Can someone teach me to save and budget

Can someone teach me to save and budget.
I earn $700 - $800 aud per week and its gone in the blink of an eye

I need actual advice or im going to be in debt the rest of my life

Set up automated saving. Each week put $200 into a savings/brokerage account. Tell yourself you cannot touch it under any circumstance. Or set up a 401k style account where if you touch it, you get raped by fees so you won't ever touch it.

You get used to the new amount of money within a matter of a couple weeks.

simple and effective advice

have financial goals.

This is sound advice thanks, I also have loan repayment of $165 p/w and board of $80 p/w to pay. What will this affect? I am literally this clueless on how to spend my money


For me I wanted to work out what I was spending on food.

It turns out I was spending $100 a week on food.

I give my self $100 as a spending, guilt free money perweek, that's it, any money falls over to the next week, so I can save my saving, then think about reinvesting it, so now I eat canned food at work, cause it's cheap as shit and it's only lunch.

For you you want to write down all your costs of 1 month, divide it by 4 that's weekly, then find out what you are wasting your money on, waste is anything that would prevent you from living, so tally up rent, fuel, food .etc.

Say you spend $400 out of your $800, you take $100 for the week, save the $300, you are not aloud to spend this, just think you don't have it, if friends want you to go out clubbing just say you have no money and with that $100 you will want to walk instead of a cab ride because it's too expensive for your now $100 mindset.

Then next what you do is tr and cut down on your bills, so buying cheaper brand foods and not taking as many trips in your car to save fuel.

I ment $100 a week on lunch, and random wasteful food.

I just mark it on my phone when i spend something.

Oh and if you have to go over, what you do is borrow from yourself the next week, so next week you only have $50 or something.

Go to
You're welcome

oh ok ill just borrow from next week - Oops, i started with $20 this week, guess i'll just borrow from next week ...

We use the everydollar app.
It's very useful

Give yourself some guilt free spending money (~$100 week as has suggested should suffice), automated $200 goes into savings, and the rest is to be used for BILLS.

This is more or less how I manage my finances although a bit larger scale as I make more.

It works, it's easy and it will teach you good habits. Still also allows you to spend.

First key though is the automatic savings. Set this up ASAP.

stop being an abbo! bad. bad abbo. put the petrol down.

Agree... this is shit tier advice.

You have to be disciplined if you want to be successful.

It teaches you that sometimes you fail - Which is not a characteristic you want.

If you want to succeed, you must not accept failure.

>make $700 per week
>can't budget

kys no-coin wagecuck
i only spend $1k/month and that includes mortgage, insurance, groceries, gas, etc.

Stop spending money on stupid shit, jesus it's really not hard. Really, you either have the tiny amount of brainpower required to understand this or you don't.

Some of us live in the first world

I said if you have to, which, is a trick question cause if you're disciplined you won't have to.

The idea is to eventually feel SHITTY for spending money even $2, because you're saving your savings.

In the end it works for me, and probably works for a lot of people.

Calculate your exact expenses.
>what can you do to minimize them?
Save the rest. If this means driving a shitty car or living in a small apartment. Do it!
Budgeting isnt magic, It takes discipline.

Budgeting is a meme. It actually leads to less savings in the long run because as long as you are under budget you think it's fine to waste money on stupid shit. Just discipline yourself to not be an idiot. Before you spend money, ask yourself if you really need it. If you do, ask yourself if you can get it for cheaper.

per week

Get a small pad,

Write down every single thing you spend money on every day

At the end of the money, go through and look at stuff.

Highlight the ones you didnt need to spend money on, never spend money on that again.

Look at everything on the list and see if you can buy it cheaper, or cut back on it.

Tally up savings.


>spend less than you make

I make 3k/month post-tax, use 1k for expenses and put the other 2k into saving which I then use either in stocks or to pay my mortgage down to 70% (will be finished with it in 4 months).

The way I do it is by having two usage-accounts in the same bank. When I receive my salary it automatically moves 1k to the account I use for billing/buying shit while the rest stays in my savings account which I don't even keep a card for.

Apartment loan, electricity and phone bill only ends up at like 600$, I have a cafeteria at work so food only ends up at like 100$ so then I've got 300$ for playing around with. If I don't use up the 300$ all that is leftover stays in the account that I can use at a later date for bigger purchases.

It sounds like you spend a lot more than me but you could try the two bank accounts with 2k expenses, 1k saving.

I'm not even sure how you end up spending 2k a month without wasting it on stupid shit like going drinking several times a week.

>Wasting money on lunch
My friend does this and I can't understand it. I hate spending money and first priority of every meal I eat out is value. I'll reluctantly spent $20+ on a meal on rare occasions but if it was daily if want to cut myself every time.