I've never seen so many misguided investors in once place before. You guys are banking on crytpo making you rich...

I've never seen so many misguided investors in once place before. You guys are banking on crytpo making you rich. What good is all this currency if they never develops ways to effectively use it for actual products? Wow you've got 300k of crypto... nice.

Set yourself up with actual investments and spend money on yourself (education, etc).

Seeing that dump last night was hilarious. I can't believe how many people invested their savings into that shit before it tanked.

Other urls found in this thread:


>What good is all this currency if they never develops ways to effectively use it for actual products?
This is why I'm all in XRP right now. It's actually being used today.

>Set yourself up with actual investments and spend money on yourself (education, etc).

What do you recommend? Seriously.

I spent most of a life insurance policy left by my mom funding part of me and my spouse's college/legal education. I'm out and working now but have just been socking money away in a savings account. Not sure where to go from here :/

>Buy my bags, stock market edition
No thanks. Volatility is where you make money, and this dip is an opportunity to make boatloads of it if you make the right choice.

You can't use gold to buy things, therefore its worthless

>the right choice

that is?

Yeah. Boatloads of cash that probably won't ever have an effective way of being turned into fiat or used for useful goods (no Veeky Forums passes dont count).

Dont be glib. You know that isn't an equivalent analogy.

gold is useful as a raw material though

(not saying crypto and the tech backing is doesn't...but still your point isn't as strong as you think it is)

The real funny part is before the crash, no one could explain how they could even unwind a crypto position that shot up multiple orders of magnitude, and extract all that imaginary USD from the exchange to actually buy their lambos

gold is worthless
only idiots invest in gold alone, over precious metals as an asset class in general

I've seen people saying "oh I can withdraw 10k at a time on Coinbase!"

I'd imagine after 2-3 withdrawals, Coinbase would conveniently lock all your shit down and you'd never be able to retrieve the other 90% of your money.

Not saying it's impossible, but I've yet to see anyone actually prove they have millions of dollars (liquid) that they made entirely from crypto. If there were, I'd imagine it would have been a big huge news story that spread like wildfire on Facebook and shit.

>i don't understand the application of blockchain tech and justify my ignorance with dips within an upward trend.


Exactly. It is hilarious to me that all this talk over strategies to pad their coin count yet no plans to turn them into fiat.

Send to Bitstamp.
SEPA withdrawal to assigned account.

It's almost like an exchange is a two way place of commerce. Weird huh?

Most people that happen upon a ton a cash in a short period time try to stay on dl. Friends and relatives can even get crazy amounts of entitlement to the money.

What is this meme

People aren't cashing out because it's been historically going up. That doesn't mean you can't cash out. Also plenty of people aren't claiming taxes on their gains because it's so new, and after doing this nobody is going to go brag to CBS

It is awesome tech with potential and I do think it is neat. But until I see an actual company accepting btc for real products, I cant be bothered to invest

Youre not pulling more than 20k doing that. You will get locked guaranteed

Look I fully agree that absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. I just think it's odd that in today's world where fucking nobody can keep shit to themselves that these Reddit/Veeky Forums millionaires wouldn't have spilled their beans by now. Like those idiots who post their 1040s online to win an internet argument.

I saw some kid on ETHtrader post a picture of his USB stick or Nano ledger hanging on his wall and said, "this is my most expensive piece of art hanging in my living room!" It's that kind of braggart "Lambo Land here I come!" mentality that makes me think people suck dick at keeping anything under wraps.

Did you even try to do a search before talking like this?

Google "Monaco visa card".

It's specifically designed to allow you to cash out crypto for purchases quickly and efficiently.

Overstock, Valve, Microsoft.

Are you serious? This article reinforces what Im saying

Wow... this post made me realize how retarded you people actually are

That's nice, but it offers no evidence that any of those people successfully converted their Bitcoin into fiat like is talking about.

Maybe they did, maybe they didn't but it just talks about net worth in terms of Bitcoin, which is all well in good but doesn't address the issue at hand.

Also EL OH EL at the fucking Winklevoss trust fund titty babies. Those dudes were millionaires before they swam out their dad's dick.

If you had read the actual article it talks about at what price level some of them cashed out into fiat.

Um... you do realize it has several very valid uses in the world. It's just a lot of them are not exactly legal.

You honestly sound like some dumb new fag with this whining. Did you discover your mom's checkbook and wander onto Veeky Forums or something?

You guys realize it's retardedly easy to cash out BTC and use BTC now in 2017? You can convert it to paper currency in a number or ways or you can use it at virtually any online shop through exchanges. Come on faggots, it's not 2014 anymore.

Veeky Forums has become a board a coin-flippers (pun unintentional)

They all put a bet on a random crypto and then hope it rises. Nobody here actually realizes what they're doing or understand why prices go up or down, they just guess.

And then afterwards the people who guessed right spam smug frog images and brag about how smart (and rich) they are, and the ones who guessed wrong spam sad frog images and complain how if they had put all their money into [recently spiked crypto] when it was cheap they could be rich right now.

And then the cycle repeats.

>Implying this is not how all investment works.

Yes you can, its legal tender

>this faggot thinks crypto investing is only day trading.

You guys realize there's dozens of stores in every large American city that pay dollars for gold right?

No plenty of other markets can actually be studied and researched. Even crypto can be, but Veeky Forums doesn't know how.

Doesn't matter how long you hold it you're still just guessing.


You're getting me worked up. How are all you faggots this dumb? You're supposed to be way smarter than this utter retardation.

>can't cash out crypto
>crypto is only day trading
>can't cash out or use gold

If you believe any one of these things, fucking kill yourself now because life is going to be above your limited capacities.

(((Actual))) investments are overvalued as fuck. Paying for 25X P/E for stocks is pretty shit, especially when GDP growth & inflation is super low. Most of your gains will come from speculating just like crypto until the inevitable crash and you get taxed up the ass.

Bond markets are slightly better than last year but still very overvalued.

I suggest you keep your money in savings and plan to start a business where your gains are unlimited. You can even Jew an investor into buying you out when you wanna exit. The great thing about starting a business is that you can leverage your skills and many times get paid before you offer a service/product so you can eliminate a lot of risk. I run an architectural design firm and get paid 50% before I even start working. I bill at $80-120 an hour and inflate my hours by 1.5-2X. Since everything is done behind-the-scenes, they can't say shit about it.

>What good is all this currency if they never develops ways to effectively use it for actual products?

> "Muh what good is Bitcoin is you can't buy a banana with it!?1"

This guy does not understand the actual use case for Bitcoin whatsoever.

In all honesty, i'd agree that it won't be as easy as standard fiat withdrawal.

However with the current state of KYC protocols, you'd be a retard to cash out your millions (or 20k+) in one go.

You'd split the funds across multiple exchanges, have a history of trades in CSV ready to prove legitimate means of accumulation, probably provide some intrusive check like passport selfies etc and with a 0.10% fee, cash out incrementally.

If this stops you from entering the market, no problem. Stick to what you know. To claim the entire thing is a scam with no applicable value is just silly. If i luck into millions i'm pretty sure i'd have the patience with get it out slowly and carefully.

Shitcoin and high risk that you should short when you make 50%: RDD, DGB, WAVES

Coins that are long term holds with good tech: Bitbay, PIVX

Good stores of value: BTC, ETH

If you buy the dip and hold for a year, you will make dosh. This was a significant dip, so there's been lots of opportunity for money.

I have a friend who is a crypto millionaire and he tells very few people besides his close inner circle

I bought Steam cards and BattleNet cards galore last week with my 2014 Dogecoin. I spend my currency.

Fucking ignorant.

>paying for your spouse's education
Did you get married in college or some shit?

XRP =/= Ripple
Ripple is working with bank and how to implement that infrastructure into banking to cut down on sending money across the world, XRP is just a currency

>Boatloads of cash that probably won't ever have an effective way of being turned into fiat
Are you mentally underdeveloped? You can literally go on an exchange like kraken and exchange BTC or other cryptos for fiat right now.

XRP is used as an intermediary in those transactions. It's not "just a currency".

This is why Waves will rocket with their Fiat gates.