obviously getting steamier with the rise of SJWs and identity politics as well as this insane presidential election

I never said there weren't peaks and valleys, this place is just kind of emerging as a resistance against a lot of mainstream sentiment

>Veeky Forums
>left wing

Despite what folks say, I'm rather OK with Veeky Forums dialogue.
On the whole, it's a board that values truth and fact over ideology, it leans left or right depending on the discussion at hand. Sourced information always trumps a baseless claim, and by abd large this is demonstrated here.

It's just when you do see it, it stings a lot because it's so obvious and hurtful to discussion.

We've done alright desu.

It actually works.

That's 1 in 20 people. There's no way 1 in 20 people would succeed in every field.

I always see IQ charts in racist white-supremacist threads. I can never understand how they can look at these charts, see Asians above their race and think "nah brah, sunchildren".

>pepe AND /pol/ memes user
>/pol/ memes like pepe

Think of it as:
I like fruits and veggies.
The sentence above does not say that fruits are veggies,nor does it say that veggies are fruit.

>they don't get triggered,they just act like retards when they hear stuff they don't like.

>liberal view of history
just because /pol/ is filled with mouth-breathing retards and Veeky Forums doesn't suck /pol/'s dick doesn't mean that this board has a "liberal" view of history.

no, /pol/ has simply become more extreme
he's right when he says /pol/ was created as a containment board

>being a white supremacist is bad
>but being a black supremacist is fine
leftypol logic
>not being a leftist SJW from leftypol means that you are a "mouth-breathing retard"

>Be /pol/
>Whine about mainstream media and SJW bias
>Proceed to push biased views themselves
>Become an echo chamber as bad as Tumblr
>Anyone displaying a different view about anything immediately triggers the entire board
>Use the term "shill" more often than Tumblr uses "racist"

When you're used to biased views that are more concerned with pushing an agenda than with the objective truth, neutral views appear "liberal".

>but being a black supremacist is fine
Where did I say this. Point to me in my original post where I said this, alt-tard. Screen cap my original statement and point to exactly from which portion of my post that can be inferred.

>not being a leftist SJW from leftypol means that you are a "mouth-breathing retard"
>dealing only in extremes
This is why your political opinion, whatever it is, is a complete joke.

>implying you have to be /leftypol/ to think /pol/ is mouthbreathing retards
stop licking windows cousin

>/pol/ is an echo chamber because they aren't ashamed to be white
leftypol logic


You don't know what an echo chamber is retard

>quoting my post
>which has nothing to do with some other guy's post
kys faggot
just because jamal cucked you, doesnt mean you can shitpost on MY BOARD

There is literally nothing wrong with liberty, equality or fraternity.

it's more like 1 in 20 people will succeed in whatever field they choose to pursue

Why are you leftypol faggots so obsessed with interracial sex?

>You don't know what an echo chamber is

>Go to /pol/
>Say that we shouldn't gas people just because of their race or religion
>Get called a jidf shill
Kill yourself.

Not at all my mong friend.

There's nothing stopping you from going to /pol/ right now and posting trump criticism or general liberal ideas

Intellectuals (or wannabe intellectuals) are leftist because left-wing governments created massive bureaucracies that are staffed by intellectuals (or wannabe intellectuals).

Everyone in Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums is either a civil servant or dreams of becoming one. No one is an entrepeneur or engineer working for a private corporation. So who do you think they will follow, the guy promising to cut government spending, or the guy promising central planning commissions for everything?


Yes, but you weren't banned for that post, just got your fweewings hurt. You can reply either in kind or try to teach them something (inevitably futile)

Want a real echo chamber? Go to redd1t

>There's nothing stopping you from going to /pol/ right now and posting trump criticism or general liberal ideas
The anal clench from the board if you do just that is palpable. Just because you aren't banned by posting a contrarian view doesn't mean it isn't an echo chamber.
They don't want to see anything that makes them feel unconfortable in their "safe space". They'll simply ignore whatever you post and barrage you with elementary school tier insults.

It's an echo chamber because everyone shares the same reactionary ideology, while you don't get banned you can't defy the hivemind without getting flooded by (you)'s.

>says this when leftypol bans ALL non approved discussion
you leftists are such hypocrites

>waaah they replied to me

Tough shit. You can still say what you like

No one is required to agree with you

But i'm not from lefty /pol/.

>I'm no from leftypool , I just want Veeky Forums to be my marxist, black supremacist hugbox!
not fooling anyone, SJW

>No one is required to agree with you
True, but the problem with /pol/ is that everyone agrees with the same ideology, no discussion can be had on /pol/, only circlejerking.

>veryone shares the same reactionary ideology
No they don't. You have Roman Catholics and Orthodox, Neopagans, atheist/agnostic, the occasional gnostic/hindu/Buddhist, and protastinks. Namely, you have a diverse group of people.

This is why no one takes you seriusly /pol/, you claim to be a bastion of logic and free speech when you are the same as the sjw's you claim to hate.


It's merely a jest, brother.

Please keep going, you are proving my point.

>You want white genocide for not believing whites didn't do anything wrong ever in their history (it was all the joos doing), and that they're 100% perfect and have been dominant for six gorillion years (but somehow the joos dominated them throughout history, despite being inferior)
>It's the jews fault that I'm an overweight NEET living with my parents and that white women are flocking to Jamal instead of saving the white race with me. Fucking race traitor whores.
>/pol/ logic everyone

Religion =/= ideology.