So I just ordered one of these things for holding a ton of ETH instead of leaving it on Coinbase

So I just ordered one of these things for holding a ton of ETH instead of leaving it on Coinbase.

Did I do good? Is it good for holding ETH? Are gas prices fixed or are they adjustable? Is it easy to send/recieve?

what if the battery dies in it?

i got one. devs can make wallets for it and you can add them through the manager. BTC and ETH are on there by default.
You send/ receive through the device when its plugged in. seems secure


Have you sent any ETH to it though? What are the gas prices for sending? Can you adjust them yourself or are they set at a fixed rate?

I also own one. They are pretty secure desu. But most important is the 24-word seed you've written down. Lock it somewhere safe, like a bank deposit box, under your floor tiles, behind you mother's ass, anything.

> > > > charge

Nice vape, how do you adjust the wattage?

You should not be involved in Crypto.

isnt a technical hardware failure way more likely than your password protected wallet.dat getting destroyed on several computers (maybe even cloud)?

Holy shit i'm new to crypto but i'm not that retarded.

>omg it's a wallet, so obviously my money must be stored in it

Sometimes I do wonder if more than 1% of biz actually understands how a blockchain works.

no battery

>no bat tree


Hardware wallets deterministically generate their private keys from a standardized BIP-39 mnemonic code. It doesn't matter what happens to that hardware wallet, as long as you have that seed phrase you can go to any wallet that has BIP-39 seed recovery and all your private keys will be decoded. The bitcoins or ether are stored on the blockchain not in the hardware. I use keepkey and have the 12 word recovery phrase memorized. I could go anywhere in the world with internet and access my wealth without the actual hardware wallet.

idk what this is but it looks like some chinese crap that will die on you in a month

t no coiner

what justifies this being 100x the price of a usb stick?

if you are 12 or a retard you should not be posting

-_- you plug it into your laptop and it gets power from that and it turns on. When you plug out it shuts off. There now stop being a noob user

I wouldn't trust it. Even if it is tested blah blah... shipments are intercepted and replaced with backdoor including devices.

your mom was intercepted several times and got some work on that backdoor last week

it derives power through USB