Why do people not feel uncomfortable at all about using the rising sun flag?

The rising sun flag was the flag used during WW2. To Asians it's no different from a Nazi flag. But how come people feel uncomfortable about using a Nazi flag, but not the rising sun flag?

Imperial Japan didn't have the massive cultural impact that Nazi Germany did in the west.

Japan didn't fall for the guilt trip like Germany did

because you can't meme a red circle into hate speech

I didn't know the flag of Imperial Japan was considered so offensive in eastern asian societies.

Because it was their military ensign before the militarists took power and has continued to be their military ensign even after WW2.

Chinese and Koreans get real fucking mad about that flag actually. What are you talking about?

How many kikes did Imperial Japan gass again?

>To Asians it's no different from a Nazi flag.

Pretty much this, the East might not throw as much a bitch fit about a Nazi flag, as we would. They would get fucking angry if you go showing a Rising Sun flag, but we wouldn't really care here in the West.

The Americans didn't push the guilt trip as hard on the Japanese because they wanted them to still be a functional society in case the Soviets invaded. They wanted to just eradicate the Germans. Mission accomplished.

The Japs didn't need gas. They just locked their Korean victims in bunkers with fans left on.

He's not talking about their current flag, he means the one with the lines emerging from it.

And you can meme anything into hate speech.

Because that's the Imperial Battle flag. Not the National Flag.

Are you trying to imply that a korean is worth as much as a kike?
Are you some kind of antisemit?

werent the japs the only ones that used gas in ww2?

regional impact.

If the Japanese imperial banner was waving alongside the Swastikas during Germany's campaigns and Japan participated just as much in the atrocities, you bet your ass it would be just as vilified in the West.

But the imperial banner was limited to Japan's campaigns in the Pacific, so of course the banner will be associated with Nanking, the Philippines and other brutal events.

also conversely in Asia, the Swastika banner is still recognized as the symbol of Nazi Germany, but it doesn't carry the same weight and feelings because they never experienced war or occupation under the Nazis.

>different places have different feelings about different symbols that affected them differently

stop being a child.

Underrated post
I snorted

Because tsu bombsu.

Nankin never happend.

We wa victimu deshita.

1.Because the Nips did not (allegedly) kill six hundred gazillion Jews therefore the Jews did not persecute them into a guilt ridden symbol of all thing evil (i.e. antisemitic).
2. Because the Nips took a page from the Jew book and played the victim card on account of the nukes. (And thereby reinforcing the pass the Jews gave them. See 1 above.)


It has a longer history, for one thing. The rising sun flag with the rays was used by imperial Japan since the Meiji government in the 19th century. The swastika was adopted by the Nazi party which only ruled for a brief period. And the Japanese flag was changed anyway, so I don't know why your complaining. The old flag is just a naval standard now.