Is gender a social construct?

Is gender a social construct?

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Sex and gender are the same thing.

Definitions are.


the fact that women are always universally submissive and the fact they are the weaker sex is a complete coincidence and the result of a social construct

male men wanting to ram their cocks into female pussies is also the result of societal conditioning and a conspiracy by the cishet white male patriarchy

Social constructs are the result of biological realities

Gender being behavior associated with men and women

Social construct being essentialy non biological and created by society

damn, I don't have the Dilbert image on my phone that says "For now on I will be using definitions not found in any dictionary"

Dictionary definition of gender

>the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

Yes. Otherwise no one would ever claim a man acted like a woman or a woman acted like a man.

As oppose to what? Floating around outside of our skulls?

Sometimes I think that is how liberals perceive the world.

>a : sex
both are definitions, but sex is the one most commonly used outside of Gender Studies publications

No. Its a biological reality. Two genders exist. Some males are born with unbalanced hormones and act effeminate. Some females are born with unbalanced hormones and act masculine. It doesn't make them different genders.

There's two genders biologically. I guess hermaphrodites might qualify as "other" if absolutely necessary.

Wouldn't you say having a way to express the behavioral differences between men and women as opposed to physical (not biological) useful?

In fairness the people that say this are making a distinction between gender and biological sex. They aren't claiming, for example, that men being on average stronger than women is just a social construct.

That's as far as I am prepared to go to defend it, I think social gender and biology effect each other, personally.

sex, as in if you are male or female, is true.

Gender is a social construct, but not in the way SJW think. They think gender is a set of arbitrary rules made by a society of what it means to be a man and a woman, and that these can be in both sexes if you want.

They cant. Men and women are biologically different. Chopping your dick off and/or getting silicon globs implanted into your chest doesnt make you a woman. Even they dont believe this since trannys go through hormone therapy

Yes, obviously.

Gender roles are, mostly.
Sex isn't.

Why do people say they are not?

make a new word or call it gendered social constructs or something. don't reuse words in a way that will confuse people. the fact that people act as though "gender is a social construct" is some sort of amazing revelation reveals the doublethink involved. few would disagree that many if not most cultural traits assigned to gender are not innate. t's advocates are consciously or unconsciously trying to use the most common definition, which is shown in how "gender is a social construct" is used to support transgender and assorted genderqueer, genderfluid, etc. people who are transgender do not simply want to take up the social role of male, they in their own words feel born in the wrong body and actively try to modify their bodies to fit their self perception. this is a statement of feelings about biological sex, not "gender"

No. Both gender roles an gender identity are natural instict which if satisfied creates what we could define content or happiness and a more productive society.
PS: there are only 2 genders, male and female, and you cannot change it from birth

And the notion that "gender =/= biological sex" is a fraudulent one that is rooted solely in John Money's cruel excuse for """""""""Science""""""".

I love you.

Just a reminder, to give perspective, that language is a social construct.

Hermaphrodites simply exhibit both sexual organs.

>and you cannot change it from birth

You can, welcome to 21st century.

That's fallacious reasoning, though, you need to attack people's arguments based on their specific points. Attacking the "origin" of something is not a valid argument.

gender is a spectrum

even most normal people aren't 100% male or 100% female

Which means they can't be clearly classified as one or the other. They're either no gender, both genders, or a third gender.

If anything, Money's experiments helped prove that gender and sex are distinct. There are some biological females that respond to being raised female the same way David Reimer did.

>Gender is a spectrum

People are trying their hardest to redefine it as so, despite meaning something else and very clear for anytime prior to the last 2 decades

We don't have 100 different genders, we have two genders of people with minds that range from more masculine to feminine


>We don't have 100 different genders, we have two genders of people with minds that range from more masculine to feminine

That's what it being a spectrum means, there's male at one end and female at the other, and people occupy various places in between, mostly very close to either end.

I don't think the idea of a "third gender" or 80 different genders makes much biological sense

>and you cannot change it from birth

We'll see about that you little bitch.

That makes the term "gender" fairly meaningless and subjective. I'm not for it. Have your sexual preferences and behavioral traits to yourself but male and female have a clear objective distinction that doesn't need your social science politics to deliberately obfuscate the distinction.

You would be much better off taking this to reddit where people would actually take you seriously for reposting the same thread for the 999th time, but alas...

Gender can be defined, through savage oversimplification, as a form of dogmatic behavior. Every form of dogmatic behavior is a social construct. Gender is, therefore, a social construct.
Biological sex is not a social construct.
Sexual orientation is not a social construct.
Gender is a social construct.

Now take this to reddit, tumblr or whatever place people can give you a more detailed answer and provide more ample grounds for discussion of the subject. You are all doing all of us, yourself included, a great disservice with this thread.

They are not, it's was just that your sex used to determine your gender.

So what is it? please tell me how any part of my body is "female". these are undeniably sexed (as in biological) terms that don't even fit with the "gender is a social construct" narrative. the number of people who are intersex is extremely low, it's unlikely that I even have some nearly unnoticeable form of intersex such as having ovaries hidden in my body. the only other way that you could say that most people aren't "100% male or 100% female" is if you define male and female based on social traits that are masculine or feminine. yet ironically this contradicts the real meaning of "gender is a social construct" if you accept the feminist definition, that "masculine" and "feminine" social behavior aren't really masculine or feminine at all and that this is arbitrarily decided by society. It doesn't matter whether I do something that you consider feminine or even that society in general considers feminine. this doesn't change the fact I have a dick and I call myself a man.

More like social contract given by virtue of existing in a border. In exchange for taxes you get protection. In order to fulfill your role you get shitty public education and so on.

I like you

There was this hermaphrodite who impregnated her/himself. went back in the past as a man, met the woman version and had sex. The resulting child lead advent of the hermaphrodite, child being both mother and father. Thus leading to the paradox of what came first? The origin is almost certainly a hermaphrodite, and biological dichotomy we see today is the result of a mutation that separated the responsibilities of creation.

biological entities are only knowable through social constructions ie language

Depends on what field you're in. You can't say yes solidly because biological sex is a reality, and any deviation from male/female is a medical condition.

But you can't discount gender roles, because there's some weird and oddly fascinating cultural shit out there, man, it's more fluid than you think.

Not like tumblrina stuff, either, I mean like remote Papuan tribes or pretty much any group anywhere.

you cannot change it, even a trans person will iologically work the way their DNA tells them, and the notion that it doesnt actually fucks them up, since a lot of diseases have a staggeringly different risk if you are a man or a woman genetically, so no, if you hae a y chromosome, you are a man, and your health will behave like a man's, even if you go through the transcition surgery etc. and it´s the same with a woman with a prosthetic penis.

Yes and no.
Gender roles are largely determined by experience, we are a dichotomous species however and hormonal differnces effects what those roles are and overlap with biological realities.